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Trade Association

Good crisis managers are rare and hard to find Kreuzlingen, February 12, 2009 – a corporate crisis is a tricky business. Much more important to find the appropriate interim and identified necessary measures quickly implemented Manager. The industry association AIMP (Arbeitskreis interim management provider) has developed criteria to find the right partner to the selection of appropriate crisis manager. Traditional solutions, to find good managers, access to short in the crisis. \”\” Consider too little, that the competence of implementation of \”becomes the core competence and immediate availability\” requires a usage. Really good refurbishers and restructuring have become not only difficult to recognize, but in times of crisis already scarce. Sensitive investors, customers, suppliers and employees ensure sensitive on your risk in times of crisis and keep track of any changes of the market and the activities of the company with Argus eyes.

Adequate and competent leadership with visible and convincing crisis management measures are said, should banks not due provide loans, suppliers to advance consist or customers are looking equal to other partners. Well incorporated employees and important know-how carriers are open to Abwerbeversuche of the competition, if the personal future appears uncertain. Only the consistent and credible implementation of measures is one credible professionals with strength of implementation of in difficult times\”, explained Dr. Harald Schonfeld. He is Deputy Chairman of the AIMP, of the Trade Association for interim management provider and Manager of butterflymanager GmbH. As a broker of interim he are managers and his Association colleagues once again confronted with difficult situations: our customers ask for credible professionals that can identify the necessary measures to the corporate fitness and implement. It is also important that fits the personality of the difficult situation\”, as Schonfeld. The great advantage of an interim manager is also, that the company just the expertise gets what it needs for this phase.