Fortunately, residing in Argentina, especially in the surroundings of Buenos Aires, over 200,000 Peruvians and nearly half a million Uruguayans. If it wasn’t for them, it would be difficult to think that Nice Stadium of La Plata – nice, but a hellish, according to denounce all the players – lawned could fill or transmit any heat in the first semi-final of this America’s Cup. Argentine fans are already fairly disconnected and, of course, are completely if Uruguay remain today descabalgado. At least the charruas awaken in Buenos Aires a natural sympathy that may result in any of the teams that remain alive. Less anyone, Peruvians, a migrant minority who came to the villages of the belt of Buenos Aires in the 1990s, fleeing from the increase of poverty in his country, and was welcomed by the locals with a special apprehension and even discrimination. Source of the news:: disconnection of many, passion of few