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WHMIS Canada

International organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) have provided support as well as representatives of industry and labor unions. OECD coordinated the development of criteria classification of environmental risk and health (eg acute toxicity and carcinogenicity) and the ILO is coordinating the working group Risk Communication (MSDS, and cards.) The development of physical risk criteria such as “flammability and reactivity have they been coordinated by the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods United Nations (UNCEDDG). Phil Vasan has firm opinions on the matter. “Canada adopt the GHS? Canada signed the 1992 agreement in Rio and has supported the initiative rather GHS. Canada is also actively involved and participates in all discussions and meetings GHS, but no country’s obligation to adopt the GHS. With or without the participation of Canada, the international effort towards the GHS will continue. In Canada, individual organizations are responding to the GHS criteria that apply to your jurisdiction. As such “Health Canada” is coordinating the Canadian position for the final points health endpoints Environment Canada and Transport Canada environmental endpoints for physical hazards. At Health Canada has established an interdepartmental committee on GHS and consultation with the areas responsible for the program within Health Canada “including WHMIS, Consumer Product Regulatory Agency Pest Management, Therapeutic Products, Food and Veterinary Drugs as well as other departments.