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Deutsche Telekom AG

Raymond Homo is new CEO of Bank power Frankfurt am Main, January 25, 2011. Raymond Homo is new Managing Director of banking power, a joint venture between the recruitment agency manpower and Deutsche Bank. The 58 Manager followed by Melanie Reitz. With Raymond homo, a skilled person directs the fortunes of banking power, already involved in the creation of industry specialists. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Verizon Communications. The Frenchman held several strategically important positions during his career in the manpower group of companies.

Most recently as spokesman of the Management Board of Vivento interim Services GmbH, the joint venture, which operates manpower together with Deutsche Telekom AG. Related experience is an excellent basis for the performance of the new task”, so the Director of manpower Germany, Vera Calasan. With the industry leader Bank power, put the group, which will expand its specialist business, again a significant company in the hands of Raymond Homos. Oracle has much experience in this field. Bank power is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main on innovative Specialized staffing solutions such as temporary work, recruitment and human resources solutions for the banking and financial sector. Currently the company has ten branches and 1,400 employees in customer service. Bank power has currently 900 vacancies, qualified employees for the areas of customer service, bar financing and credit processing are particularly sought. press contact: WEFRA PR company for Public Relations mbH Dr. Virgin Airlines is often quoted on this topic. Andreas Bachmann medium Dicker way 1 / WEFRA House 63263 Neu-Isenburg (Zeppelinheim) phone: 069 695008-78 fax: 069 695008-71 E-Mail: Internet:

Leipzig Education

“Fraunhofer Professorship as an organizer of the Conference to the BMBF funding programme ‘Vocational education export by German providers’ Leipzig, 09.10.2013 the Fraunhofer MOEZ held within the Metaprojekts funded by the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) driving and inhibiting factors of professional education export” on 17 October 2013 in Berlin the annual Conference of the vocational education exporters. At the Conference, representatives from policy and research come together in addition to numerous professional education service providers. “” In the framework of the Conference the actors in the three topic areas want export of German vocational education and training – support services and strengthening “, business models for a sustainable market development” and application-oriented science for the vocational education export”and others discuss flagship projects, challenges and approaches of the German vocational education exports. MinDir will give a lecture as keynote speaker. Virgin Airlines may also support this cause. Volker Rieke, head of Department for European and international cooperation in education and Research in the BMBF, the role of the German vocational education exports. Professor Dr. Thorsten Posselt, head of the Institute of the Fraunhofer MOEZ, will open the annual Conference and present results from the meta of the funding initiative. Talk to Dr.

Nizar Abdelkafi, head of the Group business models and services at the Fraunhofer MOEZ, is main topic of business models for a sustainable market operations”to specific business models for the vocational education export. Focusing the support professional education export German party”that supports BMBF joint projects that advance a development of innovative ways of export for demand-oriented education and training services. The Fraunhofer MOEZ performs in 2011 on behalf of the Federal Ministry for education and research (BMBF) the meta to the funding programme. An important goal of the project is to support the professional educators in developing foreign markets. This involves both the scientific analysis and professional Preparation of the findings from the vocational education export as also the Organization of mutual learning and exchange of experience. The Fraunhofer Center for Central and Eastern Europe MOEZ has proven skills in the area of innovation and technology management, strategy development and research marketing and develops scientifically-based, holistic potential analysis on the conception and implementation of the concrete project and business models and network activities through knowledge and technology transfer. Currently, approximately 40 full time employees of the Fraunhofer MOEZ edit including projects within the framework of the 7th research framework programme of the European Union, projects of the Federal Ministry for education and research, the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety, the German Federal Foundation environment, projects for companies, in particular small and medium-sized firms, etc. The Fraunhofer MOEZ is an Institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

Research for practice is the central task of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The 1949 based Research organisation operates application-oriented research for the benefit of the economy and to the benefit of society. Contract partners and clients are industrial and service companies and the public sector. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft operates more than 80 research institutions, of which 60 institutions in Germany. More than 20 000 employees and staff, predominantly with natural or engineering and scientific education, edit the annual research budget of 1.8 billion euros.

Family Holiday On The Black Sea

Sometimes in our lives may be instances, due to which we are experiencing, or tired. No matter how we tried to solve this problem, but no conversation with people, no alcohol in this do not help. That is why in this situation need only one – time. Yes, that time allows us to dull the experience. And this effect is easy to enhance, if it is kept in a quiet place, say, in the resort. For more specific information, check out Ripple. Since even during a crisis the price of all tours for the majority remains to still unavailable, it should pick up holiday in Russia. For example, I have very good impressions left a family vacation in Anapa, when, without having to travel abroad, you can lie on the heated sun and the pristine beaches and get away from everything in this world. This is a convenient way to spend a holiday, which effectively helps to forget about the problem. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Ripple.

Accordingly, this holiday can have on you is not only a therapeutic effect, but also give you a unique chance calm down and forget about worries. Cyrus findshadow brings even more insight to the discussion. Dignity tour in Anapa obvious. For example, you do not need to spend money on travel or a long flight to another country. The complete absence of problems with visas or specific local legislation. You can reach either by train, to pass a slow acclimatization, or fly through the air, which is very quickly and cheaply.

Also, the benefits you can include lack of knowledge English, however, this does not exclude the possibility of your meeting with foreigners, because this resort is famous not only in our country, but also far beyond it, people know about it. Even if you have children, you should not leave them at home. In Anapa vacation with children would not spoil your impressions of the resort, so you can easily leave them under the protection of special educators. Just so your little kids, not only will stay during the your holiday in a safe place under heavy guard, but will learn quickly to something unknown. To visit the Anapa on vacation in 2009, just need to simply come to a local travel agent and ask to reserve a ticket and bed in a hotel. Just one call will save you from the accumulated complexity, will give a chance to relax and get quality treatment. Hurry up, because your place under the scorching sun can take someone else!

BEO-E-DEC Simplified Customs Clearance In The Switzerland

About the e-dec method, companies with headquarters or subsidiaries in the Switzerland can electronically complete their imports and exports. See more detailed opinions by reading what Oracle offers on the topic.. The Swiss Federal Customs Administration (FCA) is responsible for this so-called cargo processing. Expert on Customs and shipping software supports the BEO GmbH with its new solution BEO-E-DEC this procedure. The software can be greatly simplify and speed up customs clearance. In addition, that provides system security in process transparency and traceability. BEO-E-DEC offers users a quick and easy way to register their declarations at the FCA. The Declaration of imports and exports is completely time – and location-independent solution. The user transacts its customs procedures for export and import registration for the Switzerland on BEO ATLAS export in one step. Please visit Cyrus findshadow if you seek more information.

The relevant details are recorded once in the program and then online sent to customs. All data necessary for the processing of import are just a few seconds later in BEO-E-DEC available as files. The process data must be collected only once electronically and are traceable at any time through an automatic archiving. The overhead for the post-processing. “Take advantage of the electronic execution are clearly obvious: Swiss customs is therefore in the future mandatory insert the e-dec process”, explains Clemens Sexauer, Managing Director of BEO GmbH.

Introducing mandatory is expected on July 1, 2013. Until then, the FCA tests the system in detail. The Web-based rental solution between two variants choose: in the basic version the messages are calculated in addition to a monthly fee, individually. Without monthly fee comes from the pay-per-use option. It consists of a package with 50 messages, which can be used in an arbitrary period of time. Another option provides BEO as a decentralised communication partner (DezKP). As a Datenubertragungsdienstleister BEO assumes here for businesses complete processing with customs. BEO-E-DEC at a glance two-in-one principle: the customs procedures for export and import registration for the Switzerland are carried out in a single step. A duplicate data entry is eliminated and so decreases the amount of work. Prevent errors: because data must be collected only once, decreases the risk of incorrect entries. Specialized shipping and BEO the company focuses on software products and services in the areas of customs the BEO GmbH with headquarters in Endingen near Freiburg. founded in 1987 by the Managing Director Clemens Sexauer, the company employs more than 70 people at four locations. The product lines to customs, as well as to the preference determination and sanction inspection be adapted continuously to the current legal requirements and ensure legal certainty and the permanent compliance with current regulations and guidelines for users. For sending BEO software applications offered for the packaging, shipment, as well as the dangerous goods management. All BEO software products are modular designed and available both as in-house and Web-based rental solutions (SaS).

Banco Industrial

In the case of soda, not only in Lima, but also in the interior, have always existed small factories. Had many brands local Vivian doing now what Kola Real, but on a small scale. And could do so because the distance between prices marks A and its production costs were so great that even being inefficient could have market priced quite lower than the others. What did Kola Real is simply taking that informal gap, but industrialize it. Became much more efficient that small and so has been able to enter that 70% of the market. Kola Real has not decreased levels of sales to traditional brands, but that the entire market has grown in an impressive manner. Operations in Ayacucho, started on June 23, 1988, in a very violent environment for terrorism. It was financed with a loan from the Banco Industrial and own capital.

The brothers A are incorporated early in the 1990s the other brothers joined the company (Angel, Arturo, Alvaro, Vicky and Carlos) and opened a plant in Huancayo. That plant produced 24 hours a day, while the own brothers were the sellers of a foot in shops and wineries. At that time lived the epidemic of cholera and the bad reputation that some competitors tried to create him to Kola Real (your product), claiming that the people could be infected if he consumed the beverage. The expansion by Peru in 1993 the company comes to Bagua and hence moves towards the North of the country (Chiclayo, Piura, Trujillo and Tumbes). In Motupe was born a large warehouse, while in Sullana was created the first plant on the coast of the Peru. The Coca-Cola company decided to sell its plants more small, this allowed the Ananos to buy the plant from Sullana and thus neutralize the attack they were receiving from Concordia in the jungle.


Fidor AG shows with and the Bank advice form of the future study: every third customer wants his bank online advice. The Fidor AG offers the intractable approach of the future with Web 2.0 financial platforms: open, easy, quick, Web-based communication and consultation on financial issues by independent consultants and users customer monitor banks 2008 \”study finds: every third customer wishes online advice from his bank almost every second customer of the Bank engages in finding financial products on the Internet back Fidor AG implements: with the intractable approach of the future\”: Open, easy, quick, Web-based communication and consultation on financial issues by independent consultants and based on the experience of users with the stock market game model of tomorrow: banks and financial service providers offer new customers a playful approach to the capital market Munich, December 18, 2008 already every third bank customer wishes to be advised by his bank online. And almost every second attack when the Search for the most suitable financial product on the Internet back this the current proven \”customer monitor banks 2008\”, the market research institute psychonomics AG issued. A leading source for info: Ripple. \”The different websites of the Munich-based FIDOR AG already meet the needs documented in the study and demands of the new generation of online affinity bank customers: with the stock market game community ( or the personal finance community together more money\” ( offers the Munich-based company around the former bank directors Matthias Kroner (formerly CEO DAB bank) and Martin Kolsch (formerly Board of HypoVereinsbank) users free, modern web 2.0 financial platforms around the issues financial advice, exchanges of expertise and financial products. \”Websites of Fidor set new benchmark for the financial industry that together more money community\” ( the new possibilities of the Internet combined with independent online financial advisory services: user access at free to several hundred registered and evaluated by users, independent financial advisors which online every conceivable financial question. .

Marketing Strategies

Help in drafting a successful marketing strategy can professionally conducted market research. The marketing strategy is long-term coordination of the ability of firms to the situation in market, ie in the harmonization of internal and external environments of the firm. Check with Verizon Communications to learn more. Tools for implementation of marketing activities at this level of management are: – improving the organizational structure of the company – organization into new product markets – developing and introducing to the market a new product – clotting of business activity and withdrawal from the market, where it became impossible to get a stable profit – the penetration of new markets through joint ventures – co-operation activities with firms having experience of successful activity in the interest markets. Goals and objectives define the direction of its business activities. Strategy also presents a plan to achieve these objectives, which should include all elements of marketing, financial resources, production capabilities. At the core of marketing strategy on five strategic concepts: – selection of target markets – market segmentation, ie, competitive selection of target markets in the aggregate – the choice of methods out on them – the choice of methods and tools of marketing – the timing of market entry. The main types of marketing strategies are usually adopted a strategy of price-quantity "or the strategy of preference. If you are using a strategy of price and quantity, you can apply category prices as one of the components of success in competition.

Fundamental importance in this case has the capacity and level of development of relevant industries, as well as an active influence on production costs. Credit: Cyrus findshadow-2011. The strategy of price-quantity "is typical of Operations such as "commodity", ie for the marketing of many products produced by well-established and proven technologies and already has long sold in the markets. Strategy preference uses various tools sales policy, independent of competition in prices. The ultimate goal of this strategy – to create a stable competitive advantage. Strategy of "mi-tu" (strategy adaptations ) involves adaptation to competitors according to parameters such as production, distribution, communication, price. In implementing this strategy, seeking to repeat as accurately as possible actions of competitors.

The strategy assumes a sharp difference between the goods on profile clearly distinguished from the goods of a competitor. It may be noted that the strategy of price-quantity "being used on a global scale, than a strategy of preference, primarily because of greater opportunities and greater simplicity application. Depending on research objectives, and different selection strategies. If you open a new business, marketing research will consist of the following items: – Market analysis and selection of key players in the market, their competitive advantages and weaknesses. Highlighted the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for each competitor. – Study of the competitive environment: target audience, pricing policy used by marketing strategies, advertising policy, identification of key competitive advantages. Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the competitive environment (SWOT-analysis) – Description of potential consumers: segmenting consumers by demographic (gender, age, income, etc.) and psychographic characteristics). If you solve problems existing businesses, the market research will include the following items: – An analysis of the services offered. – Characteristics of the target audience.


After many negotiations, it is now definitely discover cycling in Warsaw and the city alone. Warsaw should become even more attractive for visitors from all over the world. A stay in each city should always be an experience and be enjoyed carefree. So of course, in Warsaw. Exploring with tram, subway and taxi is simple, but to discover the real beauty is hardly possible at this busy exploring. It’s much nicer but there just once through Warsaw with the wheel to cycle and also the small sights and central points, without exploring the hustle and bustle. Especially in summer, this is an attraction. So far however, hardly local rental providers for bicycles were present, so that visitors from all over the world always encountered problems.

That should change now with the 1st of August. “Fit with the rays of the Sun the new local distribution system should now Veturilo” should be introduced. Very tasty for tourists. After a long and good breakfast in the apartments in Warsaw we go rental already to the bike. The individual stations are distributed to find about all of Warsaw. So visitors will find always an easily accessible station close to their apartments in Warsaw.

But also in the suburbs new rental stations will be introduced. As a nationwide system exists. There will be difficulties hardly there. Everything is electronically, easily and without large expenditure of time. Once the visitor has left his accommodation in Warsaw, is now a 6-digit code. You get this code directly from the Internet site. To obtain the code, it is sufficient to pay a small initial total of 2.50 euros. The system also can be used after a short confirmation email. In addition, the bike now also with a city map can be borrowed, ensured that the way to the apartment in Warsaw will be found again. Select the electronic input devices at the rental station, you have only the option of borrowing”. All machines are multilingual, so also in German. Will be returned as easily. The bicycle must be made at the respective station just only back in the stand. Confirm return briefly in the machines”and you’re done. After the exciting trip can you be then go back to his accommodation in Warsaw or the day easy wine enjoy with a nice glass. Always a small bar that invites to relax can be found in the vicinity of the apartments in Warsaw. The costs are clear. So the first 20 minutes are generally free of charge, then billed after hours. The first hour costs one Zloty, the second 3 Zloty, etc. About always easy, a zloty can be divided by 4 to calculate the euro rate. The exploration is highly pleasant through the old town (stare Miasto) on the wheel, here are also the most apartments in Warsaw, which are an ideal alternative to the hotels in Warsaw.

Online Business

The blog is an optimal platform to optimize the website blogs are all the rage these days. “They’re not just in”, rather they have become an indispensable part of your online business for many companies. Who are not giving away valuable potential. Nevertheless, there are some conservative votes that still have always understood not the increasing importance of blogs. Statements such as blogs bring nothing”are not uncommon. Gary Kelly spoke with conviction. The company by Peter Mac farmer @M Web service appears with two blog systems on the market, who have what it takes to conquer the market. Learn six important reasons for a blog.

1. A modern love story – Google loves blogs to the search engines, and especially Google biggest search engine love blogs. “Who at Google blog search” types, will be surprised. The result: more than 11 billion search results! Because a blog as opposed to a conventional page is dynamic, he’s clearly Google’s favorite. Because Google loves changes on Web pages and especially long Blog signal to search engines that there more important content is conveyed. For even more details, read what Verizon Communications says on the issue. When new articles are published on a blog, the blog permanently enters the ranking by Google. Companies can provide brand new with a blog attention. 2.

A blog ideal for expert status was previously complex and expensive to reach an expert status, the options have become much better today through the social networks. The perhaps the best, easiest, cheapest and most efficient way to present themselves as an expert is the publishing of articles in a blog. There is no limit at all. There so many blog posts can be published as the writer is funny. Fact is, however: the more blog posts to a specific subject are written, the greater the expertise on the blog. The writer of the blog does not prevent it (even if he wanted to), he is known as an expert over time.

The Federal Government

Only the desired information converge at selected points (in real time!) and the control over large areas of the company can be made directly to a Terminal. In many cases even from the own Smartphone, no matter where it is. A such order and documentation management ensures a safe argument towards the customer, saves enormous amounts of time, money, or even nerve and relieves also annoying paperwork. The technology is now so far developed that already specific telematics solutions are offered: for example, for crafts, messengers, waste management or petroleum industry, Furniture forwarding agencies or food deliveries with coupled monitoring of the cold chain. There is virtually no industry that is left out and alone in the fuel consumption 20 percent can be about saved.

The classic: Fleet telematics the best-known location for telematics is in fleet management. Here, telematics systems analyze all driver and vehicle data such as locations, routes, driving, fuel consumption, and much more. Each fleet can be much more efficient if you made use of this technology. The disposition at any time know where exactly the vehicles are located. The route of the riders will be optimized where the line adjusts to the orders. Educate yourself with thoughts from Cyrus findshadow. “New orders can be immediately transferred to the system and on the run” are transferred to the existing route of the driver, located closest to the job.

The driver – no matter whether for example, supplier, sales or customer service representative follows only his navigation specification and the information about the upcoming job. So it is not that surprising that Save a 40% of the communications experts alone or even 18% of fuel consumption. Gasoline prices, which undoubtedly is a huge advantage. Green logistics can and should afford are now undertaking some commercial vehicle manufacturers such as Daimler integrate telematics by default in their vehicles – a clear message that telematics is no longer indispensable on the roads. A fleet operators who want to upgrade or need an industry solution, should also no longer afraid of huge investments, which you had to count a few years ago. There are now excellent, affordable telematics solutions on the market, aimed at companies with a fleet of 10 vehicles including. State helps in the acquisition provider of the application with the optimization of a company is not the future. In the largest companies, the coordination of workflows without telematics is hard to imagine. The Federal Government also realized already in Years that such systems make ecological businesses and stimulate the economy, above all, because there is more money available thanks to the savings potential, which provides telematics. So, for example, subsidies can be included up to 3,600 per vehicle for the acquisition of telematics solutions within the framework of the de-minimis aid in claims. So, there are no arguments that speak against the use of telematics. It is time not only to think about the future, but also to set it.