The range sales and great disappointment of only a handful to thousands of sales and Rapture. Accordingly, we were very curious what the first sales figures would say. The sales statistics is published by Apple on the following day. Therefore, you must exercise in patience. But pica text seemed to run quite well. At least in the German app store climbed over our app of the day on course 68. The success was first in the other major stores. The next day, the result was then officially: picatext sold on the first day of the world’s 22 times.
100 In Germany we have expected a place among the top with something more, but still. The first weekend as well as in retail so are also on the app store the weekends most sales. And while we diligently shipped promo codes to blogger and app portals during the week, we got the first pica text review on Appgefahren due to the weekend. This was again soaring our sales after a few weaker days since its release and took us in the German app store even in the top 10. On the day on which the review appeared, alone, we have achieved almost 100 sales. It was at that time 10 times as much as in the days before. Pica text was thus sold in the first week about 300 times.
New and noteworthy thanks to the recovery of the weekend seemed to have become aware of Apple on pica text. Because just in time for the second Weekend was recorded in the category “New and noteworthy” our app by Apple. We were of the app store, and that on the home page to see not only in Germany, but worldwide! This is reflected accordingly in the sales figures. During the time under “New and noteworthy” pica text up to 300 times per day from the Mac users purchased. In the rankings, 18, in the UK on 13 and in Germany on 6 climbed pica text in the United States on space. Very passable for the first app. Went it further unfortunately was not lasting success. Almost a week later removed Apple category in the course of the Mavericks-updates “New and noteworthy” from the app store, and put back the “old acquaintance” such as pages, numbers, etc… under the guise of “The best new apps” on the home page. From this time it was with the sales figures of picatext rapidly downwards. A few days later the daily sales figures on a single-digit value declined. And was it worth it? picatext is now two months on the market and has in that time just over 1900 times sold. The app costs $3.99, with a turnover of approximately $7600 arises. Expect 30% to Apple. The current sales stagnate in the digit area. An upward trend is currently not visible. The result of our experiment: sobering. Well, we haven’t reached the million Mac users with our app. Despite Apple’s features our efforts were not worthwhile. We could not make a profit with picatext. Probably we will develop new app no at least in the near future, for the Mac app store.