But and if it was not spontaneous mobilization of the people, determined for the human feeling, to the default of the government stirring up it the action. What would be of this city, so rich of galas and superfluous goods, and so needy in its infrastructure of submoradia, subalimentao and primitive conditions of work? (…) ‘ ‘. The stretch above was removed of the article ‘ ‘ The days escuros’ ‘ , of Carlos Drummond De Andrade, published in the Post office of the Morning, dated of 14/01/1966. To say that Drummond exceeds the secular borders, and remains current until the present, is not no newness, but it is peculiar to discover that the description of Drummond, made has 46 years if it fits perfectly in what we live currently. This only evidences the stagnation that our country presents with regard to this subject that in them terrifies all year: rains. In the year of 2011, we witness one true slaughter in the serrana region of Rio De Janeiro.
Thousand of deceased, missing people and homelesses. One year after the tragedy, the sad dying scene remains. A shunting line project was discovered of mounts of money that would be destined to the serrana region, but part of this money was sent of illicit form to the forbidden companies to participate of licitations. The case runs in camera proceedings and what it seems the no step was taken, nor with regard to the victims nor with regard to the defendant. The fact is that we enter in plus one year with decurrent tragedies of rains and none prevention politics was taken.
She is clear the lack of urban planning, the lack of fiscalization of the civil defense and the total esquecimento where the Brazilian citizens live. a newness appeared in day 09 of January – it was announced (after the disruptions of the levees in the state of the River and landslides in Minas Gerais) the creation of a team of geologists of the Geologic Service of Brazil and hidrlogos of the National Water Agency (ANA) that they had acted more in the areas reached by rain. Moreover, the government announced that it will make anticipation of social programs to the reached families, and also of the FGTS, disponibilizando of R$ 444 million to take care of to the States and reached cities (if this in fact will be materialize, is to wait to see). It remains to know until when the article of Drummond it will be current and until when we go to live in a country where the regencial word is the corruption.