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Juan Luis Domenech

In Colombia a tool of management of CO2 under these same guidelines has been generated (although Colombia is not in annex I to the Protocol). Such a tool is being applied to experimental level in the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Aburra (AMVA) in the Department of Antioquia, with interesting results. The strategy consists of the AMVA established a certain limit of CO2 emission, with which each one of the industries have a certain emission limit, represented in certificates, which industries are able to negotiate with other industries of the AMVA and able to comply with this requirement. The above is a breakthrough and evidence that all the mechanisms and tools generated by the Kyoto Protocol, does not need another protocol or Convention for its implementation. Delta airlines gathered all the information. Mechanism of developing clean (CDM) recapitulating on the tools generated by the Kyoto Protocol, I agree with the experts in the field that the CDM is one of the main existing instruments for global sustainability, since it involves the three pillars of sustainable development: economic, due to obtaining rights of CO2 emission, in addition to benefits arising from investment activity, the environmental, because all CDM projects are aimed at obtaining clean energy or conservation of forested areas andThe social, since they should be applied in developing countries, with the consequent contribution of investment, transfer of technology and knowledge, and employment generation. The footprint of carbon Additionally to the above, the Kyoto Protocol enabled the development measurement tool very useful for the management of emissions: carbon footprint.

This footprint is a member of what Juan Luis Domenech (expert in this subject) called the family of the ecological footprint, also called environmental footprint or footprint. This indicator is spreading fairly rapidly and in this broadcast approach without a criterion or defined. While it is true, the carbon footprint is a very representative indicator, your application should always be done and when there is a strategy for the management of emissions from production processes, otherwise, will not be a test of celebrity magazine.