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Luis Fernando

We understand that this announcement, on the one hand, will generate the structure that optimism in lose weight issue and have more effective functional relationships. So we are going to understand in Nayarit, he added. THE CRISIS all are suffering from the global economic crisis, but perhaps the sectors are those who feel it most. If we’re going to scrap, which lose millions they are. Public transport is one of those who bear is one of chops more fat on this cake, especially that of Nayarit, where since 2004 handles the same rates in taxis, vans and urban, although always fuel trucks going to the upside. And not forget to carriers ask for increase, shown rather cautious to not affect the user. However, at the end of this year or early next ask the State Government do not increase but adjustment to rates, same that by law should be given each year. This time, carriers in the voice of the leader Luis Fernando Rodriguez acaspenista will ask the review so that the result be given to negotiations with the Government.

This trigger is, in part, thanks to the budget and the package of fiscal initiatives that President Felipe Calderon sent to the Congress of the Union, in which increases in taxes on fuels are estimated. Luis Fernando said that it is no use right now to increase them rates if in 2010 they will ask another reset. We better hope to approval of the budget and we will see how it will enter the year, expressed. Luis Fernando proposal was interesting. He suggested to make a preliminary study to increase or adjustment of prices for public transportation, which specialists participate in economy of the UAN and the Tecnologico de Tepic. The ACASPEN already has his feasible increase fares, but intends that local experts provide their points of view on the matter.


In general, a period of creation of necessary tools such as concrete saws and gasoline and lawn mowers, life is definitely everyone substantially changed for the better. Began to develop woodworking industry, as repeatedly increased the size of raw materials, and in his own household listed before this device helped facilitate the embedding strength of each person. In fact, it turned out possible in a short period of time to cut down unnecessary tree, stock up on firewood, and using lawn mowers, managed without one or another effort to bring back to normal lawn. Flowed very large amount of time developing society, modified, and developed a whole new variety of tools that can simplify the livelihoods of every person on the planet. Now, the modern chainsaw, in general, represents a technological device that has excellent power, endurance, and thus having a relatively low level of fuel consumption. Actually in this case should highlight that there is a huge number of possible models of such instruments, which means that for the execution of certain types of work, you must obtain optimally preferred option.

Definitely it is such a factor can affect the profitability of the acquisition, as well as a mandatory impact on the reliability of the instrument. For example, choosing a lawnmower, you should definitely take into account its power but also data and configuration. Specifically Due to this, or rather, taking into account assigned to the unit volume of specialized work and its technical and operational characteristics, acquired mower will definitely be optimally consume fuel, especially gasoline engine, or electricity, in a variant if the device has an electric drive. Well, therefore, profitability, and in addition, the usefulness of the purchased tool in life come in the ideal ratio. To buy the best type of instrument, whether because it will definitely be drinking gasoline, or shall we say, for example, lawn mower, you can select from an impressive list.

In turn, is such a selection is present only in the online store. But at the same time, one way or another will be useful to note that buying a tool or online store is a hundred times more comfortable than a simple store. Priority way, this is due to the fact that immediately before the buyer is always the best number of a destination instrument well, and perform the selection is very practical to use a special form. Given the fact that, for still quite a suitable selection of a desired instrument is to perform a comparative description of several brands, the web store offers a real opportunity. Say if you want buy a chainsaw at all times there is a real opportunity to compare the top-selling such an instrument, and specifically this is what will be the Husqvarna and very popular brand in general, you acquire as individuals, Likewise, organizations, and it is still quite practical chainsaw calm. Fully on all the tools offered in this online store, given a special warranty, as well as ways to present payments that actually provides an absolutely perfect opportunity for anyone to be a buyer.

Middle East Systems

However, since 1931, when it was invented safe for the human body, the refrigerant Freon, the designers felt it best to collect all the units and sets air-conditioner in one case. So appeared the first window air conditioners, the distant descendants of which are successful in our day. Moreover, in the U.S., Latin America, the Middle East and India, window air conditioners are still the most popular type. Reasons for their success are obvious: they are about half the price of similar capacity split systems and their installation requires no special skills or expensive tools. Long time leaders in the latest developments ventilation and air conditioning were American companies. But in the late 50's and early 60's initiative is strongly shifted to the Japanese. Later they identified the face of modern industry climate. In 1958, Japanese , Daikin has developed the first heat pump, thus, by teaching air conditioners run on heat.

Three years later, began mass production of split systems. Since 1961, when the Japanese Toshiba company first launched in a batch production of air conditioner, split into two blocks, the popularity of this type of hvac equipment is constantly growing. Due to the fact that the most noisy part of the air conditioner compressor is now put to the street, in rooms are equipped with split-system is much quieter than in rooms where work window air conditioners. The second big plus is the ability to place the indoor unit split systems in any convenient location. Now available many different types of internal devices: Wall, Ceiling, floor and recessed in the ceiling, and duct tape.

It is important not only in terms of design – different types of indoor units can to create the most optimal distribution of cooling air in the premises of some form and function. In 1969, Daikin Air Conditioning released, in which a single external power to work more than one internal. So there were multi-split-system. Today they can include from two to six internal units of different types. In 1981, Toshiba has offered the first split-system that can smoothly adjust its production capacity, and already in 1998 Inverters year took 95% of the Japanese market. The last of the world's most popular types of air conditioners-VRV-system have been proposed by Daikin in 1982. Central intelligence systems such as vrv consist of external and internal blocks that can be removed from each other at 100 meters, with 50 of them vertically. Installation of VRV-systems is quite simple and does not take much time. Installation can even lead after finishing work, and in acute necessary – without interrupting your office. Chance and phased commissioning of new capacities, with separate floors or buildings. Through a variety of unique advantages vrv system was a serious competitor to traditional central air conditioning systems and, in some countries such as Japan, virtually forced them off the market. Of course, this progress in the development of hvac equipment is not over, but now has improved existing types of equipment. There are new features, design changes, development of new refrigerants.

Hurricane Katrina

"Doing nothing will have to pay" – thought Ivan, surcharge, incidentally, was almost forty percent of the first sum. His machine would-be motorist was still a half months, and paying more for delivery upon receipt of Automatic forwarding office. To its credit, the seller must say that the machine goes, and sow per day. Was a good box! Case 2, Anatoly, in terms of Internet, people advanced. He went once with a friend on a fishing trip in the suburbs. This trip gave him hydro-stroke engine and the considerable expense of a tow truck as a car with Auto towing is not recommended. In Moscow, without a car to a man like Anatoly, well, absolutely nothing.

Roofing traveled for disassembly, for the automobile, looked in the newspapers and the Internet. After thinking a bit, he realized: disassembly and Auto shops are mostly bought engines in the same Europe and the usa. Why pay a commission store if you can drive yourself to order from Germany, a German car. Deciding to act, Anatolia remained, only to find people who are engaged in delivery of the ice in Germany. Orient the price of the engine, helping a known resource, this site offers a lot of spare parts for various brands of cars. In principle, nowhere. Services of the delivery engine offered and Belarusians, and Lithuanians, but with them lately due was a lot of negative stories, stolen, broken parts, "drowned" after Hurricane Katrina, and Kaliningradians, yet ours are Russian. Choose Kaliningrad office, Anatolia advised long-standing friend.

The History Of The Boston

Boston, a band of hard Core originated in the North American city of same name, whose success it was given during the decades of 70 and 80 for musics as Lives Than the Feeling, Peace of Mind, Foreplay/Long Teams, Don? t Look Back, Feeling Satisfied, Smokin and Amanda. Everything started when its leader, Tone Scholz, sent a ribbon demon for the Epic Records, that produced and financed the writing. The singer joined itself then to the Barry Gordreau (guitar), Brad Delp (vocal), Fran Sheehan (low) and Sib Hashian (baterista), forming the Boston. The album of launching of the group the same takes name that the band and acquired a great critical success of public soon and at the beginning. Such projection must it music Lives Than the Feeling, that currently still is considered a great song of Rock enclosure for bullfighting. With such album, the band remained itself for much time in the success stops, concurring with great successes as Bee Gees. As the album of the called band Don? t Look Back also comes folloied of a great repercussion.

However, Boston initiates one referring judicial crisis the contracts with recorder and Paul Ahern, its producer. Some time later, in the decade of 80, the problems judicial still were in progress, but Tone obtained the right to use the name of the band again. From now on, the band passes for a constant exchange of integrant, being that in the launching of the album Third Stage in 1986, only Tom and Brad if had kept of the original version, being distinguished for hits We? reverse speed Ready and Amanda. The next album, Walk On, are launched without the presence of Brad. The main music of this is Linvin will be You, that did not get as much success with the fans. Brad comes back toward the 1994 band, together with the notice of that Tone would have to indemnify the producer in a next value the 1 million and way of dollar, making with that the Boston entered in a financial crisis took as solution the launching of a COMPACT DISC of Greatest Hits with only two unknown bands: Tell me and Higer Power. Later, the band the Boston does not obtain great repercussion in none another work, having only one return in 2002 with the album Corporate America, that pleased only old fans of the group. Valley the penalty to remember the classics of this band. In case that he is fan or it wanted to know more on the Boston, you it can see the letters of the Boston, all its hits in the site, a site of letters of musics.

Western Europe

For the countries of Eastern Europe, the trend of imports. In general terms, as the prospect is that in the coming years, Japan, usa and Western Europe will continue to be nettoeksporterami refrigeration, ie, share of their exports, despite some declines would considerably exceed the share of imports. Industrial structure and leaders market in the industry for production and sales of commercial equipment Refrigeration employs several hundred countries, with manufacturing facilities in over 50 countries. Industry leaders have factories and distribution centers in all the major continents and many countries and regions. Competition in this segment is very large following reasons: Many markets are saturated and are formed, resulting in an excess of supply over demand; purchasing activity is very sensitive to fluctuations in prices; products become increasingly standardized. In response, manufacturers are forced to restructure the business, pursuing a policy mergers and acquisitions, formation of alliances to reduce production capacity and staff, to optimize processes and product differentiation. Listed below are the leaders of the refrigeration industry techniques and examples they have undertaken in recent years, restructuring policies.

Mnogobrendovy industrial giant Ingersoll-Rand acquires Hussman (USA), specializing in the production of stationary commercial refrigeration equipment. Since 2008, a part of Ingersoll-Rand as its units also include Trane, the world-famous for its centrifugal chillers and aggregated air-conditioning systems of large power. Carrier Corporation and Tyler * buy long entrenched in the refrigeration market, the German company Linde Refrigeration (refrigerated racks, display cases, refrigerated cabinets). It should be noted that the Carrier has a significant market not only in the segment under consideration is a commercial refrigeration equipment, but also in segments of air-conditioning and transport refrigeration.


Let's start with the fact that entrance examinations in the usual sense of the word, no. The biggest misconception with whom I have met the following. Our people are firmly convinced that at any point of light the system of education are exactly the same: the student finishes school, puts it in his pocket matriculation, is scheduled to university exams and, under favorable circumstances arrive. Do not dwell on the sad outcome this situation. In the U.S., a completely different system to the universities and colleges. First, in most cases, the applicants have no idea of the "I'll only come to MSU" (quote thought expressed in the Russian mentality).

Except, perhaps, can make only institutions such as conservatories and other similar institutions. In the case of the average American high school student decides, for example: "I want to work in banking system. " Then he makes a list of universities and training colleges, specialty "Finances". After that, he or she is familiar with the conditions of admission to various universities in the chosen specialty. Each University has its own list of documents, but everywhere he is headed GPA student evaluation of the school and a passing score on the Test SAT (Es-ay-ti) or ACT (hey-si-ty). About 80% of school 4 years of education use the results of these tests is to make a decision about enrolling a student. Dwell on the fact that this is a test in more detail.

First of all we should say that every college or university in advance to announce the passing score on this test. Accordingly, a high school student, having a desire to enroll in certain universities, for a couple of years before postuplaniya knows what about points he needed to call. He starts to pull out of school if this necessary, and prepare for the SAT or ACT. Most students take the test during their penultimate or early in their last years in high school.

Online Shop – Simply, Easily, Securely ?

Online stores have recently become more popular. One has only to type in any search engine the word "online store" and your eyes will be opened countless shops with a variety of range of goods. Products, furniture, gifts, clothing, toys, jewelry, and then only you will not find among the different sites of the proposed stores. And to make a purchase from an online store is easy and easy enough to choose, method of delivery and payment, and carefully fill out the registration form. And it does not have to run on various shops, the whole range is available at shop.

Do not stand in line and inquire about the characteristics of the seller of the goods, as provided by each of the online store product must include a description and photo. As a rule, you can choose you need a coloring, the size of the purchase. Very easy to use online store busy people, young mums, people with limited mobility in the city. Can not be surprised customers and periodic shares, accompanied by discounts, gifts and other pleasant surprises for any consumer. I also want to mention the fact that, thanks to well-established system, online stores provide delivery, as Typically, in a relatively low cost. But let's look and cons of using the Internet-shop. The first negative – it's impossible when selecting examples of our shoes and clothes. Whatever you say, but many especially the ladies in the shop attracts the very process of selecting the purchase, the ability to touch the material, consider a better sewing, try to make sure that the thing really fits well in the figure.

All that you have done and buying from an online store where you thing will be delivered to the address, but it may very well be that we will have to return a purchase, if you did not match, or does not comply with any defect. In this case, you get frustration and potential costs for the trouble of delivery (see closer to the site terms of delivery and purchase of purchases). The second minus – is the ability to fall into the hands of fraudsters. Simply put, when you write Customers pay for it, but get nothing. In this case, we can advise you carefully examine the conditions of the store, customer reviews, the period of the site, as well as advise you prefer to buy in cash in delivery time at home. And yet no matter what, online shopping is increasingly gaining spaces of the Internet, are becoming increasingly popular among consumers of all ages and interests. And it is not surprising, because use the services of online stores is very simple and convenient, but really, how much is safe to judge only by you. Service ordering of goods and services in Orenburg

Economic Policy

Beyond the preoccupation indicated by Peace and I mine, the Ecuadorian minister of Coordination of the Policy Economic, Pedro Pez, was calm before the situation and in declarations picked up by site Venezuelan 2001 said: we have made several scenes and we think that within the foreseeable thing of the evolution of the international crisis, we are with the sufficient mattresses that they would avoid to arrive at majors. In addition, there are several mechanisms that will allow to confront with more serenity the fluctuations of the market But the collapse of the price of petroleum has not been the unique bad news received by the Ecuadorian economy in the last months. It is that the strong devaluation produced in several of the Latin American currencies represents a blow its trade balance which will be affected by the loss of competitiveness. It is that 36.6% of the Ecuadorian exports have as destiny to the Latin American countries, whereas 46.5% of the Ecuadorian imports come from the countries of Latin America. The fragility of the Ecuadorian economy is reflected in the jump that stuck the risk country, which one is over the 2,950 points and it is the risk level higher country of the region. Bond to remember that in January of 2007, when Rafael Strap assumed like president of Ecuador, the risk country ascended to 827 basic points. It is by this level of the risk country that, according to the data issued by the Central bank of Ecuador, the value of market of the debt of bonds Global is in a third of its nominal value. This strong rise, although it responds partly to a preference of the investors by safer assets, is explained in a greater proportion to the policies and declarations of Rafael Strap, that showed that if it needs money the debt does not pay: In case there is a very serious crisis and fall much the prices of petroleum, first, I insist, we will review the payment to him of external debt said in a radial interview in the city of River basin.

The Organization

All have different dreams, but there is one major desire, which brings together many of us. To live without depending on anybody, be yourself master of his destiny. And that's not the fact that at the sight of his superiors for many there is an allergy, and stained. Not all bosses, to put it mildly, bad. I know a lot of excellent, talented leaders. Just most of us is born independent.

And when there comes a time when you know and you know more than those who stand over you, to work together is not bearable. Another argument – in our modern days, is not shameful to have a lot of professions, or employment records. The days when it was considered correct to work out her life at one place – drowned forever. Today the winner is the one who is more flexible, fast, quick-witted. The world is changing dramatically and quickly, boldly, and we all need to survive. If you are at work today, there is no guarantee that tomorrow you going to continue to be. You may you're lucky and you get compensation for several months.

For example, I once, when it was a crisis – not so lucky. And unlucky at all – they just put on the street and they were left alone with their problems and not knowledge of how to live. Not dependent consultant (by the way, is not dependent – so not working for someone else, not in the state of the organization, and being himself and the employer and supervisor, and an expert in one) – it's a worthy way guaranteed to ensure its financial stability for the future. Have the ability to independently control the number of projects and clients. Who do I work with and who not to deal at all. And a very important moment for consultant. Your trump card in situations where you counsel – is that owners often pay you more money than his staff members performing the same work. When you are invited by the – you have greater weight in the definition. And great value for the owners of firms. In the case where you want to have another stable, universal source of income – advice that is necessary for you.