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Fraunhofer IAO

New study identifies success factors for technology management that is closely linked with the ability, technologies to develop competitiveness of companies. This applies especially to the manufacturing sector in Germany. Against this background, the Fraunhofer IAO has examined on the basis of a survey of success factors for the development of new technologies, as well as the increase in company sales growth. Based on the study is a survey among 95 companies both small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large companies in the industries: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, automotive and metal. Bernard Golden understands that this is vital information. They evaluated their own technology development on the basis of 29 factors for relevance and value. Moreover, the study of regression analysis shows which of the success factors associated with the revenue growth. The by industry and size of enterprise itemized study results show that the most important success factors for technology developments in the areas of customer focus, expertise and strategy lie.

The valuation difference of the success factors is rather low compared with industry. Larger differences when comparing the SMEs with large business; they assess the relevance of the 29 factors higher than SMEs. The biggest differences lie in the areas of competence, patent strategy and trend analysis. For the initiation of technology development projects, especially the integration of market-pull, technology-push, creativity of employees and/or the strategic market growth objectives play an important role. When asked after the factors that have a positive impact on sales growth, seven success factors were identified. Mostly these are based on extrinsic aspects, such as systematic identification of target markets and rapid consolidation of partners. But also intrinsic factors, such as the formation of an interdisciplinary, professional teams have an impact on sales growth.

The companies surveyed, where these factors are stronger than in other, came with regard to their sales growth through the global economic crisis in 2009. The study is part of the third presidential project, in which the Fraunhofer researchers have explored new methods of technology management, as well as the systematic development of new technologies and the technology market. The publication appears at the beginning of April 2012 and is available at a price of 45 in the ILO-shop. It is addressed primarily to readers from technology-based industries. In particular, executives, professionals and consultants are addressed, but also teachers and students can gain valuable insights. A summary of the key findings of the study is available from the specified contact.