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Colonial System

With this measure, it was effected implementation of the colonial system of mercantilista orientation. Through this intervention, the administrative organization was produced in Brazil, with demands of investments capable to foment the base of a company essentially agriculturist, directed to take care of to the necessities of this type of exploration with sights to the accumulation of wealth and it fast profit. The functioning of this connotation politics present absolutist in the Europe was characterized by the total concentration of being able in the hand of the king. In the colony, the king was represented for employee metropolitans who received plenary powers to act interests of the Portuguese metropolis according to.

This transference of being able resulted in the concentration of wealth at the hands of the land proprietors, who also developed exploration of the work (mainly, of the obligatory form of slavery). By these measures, the existence of the unproductive large state in this historical context and of other natural wealth in the agricultural production on a large scale destined to the external market was allowed. The assembly of this structure made to appear an aristocratic ruling class that the administration dominated Brazilian. The society formed in this constitution presented some specific aspects in some regions. However, the predominant factor was the patriarcalismo, where the family and the people who lived in lands of a proprietor were ownerships you of the device. As salient Freire (2004): The African influence boiling under the European and giving an Acre to the life, sexual, to the feeding, the religion; the blood of the black running for a brancarana population, when not predominating in regions; Still today of dark people; the air of Africa, a hot, oily air, amolecendo in the institutions and the forms of culture.

Office Suite

What is a subscription service? As they say – what it eats? That's what we try to find out in this review article. Initially, the subscriber service computer and office equipment – is the provision of all computer and related service organizations, and individuals at a convenient time for them. It is no secret that computer technology is not as reliable as we would like. Unfortunately, failures, computer viruses are not uncommon, even more mundane date. And, most worryingly, computer crashes often cause very considerable damage to virtually every organization. And it was the user's service computer and office equipment company allows maintain continuous availability of computers and office equipment, avoiding emergency situations, financial, material, information loss failure. Assumed that the subscription service computer and office equipment includes a one-two planning and, importantly, an unlimited number of emergency of emergency exits for emergency computer help. With a planned departure is a check all computers for viruses (and disinfection, if necessary) and technical problems, eliminating the identified problems, installation of necessary software, training computers to continued smooth operation, preventative maintenance network.

Emergency exit, that is, emergency computer help, performed in case of emergency failures in the software or have technical malfunctions and is performed within one makismum two hours of receipt of the application service company. Typically, in customer service computers and office equipment includes such works as: installation, configuration and support of Microsoft Windows and Office Suite ms Office; disinfection, disposal and prevention, install and update anti-virus programs installed (repair, replacement) of components and peripherals, setting software to access the Internet; service network, configuration of any software, consultation, training to work with computer and office equipment and software.

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This means that the insurance company assumes the risk of compliance in the future 2. Participant With this type of life insurance policy, the insurance company shares the excess profits (commonly referred to dividends) with the insured. The most successful operation of the company, the largest dividend. 3. Indeterminate premium non-participant is similar to except that the premium may vary from year to year. However, the premium never going to exceed the maximum premium guaranteed in the policy. 4.

Economic participant A combination of insurance and term life insurance, where a portion of the dividends is a term used to purchase additional insurance. This can usually produce a higher death benefit, however in some policy years the dividends may be lower than projected, causing the death benefits in those years increase. 5. Similar limited pay insurance policy to the participant, but instead of paying annual premiums for life, are only payable for a certain number of years, such as 15, 20 or 30. This allows the policy has been paid to a certain age (many people choose 65) The policy itself continues over the life of the insured.

These policies typically cost more advance, since the insurance company needs to raise sufficient cash value within the policy during the years of payment to supplement the funds of the policy for the rest of the life of the insured. 6. A single premium payment period is limited where a large payment and paid in advance. There are fees, usually in the early years of these policies that the insured should change in cash. (* The intent of this article is solely for the purpose of informing, and should not replace discussing your individual needs with your local insurance agent or your financial representative) After securing his position as a hot seller in the Insurance Industry over the course of many years; Christee Fontanez shifted its focus makes the internet marketing and advertising. She combined both professions and now work to help consumers find insurance agents.

New Perspectives

Alley SOFTWARE company took part in the conference and exhibition DOCFLOW 2008, held May 12-13, 2008 in Moscow, in the very center of the hotel "Radisson SAS" with the support of ABBYY Russia. DOCFLOW for professionals in the field document management and information – the central and most anticipated event of the year. Audience events – heads and specialists of state institutions, industries, extractive industries, banking and financial institutions, enterprises, transport, trade and services sectors. DOCFLOW can rightly be called a litmus test workflow automation market: visitors have the opportunity to see the face of exhibitors exhibition – the leading Russian and foreign suppliers of software and hardware for the organization of workflow processes, especially as the two-day format of the event provided an opportunity to speak to all comers. At the exhibition booth SOFTWARE Alley, a traditional party DOCFLOW, presented various archive systems (financial, project, technical, regulatory documents), the accompanying software software, devices and technologies to scan.

The company's experience in implementing projects in the field of digital archives, scanning and digitization devices was presented to visitors in the form of presentations. Among specialized equipment for sampling, which was presented at DOCFLOW first – hand-held scanner text C-pen to input information from paper. However, of particular interest to visitors Conference and Exhibition, like end-users as well as direct competitors, called a professional book scanner from BOOKSNAP ATIZ Innovation – new Russian market book scanners. This device is available in Russia and CIS countries since 2008, but in terms of Sales are already catching up with his "older brother", a book scanner ATIZ BookDrive DIY, performing the furor among experts in 2007. However ATIZ BookSnap has the potential to be more affordable (according to experts, at the moment is the only book scanner that level, which is in the category of up to 200 thousand rubles.) and at least a professional solution for mass digitization of books. This fact confirms the active procurement of the scanner not only by large government agencies, but also minor Higher Education and school libraries. "For the Alley SOFTWARE Annual Conference and Exhibition DOCFLOW – one of the most significant events of the year." – Says Stanislav Kim, CEO, "We have many affiliate programs, so DOCFLOW – a great opportunity to network with companies that we work shoulder to shoulder for a long time, to discuss the results of the past year and outline plans for the future and start a new business contacts. SOFTWARE for Alley this year was a breakthrough – on the basis of our strategy has proved a winner and we will develop in the same direction. We hope that next year will be even more successful – until all the cards do not reveal will, but DOCFLOW was a series of talks on the large and promising projects that sets the rhythm of movement for the next year. "

Double Accounting

To construct a well-functioning unified system of accounting automation people and control of financial flows and payments in the country, must have at least the following: 1. Single document with bioidentification personality – IL (to start, though a passport with a chip) 2. A single national system of accounting people – RN (like Gosregistr population that will soon be operational in Russia). 3. Uniform Information – a payment system in the country – EIPSS (such as electronic payments with mobile phones and computers). It is on these three main pillars is possible to build a less well working system. This is the foundation for all future systems of information support the person that developed today in a technologically advanced countries.

Otherwise, will only discredit that today, and is observed in Russia. Now, the automated subsystem of a single agency unrelated software automatic exchange and alignment databases and directories. Although there is often modem or connection to fiber-optic lines. And each has its own base "People" (list name of people), its own system of codes, piles of paper cards and reports, view and control which clerks have long been confused. Double Accounting always requires huge cost of human labor, and at high volumes, the number of errors introduced by man into the system reduces "bad working condition." Software-only machines, with streamlined legislative algorithms work, can save humanity from an information digital tsunami that has already begun sweeping the developed world. On how not to drown in a sea of information the future as to identify ways the organization lives of most righteous people in developed countries, how to grow from young people, with such pleasure escaping from the real world in a virtual world – a game, to educate highly moral people of high morals and responsibility, is dedicated to my series of books on the PSI.

Tatiana Lisovskaya

His work on a favorite hobby My name is Tatiana Lisovskaya. When I have a financial crisis began, I remembered that my friends and my friends always say I am preparing tasty. I love to cook, to invent a dish or change is already familiar. It gives me pleasure and not a compulsory duty, and perhaps even a hobby, passion for life. Then I thought, why do not I just use it as their earnings and make their job. I once traded on the market itself, like so many of our countrymen, regardless of qualifications, education, and I remembered what the problems experienced by people all day standing in the market and unable to move away from their workplace for obvious reasons.

The result exceeded my expectations. The amount that I made turned out to be too small. Demand is outstripping supply. We quickly sold out, I counted their profits and remains satisfied. Even with the cost of food, utensils, etc., my net profit was over 50%! And then, having bought disposable utensils, packing material, a small batch of products at the rate of cooking courses specifically for one day, made a test version. Ready meals folded in a basket, got in the car and went to the market.

My concoction liked it, rumors began to spread quickly, I began to take a phone number. So gradually, I had orders from the organization. Subsequently, I have completely switched to cooking meals for the offices of private firms and organizations.

Construction: How Not To “freeze” In Crisis

The increasing pace of the crisis changed the usual order of things, shuffle a deck of diverse plans, projects and forecasts. Without exception, all industries are faced with the problem of financial starvation. Principle of natural selection, the existence of which is rarely remembered in times of stability and growth, once again became the determining factor in economic development. One of the first felt the impact of global shocks Construction industry, traditionally "tied" to the investment. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. is actively involved in the matter. Today is employed in the industry producers have seriously: with frozen construction projects and projects "freezes" and the business of many companies. However, the recipe for survival is still There, the main thing now – time to adapt to new market conditions.

New reality The second half of 2008 brought a lull in the forced many construction sites. "Freezing" of a number of projects under construction because of lack of funding – a sad and inescapable reality. This primarily relates to commercial real estate. Difficult financial situation has forced many Russian and foreign companies to seriously reconsider their budgets, which led to a sharp drop in demand for office and retail space. As a result, many builders are not in a position today to pay off loans taken out for construction, not to mention new investment funds needed for its completion. Illustrative examples are large objects, like a tower "Russia" in the business center "Moscow City" skyscraper "Crystal" in the -Mansiysk, and many others. Obviously, the contracts and orders associated with the commercial buildings are now classified as the most risky.

Indigenous Movements

Indigenous Movements in the Andes: A contribution to the search for new avenues for social change. Paper for the Symposium "Beyond the Lost Decade: Indigenous Movements and the transformation of development and democracy in Latin America" Felix Princeton Naveda Igidio USA, March, 2001 2.3 Introduction This proposal seeks to bring about a way of seeing development of indigenous movements, especially in the Andean region of Latin America covering Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. For historical and geographical reasons in all three countries there Amazonian and Andean indigenous organizations. In the Amazon you can see that there is an almost homogenous control strategy for the entire regional basin, but in the Andes, is a very complex because everyone has their own characteristics and particularities are much more varied in each country. This paper is a product of work experience from the regional office of Oxfam America in South America next to the indigenous movement in this region.

Oxfam America has supported institutional strengthening initiatives of the indigenous movement in Ecuador since the early 80s. In Bolivia has supported the institutional strengthening of the Amazonian organizations, and in the Andes has followed the rebuilding initiative originating in the Ayllus organizations. In Peru was the main support (including financial) of Amazonian movement and the saw is building bridges with the Ecuadorian and Bolivian organizations through exchanges of experiences to encourage reflection on the indigenous issue, since there are very subjective conditions difficult. Two approaches and two paths: the indigenous and the class struggle.

BFM Group

3 Total (administrative costs). What can be taken as a relative constant. For example, advertising, payroll, rent, transportation, communication, etc. Phil Vasan may also support this cause. 4. Taxes, payment of the body loan and interest thereon. Revenue side should be determined based on the results of marketing research, while not forgetting about the production capacity or optimum loading personnel.

Make a sign. Top Line – Lower revenues – costs If you can make a monthly chart – 70% of the financial plan is ready. It is clear that an inexperienced person, and zabyvshemu Over the years, the school mathematics course, all these formulas present value, rate of return or payback calculation may seem scary. A requirement for a full financial business models, with their tables and graphs, all reminiscent of Japanese Kabuki theater, where all beautiful, but absolutely nothing is not clear. In fact, all these seemingly scary formulas are a number of elementary operations (addition, multiplication, division). Nothing more.

Of course, in financial management and lack of complicated things. But for what would convey to the investor's understanding of the project, its cost, profitability and return on investment, is quite enough and above (IRR, NPV, ARR, PI, PB). All very simple. By compiling the pre-investment documentation is same. Enough to start at least acquainted with the methodological recommendations of the Tacis, go through the points of a typical content of a business plan in a standard BFM Group, or read the works of W. Behrens, and P. Havraneka. For example, the "Guide to preparation of industrial feasibility studies "(the very thing that someone's with a light hand used to call the standard UNIDO).

Web Projectplace

Miriam Klein Netviewer leaves after five years Frankfurt a. M., 13 April 2010 now supports Miriam Klein the German sales team of project place, the leader in Web-based project management and team work. Klein has for years in the software-as-a-service”market worked and already knows her new employer through the partnership between Netviewer and Projectplace. At project place, the acquisition of new customers, as well as the expansion of business relations belong to existing customers to their tasks. The banking and insurance sector, as well as the tourism industry will be the preferred application areas, in these segments was small at NetViewer, the European market leader in Web conferencing, already good results achieved. Trained travel clerk and studied business administration is small.

She attended the University of applied sciences in worms and in the connection can gain professional experience at Randstad and Roche Diagnostics, before joining Netviewer to Karlsruhe. More information and images on the Internet under: press contact: Projectplace GmbH Alexandra Schmidt West port 1 D – 60327 Frankfurt Tel: 069 / 710 456 264 mobile: 0162 / 29 17 246 email: about Projectplace since 1998 develops and operates Projectplace international from Europe’s leading Web-based project management solution. Projectplace improves efficiency and simplifies the collaboration in the project as well as the communication within the team. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, has offices in Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and Germany. The online service is available in seven languages and is used by over 500,000 users worldwide.