
Your Home for Financial Success

Federal Government

Savers can get a lot of the current financial crisis: high interest on their balances and a guarantee of their deposits by the Federal Government. The exchanges currently groan under the impact of the financial crisis. No Bank knows what explosives still inside its balance sheet and those of other institutions. All parties are accordingly overprotective when it comes to short-term loans of loans. Accordingly, banks around the world among the losers of the financial crisis. But where there are losers, winners also are not far. These include clearly savers who have applied their money on the day – or fixed-term deposit accounts of domestic banks or still want to create.

The credit crunch between the banks namely ensures that interest far above the ECB interest rate is paid on such accounts currently. The day money is added to the daily availability in phases like this a must-have for many savers. Even that almost disappeared believed passbook is currently experiencing true dominance, and that not of return aspects, but from psychological reasons. Customers on the Bank leave the money on a savings account. The passbook as a personalized savings certificate, however, can take you home.

In times in which banks (almost) represent failure and States shortly before the financial collapse, this perceived security is an effective marketing tool. And so it is not surprising because even savers billions to banks and savings banks make month for month. While the perceived security is not so far-fetched. Savings are subject to as well as day and date Money accounts of the statutory deposit insurance and are secured with membership of the managing financial institution in one of the liability federations or associations about the backup system. Third stage is considered to be the guarantee of our Federal Government for several weeks for balances private savers to accounts of domestic financial institutions. Safer is currently hardly, because even with federal securities ultimately only the Federal Government to be repaid can guarantee what he Yes currently offline I’m also in sight, savings and time deposits.

Financial Times Germany wins founder award: the prize winners will receive a start-up capital of 50,000 euros and are for one year with regular reporting on Hamburg, 03.11.2008 – the winners of the prestigious financial times – enable2start – grunderpreis and one of them! 12 founder teams out of 700 applicants made it to the finals of the FTD founder initiative enable2start. The record attendance is not by about: finally journalistic accompanied by the financial times Germany and a jump start are waiting for the winner twelve months from each team 50,000 euros. At the evening gala dinner before 100 sizes from the German economy, the investor Susanne Klatten, HanseNet Marketing Director Michele Novelli, media-market founder Walter Gunz, HypoVereinsbank Board member Alexander Boldyreff, as well as the TV chef Sarah Wiener announced the names of the winners. We are proud and happy that we convinced the jury with and our innovative concept of a personalized Internet home page have. Now I am very curious on the enable2start year ahead!”enthuses Julika balls after the exciting final night. The winners receive a start-up capital of 50,000 euros and a year with regular reporting on as well as editorially accompanied in the FTD Entrepreneur magazine “enable”.

The trained economist and allyve co-founder Philipp Spethmann is pleased the journalistic accompaniment over a year by a well-known titles such as the financial times Germany for US is as the young founder of casamagna value.”. Just over a year ago, we had the idea of a key for everything”he explains the idea of founding. has the user all his favorite websites at a glance and reached via universal login directly to his XING – or even MySpace contacts. Also the allyve users can access directly into his email account or without detours from his home every day up to three free SMS without another log, click through without. Learn more about the competition and the five winning teams are available at.

Endurance Riding

The Trustee of the Riverdale Country Day School is is definitely one of those globe-trotting, art-collecting money men who know all about style and luxury Endurance Equestrian Competition
The equestrian endurance, endurance or barns raid (the latter usually named in Spain) is an equestrian discipline in which it tack tests horseback riding the speed, skill and physical and psychological endurance equine horse and rider, both of which must travel arabian great distances in a day, through the most diverse terrain and against time. dressage For this the rider must be able to measure the effort of your horse and palomino keep a track during testing at the end of a race horse is making beats and if you are on equestrian what is allowed, the thoroughbred rider is removed.
The competition is to complete a specified number of steps or phases with a predetermined amount of kilometers. jumping The route is very varied, with several types of soil and mare natural obstacles, and at the end of each stage the horses are inspected by vets, who, in the absence of any saddles medical problem, give the authorization to continue in the race. World Championships for the distance traveled is 160 km, divided into six stable phases, which is completed by the competitors in 12 hours and more.
The competition stables categories are: ponies 60km, 80km, 120km and 160km, the categories were determined on two factors: experience and distance.


FIFA 2008

The most popular game – fifa 2008. Strategy games (strategy). In these games, we construct a base point, we strengthen it, stamping the troops and make a map of your opponent. This principle of the game in this java strategies in real time. Also there is a different step by step strategy in which you have the time to make the base and the army, and then complete your turn, and look what makes a computer. Champion of turn-based strategy Heroes of Might and Magic. Three-dimensional game (3D-games). Included are games of different sections, which are united by only one sign – three-dimensional images.

Three-dimensional games on a cell phone still remain exotics, which is run not on all models of mobile phones in connection with their modest computing power. Known game of this genre Carmageddon 3D. Economic (economic games). In this genre you make money for the sake of earning money. To add some fun this action production of virtual money, programmers are often added to these various mini-game arcade. Action, Adventure (shooter, action).

These can be transferred all the games with elements of firing, and shooting with elements blockbuster. Come and palim of all stems in all that we are moving. Allies in these genres of games not at all. One of the most famous Alien Shooter. Erotic (erotic games). Eroticism has always been and will occupy a leading position in the charts of toys for Cell. Need to contemplate nudes unwaveringly. By erotic games include games of various genres in which there is a naked girl's body, and often several. Popular games in this genre – 1001 night. Java application and java book (java programs, books) do not apply to games, but also in demand. Books in java format takes up much less memory than a similar volume of text in an ordinary text file. Applications are programs that are needed for training, Fun with background, etc. Old There is also a rather interesting classification of java games on the number of players. In cell phones with bluetooth can also play along with a few people, players, both on network computers. This genre is called Network games.

The Pensioner

Engaged in installing and setting up home theaters. And now here by the seller in "fishing" store. I ask: "How did it happen? "And there was no instructions, here are skilled craftsmen, like me, everyone knew it was We have few, each at a premium, and therefore was expensive. Customers stood in line "- says an unhappy seller. That's how it was simple and amazingly 10 years ago, in what is now even hard to believe. He even threw Institute. And why Institute? And so full of money, which is nonsense to engage in these institutions? Now here's the salesman in "fishing" shop work, to work more on subway rides Times have changed, however.

Just one moment manufacturers of home theater systems have realized that to make home theater affordable and mass can be only one way. Get rid of these craftsmen here, because otherwise it will remain affordable only to the elite. Get rid of using qualitative and simple instructions, by creating a ready-made solutions that are not needed with an ax and files result in the desired body condition. " And got rid of. Now home cinemas where affordable than a decade ago to rejuvenate himself that way.

And to put it and configure, has no need to pay anyone. Even retired sort out, stuck in the socket, did something which settings and enjoy high quality video and sound. What about the pensioner, I can and "bent", but I hope you understand me correctly. Something tells me that with ERP-systems can be something similar to crank.

Ordering Murals

The original, made to order Murals will not replace everything else. For the site is important to its content fresh and interesting materials. Original and unique on the site must Information to be – then the site will be interesting to visitors and search engines. Design is the case with the website navigation plays an auxiliary role. The main task of web design – friendly and easy to navigate through sections of the site, assist in finding the right information.

Question on filling: which of recently viewed Web sites you remember his 'design'? Surely this was due to long loading pages, interfering bright colors, awkward menu difficult to read text or boredom materials. Mighty, strict and non-intrusive web design, as a rule, not flashy and does not distract from viewing. Exclusive design and loved by all the individual approach heavily to assess both the complexity and the originality and quality. Price per one thousand (still evergreen) dollars – is not the limit for such sites. If you're not low on money and can afford an individual development, we would like to give some advice. Remember: all brilliant – just. It is not necessary to overload the site of heavy flash animation, pop-ups, welcome screen saver or distraction of graphics. Except Weighting pages, animated objects on a subconscious level perceived as advertising and can only call a backlash.

For this reason, users often set the filters on the flash ads and your site in this case will not boot correctly. Search engines 'did not understand the' flash and graphics – important information need to be duplicated in text form. Under the Content (English content – content) to understand the content site. This The most important part in servicing and maintaining the website. To increased popularity of the site, you need to keep materials up to date and constantly adding new interesting information. Not worth torturing visitors uninteresting congratulatory speeches, or worse showing empty and nedooformlennye page. Often troublesome work on filling the site content, many do it themselves. On the one hand, it saves money, well on the other – (I hope this is true) the owner like no one else understands the topics of your site. Turning to paid services copywriter (a specialist in writing promotional articles), you get the text to the keywords which are optimized for search queries. However, we should not forget that the site was created for people. Overly refined and nashpigovany keyword text may cause less confidence than a simple informal treatment without the 'optimizatorskih effects'. All-in-one Amid all this diversity there are interesting (of course not free, but very profitable) deals – where a developer site itself also provides a service hosting and domain registration. In this case it is unprofitable to overstate the cost of both the creation of websites, as well as for placement on the server. Affordable websites will order more, and immediately take advantage of affordable hosting. Such comprehensive service allows you to quickly and accurately resolve all issues related to the production sites and further technical support. For customers given the opportunity to select an individual development design or use of quality ready-made with a convenient content management system. Ready site turnkey customers not only saves money but also time – you can create a fully functional site and to post it on the server for just one day!

Public Service Fees

Certainly no money for you so just will not give up – it is necessary to prove temporary absence of you as a consumer 3 in the occupied dwelling. The first thing you need to know – the right to recalculate arises in the case of temporary no more than 5 calendar days. Recalculation is carried out on the basis of written statements by the consumer filed within one month after the period of temporary absence of the consumer. Recalculation is performed on Based on the evidence of absence from the dwelling. They are attached to the written request of a recalculation. This should be proof of the duration of the period of temporary absence of the consumer and (Or) living with him persons permanent residence. As such, they can be given: 1. in the case of your absence for public office – a copy of travel documents or a letter of assignment; 2.

if you are sick – Help on finding treatment in hospital, 3. left somewhere – tickets (if your name is mentioned in these documents) may also be charges for accommodation, tour packages; 4. If you are registered on arrival in the internal affairs – a certificate of temporary registration of temporary residence; 5. if you live in a guarded building – help the organization carrying out protection of premises in which you were temporarily absent, 6. allowed to provide statements of the payer in the event of his stay in a place where it is impossible to present an official document, if It signed its neighbors on the floor (communal apartment), indicating that those who signed it (at least) are themselves in that period did not leave. Recalculate the fees for public services performed within 5 working days and is proportional to the number of days of temporary absence of the consumer, which is determined by the number of total days absent, not including the day of departure from their permanent place residence and upon arrival at this place. Upfront exemption from payment for the above utilities, ie nenachislenie pay for them, is allowed only in case of providing citizens an official document of the Drafted into the army, the direction of the work outside the city limits, condemnation, etc.

In this case, the document confirming the absence of a term of residence shall be the dates of departure and return. If you temporarily leave all living in an apartment citizens leaving the country must be filed with the statement that liberated in an apartment no one will live. And finally, do not be afraid to fight for their rights and for their money. In the end, if you long time no home, then why on earth would pay for something that nobody used. In such a situation, leave everything as is means just donate money to an organization that provides you utility bills.

The Delivery

Once asked to call the operator (About the fact that the call charge, naturally do not speak) in order to clarify how to collect a prize, once asked something else, and often just say that it is necessary for a number to send a message pay a fixed cost for In order to pay for the delivery of the prize. Not so important, that person promises to be much more important that he believes it. The main enemy of every man is his curiosity – call someone and throws – there and then have to call back when walking smska mysterious stranger with a number – must be answered, but if somewhere you can get something, then here and say do not. Just you immediately patched for curiosity, and, more specifically, pay for it through appropriate tariffs to put it mildly, far from being discounted. Also resourceful people send messages that tell you about what kind of Vasya could not reach you and it would be necessary to the number from which the message arrived, the money put – bit, only to five to ten minutes of conversation sufficed. The idea is as old as the world – surely someone is familiar Vasey, and someone else, and so familiar, to give them money. People finishing off what is behind this may be followed smska another, more insistent, as Vasey supposedly really need to talk to you.

Especially here our Russian girls resourceful, which zavedut yourself a whole bunch of friends guys and then ask everyone to recharge their account. Like trifle, but a man with a ten is even nothing happen. Two or three times a month to do so and payment of mobile communication can be forgotten. True to those who read the above immediately decides to do so I'll say one thing – not worth it. After all, will then – The amount necessary to return several times more, it provided that a person does not want to fight, and that in fact some of them just do nothing but wait for a pretext for a fight. Can still come and ask a passerby to call. Do not worry, it does not run away with your phone. It will simply make a call to a paid room and everything.

And on a number such that once something you did not understand what was happening. Now that communication services can be paid anywhere, there is another way of cheating – you come (Note that if you put money in the cabin connection to the wrong room to bring them back no problem, but with the devices will not get – how many times have not tried to call for interest at the numbers that are specified on the check up but have never have) a certain amount of money (as an option, it may not come). After that you call and start to brainwash on the fact that out and the money should be returned. Such as putting on a specified number of the same amount. Often these people standing at the machines and cash registers and on guard of those who puts money into a few rooms as you can immediately call the owner of rooms and, as I said, to explain that the error went away. There are many more interesting examples of how people cheat using mobile phones, but that's what I tell you another time. In the meantime, you have to remember at least this is how all of the above – is the basis there are no problems with balance.

Cellular Intelligent

The majority of the owners of small businesses simpre is running, or that are meeting with different clients or fulfilling meetings in their own company. Surely the majority has cellular a complete one, but those are very few that really take advantage of all the options. But nowadays all the platforms for cellular have storage for applications, which allows to use all the applications and not only to have it so that us actualize mails. If we took a little our time to be able to learn the new functions of the cellular ones, surely we would save time and possible frustrations. Now I am going to them to enumerate the best cellular functions of the intelligent ones for which they have pequeosnegocios. 1) To be able to create Lists To take all our ideas to a paper is one of the most important priorities. One of the things that we must consider when we go of shopping to buy applications it is that amount of information can synchronize. Some applications they sincronzan with programs in your computer when you physically connect your cellular one, but others can sincorizar of wireless form and it gives an integral access you to your information through the Web or a desktop application when these in your computer again.

For that they have Iphone one of the applications that they have is Toodledo, that synchronizes in the page Web All the Mac users who have iphone they can sincornizar the information of rationalized way with the program of application finds that them in for Things Mac. However for all the users Windows they could consider the application of Outlook for cellular. For the Android users they could watch as much Astrid as TooDo, either they are quite interesting since they include reminders and also they can synchronize with Remember the Milk, but also with Toodledo.


When you initiate a business in Internet, it is probable that you are thinking about a single word: MONEY. And culparte could not. Who initiates a business where is only to entertain itself? Although it will not lack it does who it, the great majority we entered to make more money, to have a saving and, if the things come out well, to leave our work of every day letting of do rich to anybody and more turn into millionaires we to us. Nevertheless, to prevail in the businesses it is necessary to have another type of goals that only the money. Perhaps although you think that only I need money, the reality it is that there is money in all sides, but is not indeed money which you look for more. You want to gain the double? You can work the double! It looks for another work similar to which beams and works turn double. Nevertheless, the perspective to sleep less, not to have social life and to leave the family separate because very it is not entertained.

I know people who make much money. They have scaled the corporative scale and they have a style of enviable life, but for a long time not them I see and not because they are not joined with the poor men, but because simply they do not have time. They work more than 14 hours daily, are going to its house to only sleep, work week ends and holidays and when they leave familiar vacations they are in the quarter of the hotel answering post office and doing called. They are the high executives who leave in tele, those that they do not spend time with his friendly, all their social life is work and are in favor of always remote of its family and likings. As which it serves to have much money if you cannot enjoy it? So, if you want to initiate a business in Internet or you already have one, it begins to think, if you have not done it, about which the money can darte. To have a full account of bank is to everything to give, but that better than to think about which you can obtain with that account, more than to only count many numbers. I not only look for money.

I look for life style. I want financial freedom. To have time to make what I like and money to buy what needs. It is not better than to only accumulate money in a bank? To work in an own business from your house and with your own rules change the things. Even though you are gaining little, that money serves to you so you want and, in agreement you gain more, you will even decide when you work and like. To that hour you eat. To that hour you rise, to that hour you decide to give a return and when to take a siesta. Are not those the decisions that we would have to be able to always take? Clear that if you enjoy that somebody takes plus them by you, ahead. Better it learns as to make money in Internet and you do not leave others them control your style of life. It will take something you of work, but I can assure to you that it is worth the pain. Original author and source of the article.