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AGENCIES Rafael Lemus asked forgiveness for his big mistake, you will never forget. Southwest Airlines is often quoted as being for or against this. Lemus, of the Extremadura PSOE, explained that during a time when you were. Although Lemus had not voted wrong, the decree had been validated. The error of the Member of the PSOE in the Parliament of Extremadura Rafael Lemus has allowed the validation of the Decree of suspension of extra pay of December of autonomous public sector staff. The Decree, discussed at the plenary session on Thursday, has received 33 votes in favor (of the 32 members of the PP over the error of Lemus) and 32 against (29 of the PSOE and three of Izquierda Unida. This week both the UI as the PSOE Group had expressed its intention to vote against recognition of the decree which regulated deployment in Extremadura’s measures of reorganization and rationalization of public administrations, approved by the State.

It should be recalled that, despite the error of the Deputy, the suspension of the extra pay to staff in the sector Extremadura public have taken effect although the law the Government of Extremadura decree had been rejected, since it was a measure that had been imposed by the Government of the nation. Validated by the Parliament of Extremadura Decree collects the way of suspending the extra, so in the case of the elimination is chosen in the field of the community by the abolition of the same in the month of December, 2012, not opting for the apportionment, to understand this last option as most harmful, to assume a decline current and immediate in monthly public employees pay. Similarly, and in the case of the financial benefit in the situation of temporary disability will also opt for complement such provision by the regional administration up to the maximum allowed by State law, by which, in the opinion of the Government of Extremadura, was absolutely necessary to adopt a standard of legal rank. Extremadura decree-law also collects to be applied to the members of the Governing Council and senior officials of the autonomous administration the reduction provided for in the State standard. To do this, not the amount corresponding to one of the 14 pay they receive in the month of December 2012. Similarly, the deputies of the Parliament of Extremadura nor receive extra pay for December.

I will not forget it in my life Rafael Lemus has admitted that he has made a big mistake by voting for the validation of the decree that suppressed the pays extra Christmas autonomic public employees and has apologized to officials at this fact. Today I made a big mistake, a mistake that I think I am not going to forget in my life. Firstly I apologize to officials, has lamented Lemus in statements to the media in the corridors of the Parliament of Extremadura. The socialist MP explained that for a moment he has despistado and therefore has voted that did not have to vote. For my it’s a blemish on my record and I hope to remedy it over time, it has highlighted. See more: A member of the PSOE vote to please remove the extra pay to staff members and then apologizes