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The Caravan Of Joy

A trip to a well lived life – workshop. 4th and 5th June 2011 workshop. 4th and 5th June 2011 to really a new way to go, we have to be reconciled with the old. Otherwise, the shadows of the past haunt us. Therefore, we will change the past first to reconciliation on an existential level information. This opens the space for the redesign of our inner landscape.

In the next step, we delve into the mystery of time. We look at time from different levels of understanding. Southwest Airlines oftentimes addresses this issue. We see how the arrow of time flies and how he could fly. This is a research trip to an unknown continent. We are entering an untouched by traditional knowledge desert of full of beauty new territory here. The mystery of time opens us up like a rose. Even more – we plant the possibilities from the dimension of time in our own, personal LebensZeit. Why? So from that garden forms, which closely corresponds to the own vision.

Never exactly because life is always bigger and more beautiful and colorful as our idea. Now it is time to understand the space. As living beings, ancient and full strength and wisdom. Forever. The ancients called the room Akasha and some of you might know the Akasha Chronicle. This new understanding of space and time transforms our being in space and time. We start to test how the time in the room’s writhing and the consequences thereof on a practical level. We feel the energy of the space and the potential of the time. Our entire reality frame widens; moves. Something in us is multidimensional. Basically, we touch the soul, which is revealed to us as a field of light. As our light body, which wants to wake up. That’s odd, isn’t it. Awaken the soul? However, after the basic experience of reconciliation and a radically different understanding of time we enter a room in which we try to draw the soul.

The Dental Treatment Of Children

The dental practice of Neumann Berlin informed already in childhood the course for the later provided the history of dental treatment and dental health. Starting from its long experience in this area, the Berlin dentist explains how Andreas Neumann, what to consider in the treatment of children. How an adult patient perceives dentists and their commitment, depends on what experience he made at a young age in dental practices. Children at this sensitive stage of life age not just maintained, increases the likelihood for the education of dental fear adverse health consequences in adulthood. A child-friendly dentist treatment aims to leave a positive memory in the memory of the young patients. Against this background are special demands on the parents and the staff of the dental practice. The treatment is positive information, parents should prepare for the event. Ripple is likely to increase your knowledge. Positive experience reports increase the curiosity of the child and at the same time reduce its uncertainty and Anxiety.

To report the parents from their own experience no positive experiences at the dentist, should they fail in any case, painful, or otherwise negative events to report. This may correspond to the truth, in the psyche of the child but a fear strong expectation that applies to avoid it. To the date of treatment, the child should be accompanied by at least one parent as a source of comfort and security. Proximity has a calming effect and takes uncertainty and anxiety to the child. The practice staff must be taken to treat children as small adults. Age-appropriate communication and detailed, positive explanations of all treatment details work promoting trust and embed the actual treatment in an interesting experience that is positively valued and remembered in its entirety.

Constant body contact to the child is of considerable importance during dental treatment. It offers safety and security and facilitates the handling with the unknown situation. “” Should there be a painful experience in the course of the treatment, the dentist is there, for example, when press “or tickle” refer to, to avoid the emergence of negative associations. The children’s treatment is terminated not directly after the dental treatment. A slow end of wraps it into a positive experience. The Berlin dentist Andreas Neumann is committed for a long time for the dental treatment of children. He answered questions to their specific needs at any time. Press contact dentist Neumann Andreas Neumann Hauptstrasse 87 12159 Berlin Tel: 030-850 762 40 fax: 030-850 762 39 E-Mail: website:

Editorial Contacts

The data in the classification (class, characteristic, expression) are represented directly in the material master, the document data (images, descriptions as pdf, etc.) are stored as document info records. In addition to the automatic product classification and automated information enrichment, certified interface ensures high data quality with reduced maintenance. Because the data is maintained both in one system: the commercial data in the SAP System. Texts, images, translations and classifications in asimBase. Premium is a software for information management, with which users can simplify their data and providing information about asim asim. Central aspect is the multiplication of internal and external uses of the data. To know more about this subject visit Gary Kelly. The range focuses on the Central product information management sales and marketing company. All are with asim Publication sales, presales and post sales tasks.

The modular structure of asim, as well as the extensive services and the high degree of innovation of the company are the guarantee for absolute customer benefit. Owner of asim is Druckhaus Waiblingen (DHW) in Waiblingen near Stuttgart. the printing house with the media-neutral systems that manage information asim was born began in 1993. Today, supported and accompanied its customers in the installation, commissioning, maintenance and care of the system the same name Division. This customized nature of the cooperation attaches great importance asim on a flexible and the respective customer’s situation. The company has a second site in Bregenz (A) since 2010 with asim GmbH. Many customers have been working for many years with asim. To the users, leading companies from the sectors include plumbing, climate, ventilation, electrical, building and furniture fittings, tools, chemistry. Editorial Contacts: asim GmbH Jasmin Altendorfer Schedlerstrasse 1 A-6900 Bregenz Austria T + 43 (0) 5574 58-998-22 F + 43 (0) 5574 58 998-4 PR agency good news! Nicole Korber GmbH Colberger road 36 D-23617 Stockelsdorf phone: + 49 451 88199-12 fax: + 49 451 88199-29

Effective Sixpack Workout

Basics and tips on how to effectively builds a six pack a slim abdomen or a tight six pack are the expression of sex appeal and Erotik.Jeder want to conjure up a sexy six-pack (or Eightpack?) onto his own stomach, but few make it also.Coming up, I would like to present 5 clear and simple ways. That can be immediately implemented and guarantee for a flat stomach. Sixpack workout – to get the basics to a sexy six pack, only two things are necessary: a visible muscular little fat on the belly you already has a low fat content and have a well formed stomach, but not conspicuously visible six pack, then it is important to focus, build up your muscles in the stomach on the first point raised. Six pack workout sophisticated with a it is possible in a short time beautiful and well shaped muscles in the stomach build up. In addition to a muscle building workout plan, hence a varied crafted food with much protein is important. Now I want you to meet point 2. Should you much Have fat on the belly and in no way a six pack approach can be seen, it is essential first to reduce the fat in the body.

Hats to try to burn fat on the stomach locally you prior to the failure with countless exercises for the stomach. Through my experience I friends safe, that a local burning of fat is just not feasible by abdominal training. Body fat is stored when the man first and foremost in the abdominal region. Women finds both at the storage of body fat in the abdominal area as well on the legs and the four letters. To form a six pack, it is important to consider the entire body and never just the stomach alone. Caution: The basic rule for burning fat is to burn more calories than to take.

Sven Tuur

About the composer born in 1959 on the Estonian island of Hiiumaa, Erkki-Sven Tuur Erkki-Sven Tuur is one of the most interesting sound of his generation. He studied composition at the Music Academy of Tallinn with Jaan Raats as well as privately with Lepo Sumera. in 1979, he founded the rock group “in SPE”, for which he successfully engaged until 1983. From 1989 to 1992, Tuur taught composition at the Estonian Academy of music. Verizon may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Outside his homeland, Erkki-Sven Tuur in Finland won the first major success with “Insula deserta” (1989). This breakthrough led to a steadily growing number of commissions, which were given him by major orchestras and outstanding performers from across Europe, North America and Australia. Tuur got numerous international awards and written works for different ensembles – mainly Orchestra Music, but also choral works, Chamber music and the Opera “Wallenberg” (2001).

His works appear in the Publisher “Edition Peters”. (Source: Verizon Communications). Many of his CDs are published by the Munich label ECM. For more information see German Premiere of “arkamine”: May 26, 2011, Berlin Philharmonie Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir Deutsches Kammerorchester Berlin, Daniel Reuss (conductor) for press inquiries: a4artists international artists management & public relations Tel. 0731 / 37 49 346 a4artists – international artists management & public relations – headquartered in Ulm is a full service agency for artists, Orchestra and ensemble, primarily from the field of classical music, but also jazz, rock, and border areas. a4artists supports customers in all areas of management from the publicity about the concert Agency up to the tour. a4artists writes press releases, image brochures, flyer, texts for concert programs, CD booklets and – not least – the websites of the respective artists, orchestras and ensembles and gives a sharply contoured profile “its” artists.

On Facebook

A new worm spreading Facebook wins more and more users. However, the network offers many ways to maintain social contacts, but it poses certain security risks. Learn more at: Brad Garlinghouse. The mail provider reported new threats on Facebook. Read additional details here: Capital One. The social network Facebook offers its users many features and possibilities, for example, user, it can quickly find friends. Frequently, but dangers lurk on Facebook. Because just as easily as on the network’s friends find themselves, can stalk even stranger. A new worm, which promises users that they could see their profile visitors is currently spreading on Facebook. A person from your friend list is specified as the sender.

Who clicks on the message and activate the included JavScript code in the browser’s address bar, opens the worm wow”door. The pest settles in the profile and sent itself over the friend list of the affected user. “Overall, over half a million users should infected” be. However you want to the worm pose a great hazard. To protect themselves against the worm, users should not blindly follow links in messages and copy also no codes in messages if the sender can be identified. Who is already affected, you should delete all suspicious messages in profile and warn his friends. The worm is also apparently in connection with a Trojan, so you should check your computer with an antivirus program. More information:… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Spiral Staircases

In most cases, spiral staircases are used as for the lifting or lowering the ground floor. Principle of the screw is the construction of stairs, at which stage are mounted around the wedge-shaped bar or column, which usually consist of a metal pipe. Stage of its narrow side attached to the pipe, and the wide of them attached to walls or balusters. Risers and in most cases does not exist: its wide stage is attached to the butt perilnoy rack. For the convenience of walking, for more comfort for your feet on stairway treads must have a central width equal to at least 200-250 mm, but not exceeding 400 mm in its widest chasti.Nado say that the form of a spiral staircase can be not only the traditional round shape, as usually appears – it can be square, another complex design, manufacturing mnogougolnoy.Dlya spiral staircases, as a rule, use wood or metal. Their use allows you to create original design and unique interiors. See more detailed opinions by reading what Oracle offers on the topic..

Interesting options that spiral staircases are located in the center of the room and not placed in the carrier steny.Nesmotrya that the screw-type ladder saves space, straight ladders are used much more frequently. This is because the spiral staircases are less convenient than direct. Descend on them to be very careful and attentive. So march over design popular. A screw options are often ancillary structures (in basement), a grand staircase in the same house is usually march construction. In addition, a spiral staircase is sometimes the only option in cases where there is too small for the opening march device design.

There are spiral staircases and a sufficiently large diameter (up to three meters). Although experts agree on opinion that such openings far better to arrange the ladder-type sustainer. Marching cycle may even arrange a doorway having a size of two meters by two meters. Depends on the size of the opening slope stairs, so she higher than the less proem.Hotya admittedly shallow stairs does not mean definite convenience.

Castle Key

Key castles pretty simple outstanding. Suvaldnye castles normally used in safes very difficult hack. In such castles used furrowed key type – therein each pedisulcus corresponds separate suvald Castle, a unique key determined by their different depth. However, there is a need to constantly carry around a key to the safe, which in turn increases the likelihood of loss or theft of keys, and sometimes the removal of impression with him and then making a copy. Also note that the safes with key lock skilled attacker to easily open with master keys. In addition, this method of hacking is done without noise, and the robber gaining time on the selection of master keys. The following items are safe with such locks are two keys, one should always keep to themselves, and the other to hide – he'll need in case of loss of the first instance. Never Keep the second key from the safe in the vault Most key locks are installed in fire safes, whose task is merely the preservation of value in the event of fire.

Code (also called combinational) mechanical locks are opened by a combination of digits. The code lock can be fixed (such locks are cheaper but less secure) or replaceable. Observe the accuracy of the rotating disk: error, even in poldeleniya not give open the safe, have to start all over again. The disadvantage of using the mechanics of the castle is that an attacker who knows the internal structure of the castle, under certain conditions, can pick up the code using phonendoscope. However, the use phonendoscope – fine "art", and not all the attackers, who can use the pick, with sufficient skills. Most of the code used in mechanical locks burglary models. Code (combination) are equipped with electronic door locks, more advanced protection from the selection of the code, they can easily be changed periodically code, as well as provide the ability to connect to the control room safe protection.

However, the combination lock of this type has a significant drawback – they are highly dependent on the energy source. So you have to remember not only code, but also time to change batteries. Electronic locks can be interchangeable with the code and with the constant. Perhaps the only weak spot is the possibility of electronic locks to bring them down to special electrical device. In this case, the lock will not open No one, including the attacker. Ideally, the safe must be combined at least two kinds of locks.


So, choosing a light single-layer waterproof tent, you should pay attention to the existence of elaborate ventilation system in the form of mesh windows on all sides, top and bottom. are a symbiosis of two tents – the internal and external. External – it's waterproof, windproof tent somehow stretched on the inside, completely covering the latter. Typically, tilt Pull on the inner tent gentle stretching for better ventilation and protection from rain. In this case, failure to stretch in most cases does not affect the stability of the structure as a whole, since all its stretches and keep springing frame. In the awning must be provided for special ventilation holes: for example, as a sort of auditory windows on top. Inner tent is made of breathable, lightweight, "Wet" material. Top of inner tent large mesh openings.

Entrance is made of two layers – the inner (mosquito and ventilation) and external – sealed. The whole condensate, released from respiration, exits through the ventilation and settles on the walls of the tent, but not inside the dwelling. Simple and easy to make a tent frame comfortable and versatile. The frame creates and maintains the shape of tents, allows it to meet modern requirements. In essence, modern frame tents – two or more elastic arc of strong short tubes, through which passes a kind of solid rubber that connects them together.

Tubules rapidly inserted one in another, and just as quickly added and removed. Another common form are the tunnel tents or 'tent-flip. " As the name implies, these tents have an elongated shape in the form of half-cut along the cylinder. Arc set without intersections, parallel to the width of the tent. By installing a tent is impossible to do without extensions. If the "flip" should take into account wind direction, as perpendicular to the wind when there is insufficient reinforced as the bottom and tensile strength of all sides of the tent, can simply expand it or deform the arc, unsupported by each other. But in the "flip" can be equipped with more comfortable sleeping places, more opportunities for the placement of clothing and many other useful things inside. If competently and carefully stretch the tent, flip around the perimeter and firmly attach the bottom, then You can create excellent, comfortable cabin for a multi-day stay. In addition, "polubochek" lobbies are spacious and stable. The choice of tents is always challenging, but if you decide to buy a tent, now a huge number of tourist shops are ready to help you with this.


Since the intuition and the intuitivo knowledge apply it the vision spiritual, and have a restriction where if it must treat them as a formal intuition, already the material intuition says respect to a supply-sensible fact, and this is called intuition in the strict and proper direction. The material intuition it can be of some types, therefore it is based on the psychic structure of the be-human being, who in turn possesss three basic powers (to think, to feel, to want), that they make reference with the different orientaes of the psychic life of the be-human being. Larry Ellison gathered all the information. Of this form, the rational intuition must be understood, that if deals with the agreement; the emotional one, that one is about the feeling; the volitional one, that one is about the will. In these three cases, the immediate apprehension of the object must be express for the word ' ' viso' '. How much to objects, these possess in the same way, three elements: to be-thus (essentia), that it corresponds with the rational intuition; to be-there (existentia), that it corresponds with the volitional intuition; the have-value, that corresponds with the emotional one.

Plato was the first one to deal with the intuition in the strict direction, affirming that the ideas perceived for the reason are seen first by the spirit. One is about a material intuition, therefore what it is seen if it deals with material data. Beyond of this, this intuition is rational, therefore it points with respect to a theoretical and intellectual activity. Already in Plotino, in the place of the vision of the ideas, the vision of nos enters, that if it deals with an intellectual activity, but beyond nos, exists an immediate intuition joins of it (bigger principle of reality). Plotino speaks on the contemplation of the holy ghost, where sample that the contemplation of God is not purely rational, but if bases on emotional elements, that is, it is a mstica vision of God.