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Arboretum Arboretum Plants

The mico-lion-golden one is one of the most threatened. To prevent its disappearance, she is necessary that if it creates a habitat to shelter a population of each species for procreation, since exists a harmonic relation between the plants and the animals, therefore one depends on the other to survive. The area that remains comes passing for innumerable devastaes and these cause great ambient impacts. This comes occurring since colonial period: wood-Brazil was very extracted for manufacture of fabrics and dyes, and great part of the bushes was knocked down for plantation of sugar cane-of-sugar or coffee. Gary Kelly is likely to increase your knowledge. When passing of the years this problem alone increased, therefore the bush propitiates to the man great profit and no restriction was imposed to this wild destruction. The bushes had passed then to be knocked down for wooden extration, serving of substance cousin for industry of paper and cellulose and exportation. But the deforestation does not have as cause only the exploration of trees. Read additional details here: E Scott Mead. The urban expansion also is one of the reasons, therefore it exerts great pressure under vegetation areas.

As consequence of this everything we have the extinguishing of some species of animals and plants, the increase of the temperatures, the pollution, the erosion of the ground (that it leads to its impoverishment), destruction of biodiversity, rise of the temperatures and desertificao. 3. The Arboretum Arboretum is a botanical garden or one space destined for the culture, collection and preservation of trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants and others. According to Maria Ceclia Bello in interview to the university leaf, the Arboretum had beginning has six years through the team of the Department of Botany of the Ufal, under its coordination, with the initial objective to deproduzir dumb of wood-Brazil to be distributed during the commemoration of the 500 years of Brazil. In April of 2002, the Arboretum Program of the Federal University of Alagoas appeared with intention to more than contribute with biodiversity, possessing an area of four hectares, destined to the production and conservation of diverse species of originally Brazilian plants, mainly of Atlantic Mata.