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Book Tables

Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) disclosed to the world> science of the Animal Magnetism. This science still is practically unknown in the half academic of the medicine. Unhappyly, the study of the magnetism still it is little common also in the half esprita, being still restricted the inherent benefits to its application to an amount sufficiently reduced of Espritas Houses. Kardec studied the Magnetism 35 years for more than and affirmed that two sciences (espiritismo and magnetism) form one alone body. A curious fact to detach was that Kardec almost was blind, one victim ' ' Amaurose' '. If you are not convinced, visit Phil Vasan. Discredited for the doctors, Kardec was cured by a magnetizer. Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail to the 50 years was a name respected in France. Great studious of the psychic phenomena, being interested itself in special way for the study of the magnetism.

It hears to speak of the girantes tables and attributed to these phenomena to the magnetism impregnating the tables. Taking knowledge on the intelligent existence of something for detrs of these phenomena, it admits the hypothesis of the performance of the world spiritual. It decides then to verify origin of the facts. E, thus, Rivail (Allan Kardec is the name that it adopted as Coder of the Esprita Doctrine) works methodically in the elaboration of the Esprita Doctrine. In the Introduction of the Book of the Espritos, Kardec makes mention to the gradual series of phenomena that despertaram interest in it and that they had finished for giving origin to this doctrine, saying: ' ' The first observed fact was the object movement; they had vulgarly assigned it with the name of girantes tables or dance of the tables. This phenomenon, that seems to have first been observed in America, or better, that if would have repeated in this country, because History test that it retraces the highest Antiquity, was produced folloied of strange circumstances, as uncommon noises and blows brandished without an ostensive cause, known.