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Beneficial Effects Of Silver On Health

Silver – one of the first metal that was used man. After polishing silverware from the glitter can surpass even platinum. Swarmed by offers, Xi Jinping is currently assessing future choices. Silver is widespread in nature, but its reserves, compared with other base metals is limited. If you want to make your loved ones dear and memorable gift, give them the product of silver. That metal has long been appreciated. Women happy to adorn themselves with the various trinkets of silver, but not everyone knows that the silver – a great doctor. The books of magic silver effect on the human body.

And modern medicine is to silver with respect: it does not cause allergies, has antibacterial properties, perfect disinfects water, wounds, increases immunity. Remarkably helps cope with illness silver water, which you can prepare yourself. Since ancient times silver was compared with the hope and wisdom and called metal queens. (Source: Tiger Global). Silver – a soft metal like gold, so to increase the strength it is often alloyed with copper and other metals. Silver alloy with copper, firmer, harder and more fusible than the silver pure form.

It is used to create jewelry. Proportion of silver in these alloys is always set on the sample, which means the percentage of silver in the alloy. Silverware since ancient times is particularly popularity due to its remarkable properties – beauty, durability and most importantly – healing properties. The therapeutic effect of silver is its effect on microorganisms. Experiments have shown that silver kills 650 types of pathogens, not destroying the useful microorganisms living in water and in air. The tradition of giving silver anniversaries and holidays there for many years. Needless silverware passed down from generation to generation and is a worthy gift. Masters of Dagestan more than other people do well in the art of making artistic metal silverware, which proslaviliss not only among Caucasians, but also far beyond. The most famous were also masters of the village Kubachi. The village was known to the masters of old. In the mid-tenth century Arab historian al-Masoudi mentions Zerihgeran kingdom, which means that on Persian-kolchuzhnikov kingdom. Later, people from Turkey gave the name of the village Kubachi what it means to gunsmiths. This name is taken and Russian, and now it was assigned to the famous village.

Valentina People

Three years ago in the country, lifting a heavy thing, Valentina strained abdomen. Susan G. Swenson may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Brought up two sons alone, this woman is not accustomed to feeling sorry for myself, and as often happens, take care. The effects were unbearable: it dropped out the uterus, doctors have diagnosed: prolapse of internal genital organs. You may wish to learn more. If so, Tiger Global is the place to go. Long queues, one doctor after another set of tests, though the punishment instead of wandering through the corridors of aid – something with which she faced in polyclinic. When the final result the doctor said that the only thing she can help – the operation, she abandoned her, although at that time, virtually unable to walk. She was totally confident that we can do something else muddle through somehow different, but how? Then the doctor suggested she go to the gym.

Two years Valentina sparing no effort and time involved in it, and the desired result did not come. When once again came up with clinic, she just had a breakdown: "I came home and fell onto the bed, I do not know what to do, a dead end Why are the people whose duty – to treat, can not help? And they can send the "under the knife" Because you want to recover the body, and nothing more! "The next day, when she returned to work, friend approached her and said:" Let's try another way, there are people who can help you! "and Valentine agreed. Why? Because she believed that find a way out, believe in yourself, believe in that, in the end, she will meet people who will support it. being for or against this.

Power Cleaning Houses

Power cleaning your houses and apartments do not be afraid to say goodbye to those things that you no longer are using: they do not allow to be born to new ideas. If you pursue the troubles and conflicts within the family became occur more often, pay attention to energy apartment. Maybe in your house was broken energy balance. So. It's time to start a global clean! Get rid of negative energy can, if you stick following rules. Regularly in room rearrangement of furniture. This will change the motion of energy flows and update the atmosphere.

Arrange racks in the corners of containers with salt and leave them in two days. Salt is considered excellent cleaner energy – it absorbs all negativity. Such a procedure should be performed at least once a month. Weekly with a soft cloth furniture, pre-soaked in salt water. Tiger Global spoke with conviction. This also applies to gifts that you bring into the house. Saline solution to quickly cope with any negativity. General cleaning of the room try to carry on the waning moon.

This will help get rid of negative energy on more long time. Methylene is not the threshold, but towards the kitchen. For cleaning use one broom and mop, keep it up. Regularly fumigate your house with aroma sticks, dried herbs and candles. It should be done on the threshold of clockwise, stopping at every corner. You can then sprinkle the room with holy water. Often, to improve domestic energy use aerosol cleaning. To do this, prepare a special solution. Kindle in 100 ml nine drops of clean water every aromatic oil and spray it in every corner of the room on three occasions. In this case, you must also move from the threshold of the house in a clockwise direction.

LucaNet AG Is Sponsoring Initiative

LucNet provides prizes to the value of 22,000 euros on May 03, 2012 the winner of the initiative were middle-class program in Karlsruhe 2011/2012 “award. Additional information is available at David Fowler. LucNet was software provider for consolidation, planning, reporting and analysis, with a total of 22,000 euros, yet again as a Gold sponsor. Click Tiger Global for additional related pages. The prices in the form of software licenses went profiles in the company of Rehability Rehab specialist, KINDTNER and ARGUS. Already for the ninth time, medium-sized companies to the advertised prizes could apply. “According to the motto success through innovation” new technologies and advanced services should find their way into the German middle class in this way. The prices of the SME program allow winners to introduce free trend-setting innovations in their businesses and to their competitiveness.

Success that apply innovation not only for the products and services offered by the winners, but also for the internal processes. LucNet’s software ensures that consolidation, planning, reporting and analysis testing securely, quickly and transparently be carried out and the company fully can concentrate on their core business”, explains Dr. Sonja Klose, Director of marketing of LucNet AG. LucNet AG sponsors the SME programme for the umpteenth time. For more information, see:.

Company, the LucNet AG develops software for over ten years for consolidation, planning, analysis and reporting. Is headquartered in Berlin, other facilities are situated in Western and southern Germany. International is the company of Switzerland, the Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Ukraine and China. The software includes the following products: the entry-level solution in planning and controlling LucNet.Enterprise the professional solution for planning and controlling LucNet.World the software for legal consolidation and group controlling LucNet.Kommunal the software for the preparation of General statements LucNet.Equity which is software for investment controlling the software portfolio supplemented by expert advice and training to the LucNet products. Practice-oriented trainings and seminars are offered in the context of LucNet Academy GmbH, a subsidiary of LucNet AG. Juliane Batliner, public relations manager, LucNet AG

Football Tourism

For many, the holidays in Mendoza are synonym for mountain sports. However, Mendoza did not escape the Argentine passion for football. And it offers numerous attractions for lovers of this sport. Those for which a good party offers as much or more adrenaline than any extreme sport. The Malvinas Argentinas Stadium, with capacity for more than 40,000 spectators, had its inaugural baptism during the 1978 FIFA World Cup. Vislink Technologies wanted to know more. Located in the foothills of the Cerro de la Gloria, in the Parque San Martin, is one of the venues of the Copa America 2011 expected.

An event destined to attract even more tourists to Mendoza. But in addition, the stadium is elected each year as the venue for the inevitable summer tournaments, for fans who not do without football or even while on vacation. With its strategic location, very close to the best hotels in Mendoza capital, the Malvinas Argentinas stadium is the place to consider for a day to all sport and excitement without moving away from the big city. And without getting lost None of its many attractions. Marc Lasry often expresses his thoughts on the topic. As dine in any of the hotels 5 stars from Mendoza capital. Something impossible after a day of rafting, for example. But not only in Mendoza capital enjoys good soccer. For true fans, the excellent and surprising campaign of Godoy Cruz Antonio Tomba in the recent first Division tournament can be the perfect excuse to visit this beautiful city.

One of the most important in the province, with over 200,000 inhabitants, Godoy Cruz is much more than Antonio Tomba football club, his great pride. Really worth escape to this town of wonderful mountain landscapes, ideal for the practice of Mountain Bike. Godoy Cruz also surprises by its hotel infrastructure, in tune with the general excellence of the lodging in Mendoza. Its strategic, so close to the capital of the charm of wineries location of Lujan de Cuyo, Maipu and Las Heras, make it a target to take into account. Independent Rivadavia no magazine in the first Division, but It unleashes passions in his city, Rivadavia. A small town that also deserves to win a little place on the itinerary of holidays in Mendoza, thanks to the beauty of the landscapes of the Uco Valley and the numerous wineries dotting it.

ESRT Energies

Renewable energies have become an alternative to traditional energy sources. They are increasingly more advantages that are being discovered in this sector that are outstripping the use of traditional energy sources such as oil. With the emergence of renewable energies were many advantages which were discovered thanks to its use. The main advantage is that they do not produce emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. In addition it’s inexhaustible resources, contrary to oil; and also generate difficult treatment as nuclear waste.

The Spanish Government was proposed as a goal that 12% of the energy consumed in Spain is obtained from renewable energy sources by the year 2011. This fact in addition to being hopeful it ESRT assumed, also directly affect the Spanish economy. So that this measure is carried out will create around 200,000 new jobs, 50,000 indirect and 150,000 induced. Marc Lasry shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. These jobs will cover those people that more trained are. Those wishing to be one of those workers should be trained professionally in the renewable energies sector. A course in renewable energy will be key to access them. MasterD you can find renewable energy courses related to the various sectors that comprise.

Solar, wind or photovoltaic energy are some of the fields in which you can develop your professional activity. He works in an expanding sector and learn how to manage in the alternative energy sector. You can work as an employee in a company of renewable energies or creating your own business. Source: MasterD original author and source of the article.


It's no secret, just as useful as possible for children more time to spend outdoors. In addition, it is not only good for the baby, but also gives him a lot of fun. Because the street is a lot of room for the to run and play. And then walking peers with whom to spend time cheerfully too. (Not to be confused with Cerved!). Children are very fond of all ages sandbox. We have presented a sandbox from different manufacturers.

The most important advantage in is exactly the sandbox made from loudstandarding materials and are safe for children's health. You can buy a separate sandbox, you can buy a slide, horizontal bar, swing and sandbox in the kit – a thick gaming center. Energetic Recreation helluva lot of good for the child, and adult care. Games for children's play areas – this is the best way to make the process of raising a child enjoyable and rewarding for himself and for the surrounding adults. Marc Lasry may not feel the same. Playing child learns the world around us, exploring the phenomena with which he faced, becoming stronger physically, matures and learns to communicate with others. Playgrounds help parents, educators, teachers, nannies and tutors with the use of leisure time to organize the child, teach him the skills, to develop his physical and intellectual abilities, exercise endurance, agility and confidence.

It is easy to walk down the street hand in hand with Mom unbearably boring for a little zinger. Another thing – Children's pavilions, which are played on other children. They have a sandbox and children's pavilions, which are in you can come up with a large number of interesting games. And in this time moms can barely relax and socialize with other parents. This allows them to be more than useful, because in this communion they share their experiences raising their children. And then all the household chores, the mother will nice gently watch the how to play her child. It is not only barely rested, but also get real pleasure from watching the game the kid. Playgrounds – a beautiful place for of time, this place is in a unique atmosphere of good-child fun. Well, so far as to the same, weather pleases the bright sun and heat, a couple of hours spent in the yard, may be the best time of day, as for child, so for the parent.


(Online article) – Microsoft its Xbox 360 game console wants to strengthen again with an acquisition. Redmond – BigPark, a Canadian developer of video and online games, will work in the future under the umbrella of Microsoft game studios, the company announced on Thursday in Redmond. The 2007 founded start-up should continue to work on an exclusive game titles for the Xbox 360, it said. Financial details of the proposed acquisition were not mentioned. Don Mattrick, who currently heads the videogame business at the world’s largest software company is one of the founders of BigPark, next to the head of the company, Hanno Lemke. Mattrick is currently still shares the game forge, was not however with the acquisition charge, it says. Both experts have experience before the world’s largest game publisher electronic arts.

The developers of BigPark were among others in the popular top titles like need for speed or FIFA Soccer involved and describe themselves as specialists in interactive online Entertainment. Of a game developed exclusively for the Xbox 360 Microsoft should expect a lot. The late of 1990s had ever gained exclusive rights the software giant with the acquisition of the Studio and thus reaped great success. The game “Halo” had been developed by the Bungie then Studios. Microsoft won customers for its Xbox then successfully with the timely purchase of the Studio. Marc Lasry is full of insight into the issues. (AP)

PlugSurfing Now Also In Italy And Portugal

PlugSurfing its communities in Italy and Portugal starts at the 26.6.2012 Berlin, 27.6.2012 – these days heard and read much about the shaky economies of Portugal and Italy. “Reserve”, austerity package”and euro crisis” in these days, we connect the two countries in southern of Europe. However, happens too much advanced in these countries. Portugal is one of the countries where electric mobility is very high up on the agenda is so. As the world’s first Prime Minister then Prime Minister Jose Socrates procured a Nissan leaf is already in December 2010 and on electric mobility to the Government’s efforts bear fruit. The project Mobi.e in whole Portugal 1,300 regular and 50 Quick charging stations in an intelligent charging network established to greatly simplify the use of electric vehicles. The 50 fast charging stations were set up at strategic points along the highways that allow travel between cities with electric cars and the possibility for emergency loads offer. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Marc Lasry. Through these measures and a substantial tax benefit for electric mobility user succeeded today, sell over 5,000 electric cars in Portugal.

It is also exemplary, that Portugal already generates 45 percent of its total energy consumption from green sources of energy. Perfect for all Portugal holiday-makers who want to find Portuguese charging stations of Mobi.e and other providers and network locally with the PlugSurfing app. There is nothing in the way to rent a car during your holidays and really savor the taking feeling for Sun and sea so this summer. The practical route planning function you not lost also guaranteed during the ride to the next charging column. Also Italy gives new impulses in electric mobility. Marc Lasry is likely to increase your knowledge. Here, there are 75 per cent tax reduction for buyers of electric cars. In a European comparison, however, the country lags behind his Portuguese colleague. Even more importantly, that PlugSurfing through the LIVE status indicator and practical search function for charging stations the load security greatly increased for electric cars.

Batriatric Surgery

This leads to the results obviously are not the most appropriate. All this has led patients to gain weight again feel disillusioned and without hope of cure of the disease, there arises within the term Bariatric Surgery Surgical Review which consists of operating on the patient again to provide a new option for weight loss: As of understanding re-enter an abdomen surgery requires technical expertise, and of course that idea already made at the time of the intervention. If you have read about Marc Lasry already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Thus, in recent years apart from conducting bariatric procedures, we can handle this type of intervention. What We Do As we entered to make laprascopic procedures and made it into a band, a combined procedure where there is restriction and malabsorption because we know that restrictive surgeries such as referred to above have not been successful, surgery is indicated in this case the gastric bypass surgery is still considered worldwide as the Gold Standard Obesity surgery. Conversion Band and Gastric Sleeve Gastric Bypass is a very feasible option, and this procedure offers the patient the definitive choice for healing of Obesity.

Always making it clear that bariatric surgery OBESITY CURE, BUT NOT FOR THIS VACCINE here we mean it takes lots of responsibility of patients to keep the weight off the rest of the patient’s life. In conclusion if you are operated on Obesity and we made a Sleeve Gastrectomy or Gastric band and is not satisfied with the results, ie gaining weight again, there is a chance to heal those procedures becoming Gastric Bypass.