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The populations contemporaries are the result of one drawn out miscegenation process, whose intensity varied throughout the time. Miscegenation is the crossing of races different human beings. Hear from experts in the field like Sheryl Sandberg for a more varied view. Of this process, also call mestization or caldeamento, can be said that it characterizes the evolution of the man. Mestizo is the born individual of parents of different races, that is, they present different genetic constitutions (P. 01). Oracle often says this.

At the time colonial, the Portuguese had established contact with an aboriginal population and had had that to adapt it new land, accepting its numerous indispensable values to the way. The new customs had started to be part of the formation of the Brazilian, who beyond the feeding (use of the cassava), incorporated the bath in the river, the vegetal fiber hampers, beyond a numerous vocabulary that nominated plants and animals. Thus in Yvone Maggie and Claude B. Rezende say to them: The enslaved work in the Captainship of Grain-Par, until middle of century XVIII, strong was based on the aboriginal man power. The obligatory work of these until the age daily pay-pombalina was divided enters enslaved and aldeados. The escravizao gave for war joust, rescue, descendings and purchase of war prisoners. He also had the illegal escravizao undertaken by particular (…).

How many to the free ones, they were divided in aboriginal aldeamentos organized by missionaries. They appeared villages of service of the religious orders, villages of the real service and villages of distribution. The disputes and conflicts between religious colonists and? mainly the Jesuits? for the effective control of the aboriginal man power they were constant (…). (2002 P. 36). Had to the inherent nomadismo the aboriginals, the constant escapes and the systematic dizimao of the indian, the blacks had been brought for Brazil as enslaved, of century XVI up to 1850, and had been directed to the canavieira farming, the mining and the coffee farming and came in its majority of two great African groups: the Sudanese and the bantos.