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Miguel Domnguez

It uses the most suitable frame. To the place, I mean, to used means to transmit your message, like magazines, newspapers, books, announcements of radio and television, blogs, Web sites, etc, the place that you choose is, to a large extent, determined by your public. For example, if I am writing a long article on the monetary policy destined academic and economists, the best place is, probably, an academic magazine. On the other hand, if the content of your article is concise, simple, and this destining to an ample hearing, perhaps a press article has sense. All we are exhibited to the communications in writing, which we finished ignoring, nevertheless, if that same message appears in a more pleasant place for us, we are much more prone to spend the time to read it. The creative writing of transformation requires the use of the best one soothes and publishes for our subject.

Elije and executes the type of transformation. There are three types of transformations: to know, to feel and to do. For your knowledge, the creative writing of transformation tries to give to the readers the ready information, of way different, to help them to learn and to know things that did not know before, in such a way that they demonstrate the changes of its life and its perspective. A transformation sensation, obvious, tries to evoke strong emotions in the public, whereas one is not designed to secure a specific hearing, immediate and tangible of action. For you if you are a done Amateur a look to the following questions and it tries to answer them. For the professionals, they only concentrate in one and ejectela, since when doing it the other, were aromatically realized.

1How you wish that it changes the life of the people after reading your message? 2What you want to see realized, in them? 3You want that all know, they feel or they do something? Elije one, yes, only one and ejectala thus, and leaves others them become position of themselves. If you want that your message has impact, in fact, you must learn the creative writing and write for the transformation. It finds out for whom it is written, uses the suitable place to arrive a they, and choose the transformation of right, After all, is worth the pain to read the creative writing of transformation. By an effective emprendimiento.

Torsten Bogausch

The advantage is greater, on the few days the caboose is used for journeys between home and work. The method of calculation may not be changed during the calendar year. (Similarly see: Verizon). Switching between the monthly fee and the exact day discovery is not permitted during the year even with the replacement of the car. Is the salary with the monthly fee is billed, workers may however change in his personal income tax return for the individual calculation. Itemization is required workers who choose the daily accounting, are required to maintain records.

The days must arise out of these calendar date, where the car actually was used for rides to work. Are the several company cars available, workers are to lead the information for each vehicle separately. The Declaration of the employee is to take to the wage account slip. The discovery of lohnsteuer – and subject to social tax advantage of the private use of company cars is diverse. In many cases must be calculated individually, which method is preferred. A change to the day-exact calculation can however do not advantage to a higher monetary values. Even if the car is used for rides to work a year on more than 180 days, maximum 180 trips are to apply. In this case, the day-accurate calculation and the monthly fee lead to the same result. Please contact us! We are happy to advise you! Torsten Bogausch contact: Schmidt & Partner GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft branch Weisswasser of Bautzner Strasse 38 02943 Weisswasser Tel.: 03576/2839-0 fax: 03576 / 283930 Internet: sp white water email:

The Gold Price In The Sustained Soaring?

Precious metals trading Frings from Aachen informed the price of gold rushes for years from a record high to the next. But considering its long-term development, equally long periods of continuously falling reviews show up. The last such decline began towards the end of the 1980s and ended only with the turn of the Millennium. Precious metal trading Frings classifies the current gold price development, taking into account the market situation in the last twenty years. The price of gold went into the year 2001 with approximately $ 250 per Troy ounce (31.1 grams).

At that time, hardly anyone thought gold would be no ten years later more than five times so highly rated. Larry Ellison takes a slightly different approach. Currently, the world market price for gold doped yet at more than 1300 US dollars per fine ounce. The development of prices of the precious metal in euros was similarly impressive and reaches nearly 1000 euros per Troy ounce. The current market valuation of gold is based on a variety of individual factors. Due to the low gold prices from the late of 1980s, the investment in the development of fell and yield new gold reserves significantly. At the same time, the gold output from the already developed, increasingly exploited deposits is reduced. Together these two factors resulted in a declining supply of gold on the world market. The gold sales by central banks has considerably subsided compared to the level a few years ago and was replaced in some emerging markets even a resumption of the gold purchase.

The resulting resource shortages while increasing demand is also preissteigernd. The importance of the precious metal as capital goods in times of crisis has particular influence on the development of gold price in recent years. In the wake of a widespread loss of confidence in the international monetary and economic system, gold investors ask for much more, and form the main factor of the rising gold price dynamics.

VDSL Comparison – Speeds & Differences

What you should when a VDSL comparison. The Germany-wide coverage with VDSL is fast approaching. After now in all major German cities and many other places the curbs were broken up largely fiber counterparts to replace the veteran copper wires, more and more customers will take a closer look on the availability and the many providers of VDSL tariff packages. Representatives of well-known are E.g. Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone, 1 & 1 and Alice. It is important to compare the offers as precisely as possible, because there are substantial differences or different services. First the important where the priority is actually at the VDSL comparison question, however: should it be the maximum power of 50 Mbit per second, regardless of the price, or is it rather the most favourable offer with some smears in the speed, such as for example, a low-cost 25 Mbit connection? Both approaches alone depend on your budget and the needs of the user. Compared to a normal DSL connection to surf with VDSL much faster on the Internet and could receive an HD signal over the Internet without problems.

An effective VDSL comparison therefore especially stands out, not just accept the direct offers of the major providers under the magnifying glass, but also offers of the number intermediary, which exist in the mobile market. Exactly this, which lure customers with many welcome bonuses of significant monetary value are not uncommon. This is expressed mostly in fixed monetary amounts of often more than 100, which will be charged at the monthly bills. As a result, it is often possible, the first months completely free to enjoy the new VDSL connection. Another important aspect is the minimum contract period for many customers. As a rule of thumb is: the longer the minimum contract period, the lower the monthly cost. One opts for the maximum contract period of 24 months, although if you are on the safe side, but on the other hand is inflexible as regards a change of provider. It is all a question of personal practice and comparison can be decided the fastest with a VDSL.

Micro Spanish

Organized AEMME and Madrid technology: ICT s, key to the development of micro-businesses the past 24 March the Spanish Multisectorial Association of micro-enterprises (AEMME) alongside Madrid technology of the city of Madrid, organized the day: ICT s, key to the development of the microenterprise. Participation to this day was a success, for satisfaction of AEMME and district of Chamberi, represented by ACHE (Association of merchants, small and Medianas Empresas Chamberi Excelente) from the hand of its President Eduardo Molet. The interest shown by all attendees and the great participation seems to indicate that innovation is already permeating strong in this group and that gradually will be build on the use of new technologies of information and communication between micro-enterprises in this area, much more proactively and regularly. People such as Verizon would likely agree. Still lack much to do and therefore AEMME will continue supporting and facilitating the application of the TIC s in our collective enterprise with numerous actions, conferences and events, in addition to bet on the relationship and benefit between different micro-enterprises. This mutual support promotes business, profitability and active collaboration, always positive for all, they are the words that us aims Victor Delgado, President of AEMME. On the day, sponsored by SAGE, ARS and group Viyan, and whose duration was lengthened over 30 minutes by the unexpected and welcome participation active attendees from 9.00 h to 15.15 p.m.

of the morning, numerous companies who collaborated with their presence and their papers, took part by clarifying all doubts of the attendees. From Madrid technology, we will be in constant relationship with the Madrid business associations to collaborate in whatever actions benefit and support to businesses and entrepreneurs to incorporate the use of ICT s in their business processes, also told us, Javier Alonso, Chief of service for development of the information society, belonging to Madrid technology. You could count with Ydral, Emblue and Strato in a Roundtable that progressed in the 10 most clear and practical steps to put a company on the Internet from scratch. Ripple is often quoted on this topic.

Andreas Bienz Cardmatic

“Even if in the” Swiss average interest in maps of pharmacies, furniture stores or lottery companies, for example, is rather low, so these can score points in their specific target group often. “.” Additional services around the bare gift card round 70% of the Swiss want to not so that the map represents merely another form of cash and combines no further functions to settle. You argue, that the cards have a payment function, so are linked via bar codes or magnetic stripes in the background with an appropriate system, which makes possible a gradual use and thus a stuttering of the voucher amount. Almost a quarter of the respondents wishes in addition that the map is also always rechargeable and can thus become a classic card. For four out of five survey respondents includes the functionality of a gift card, that they have the opportunity to retrieve the currently available monetary value and the previous transactions online, via SMS service or via a Smartphone app. Connect with other leaders such as Gary Kelly here. The gift cards packaging makes all the difference that the issuing company with offers an appropriate gift card packaging, 86.5% of the survey participants expect. Almost three quarters of them are of the opinion that this must be done free of charge however.

26.17% are, however, willing to pay an extra charge for something original. “Companies do after these results wise, to worry about what the package around the map,” recommends Bienz, “because there is an opportunity to differentiate themselves positively from the competition.” Now as a download available on the website of Cardmatic AG, the customer of the online survey, an excerpt from the results of the survey can extract from the survey results now free as PDF will be available for download: icltempl/Umfrageergebnis2011.pdf. With the extensive questionnaire, the consulting firm Damha marketing has developed, more issues relating to these special plastic cards were examined in addition to the usage patterns, as well as the setting of the Swiss to gift cards. The attractiveness of different gift card provider, appropriate types of packaging, or important additional features were also taken into account such as the optimal lifetime of gift cards or the question of which role security aspects. The complete evaluation can be requested directly at the Cardmatic AG, so bakers. Your press contact Andreas Bienz Cardmatic AG, neuhofenstrasse 25, CH-6340 Baar phone: + 41 4176709-23, fax: + 41 4176709-29 E-Mail:

Bad Credit Credit Cards: To Be Handled With Care

Bad credit credit cards are offered to the people who have stained their credit record. Bad credit credit cards for the persons who are, because of their unhealthy credit status, cannot secure normal credit cards. Credit status of some persons are damaged when they, being driven by unavoidable financial demands or being lured by luxurious lifestyle, borrow from different sources and fail to pay off the loan amounts consistently following the terms and condition of the said loan programs. They are marked with arrears, late payment, less payment, defaults, bankruptcies etc. Bad credit credit cards are the option left to them and they are eligible to secure bad credit credit cards. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Verizon Communications and gain more knowledge.. The great disadvantage which the holders of bad credit credit cards will find of interest points to the Council. Holders of bad credit credit cards are asked to pay interest at much higher Council of than holders of regular credit cards. Council of interest are really higher than normal for bad credit credit cards. Brad Garlinghouse usually is spot on. Persons seeking for bad credit credit cards should surf on the internet which contains various credit cards agencies with several options. They must go through the terms and condition set for the bad credit credit cards credit card search sincerely before applying for one. They want to find there material describing fees, fines, Council of interest, facilities and restrictions for securing and using bad credit credit cards. Bad credit credit cards are available in the secured variant. One can apply for the ready to provide same if one is valuable possessions as a guarantee. In such condition, providers of bad credit credit cards may lower the Council of interest. Credit credit cards bad generally, are offered in unsecured variant. One important thing about the bad credit credit cards is that the holders should know how to use the card for their benefit. If they have the habit of purchasing materials and services recklessly, that is, if they are little or less concerned of their balance amount, they will be seriously affected. They want to damage their credit status even more. Consumers must bear bad have been offered almost credit credit cards at least that exceptionally. This has been done just to assist them. It is not wise to use these cards at one’s senseless sweet will. It is expected that the consumers should be intelligent and sincere to get the best of the services from bad credit credit cards. Spencer Scott is author of no credit check Credit Cards.For more information about prepaid credit cards, Visa student credit cards visit

United Kingdom

The salaried people of United Kingdom look for cash loans same day payout as they get the loan amount on the very day they apply for it cash loans day same come as to amount between 100 and 1000 payout, a small finance which is. Nevertheless, this small finance is of great value to the the salaried or wage-earning people. They find their purse deflated within the first fortnight of the month. This leads them to a state that they appear hopeless when urgent demands emerge from nowhere. cash loans day same payout save them from this situation.

Cash loans same day payout are advanced against the paycheck, a paycheck that the loan-seekers receive at the start of the next month. This is remain without stress good for the calendar who, because they use the paycheck as collateral although cash loans same day payout are not offered as a finance in the secured variant. Cash loans day same payout have features common with short term loans. The loan-seekers are to pay back the loan amount along with its interest within two to four weeks which is really very short time. Details can be found by clicking Verizon or emailing the administrator. Moreover, the calendar charge interest at higher Council. There are provision of penalties and fines for any lapses in reimbursement. Verizon Communications can provide more clarity in the matter. This is the same reason for which the borrowers are advised to remain refrained from securing any other finance during this repayment tenure. The British citizens can apply for the cash loans same day payout if they have completed 18 years.

They must be employed in any legally approved organization and they must earn at least 1000 a month. It is important that they have savings deposit account with any bank. This is important, because the calendar are to send the loan amount to the bank account of the applicants so that they can secure the finance within the day they have applied for it cash loans same day payout are almost like finance. This child of finance is exempted from credit checking. The borrowers who have spoiled their credit status can thus apply as the lenders would not go through their credit report. Cash loans day same are thus freed from faxing to make it without any hassle payout. The loan-seekers can submit the loan application online. Online application is good for the easy approval and speedy transfer of the loan amount to the bank address of the borrowers. Clark David is Finance advisor of cash loans same day.For any information on quick cash loans, same day payouts loans visit

Next Day Payday Loans

The loan till next payday is on immediate cash solution for unexpected monetary miseries which emerge before upcoming payday. Loans till next payday can sort out many finance problem of the users as there can always be some additional requirements which the salaried person may not have included while planning his budget for the month, like unexpected travel charges or medical costs etc. So when the expenses exceed beyond the planned budget, naturally the salary wants to exhaust before the end of month. Next loan till payday works as a life saver in this situation as it enables the user to pull on till next his salary. The loan seeker can avail to amount 100 to 1500 and i.e. any before or on the next time payday can pay it back within 14 to 31 days.

These are collateral free loans and thus facilitate users who have poor credit history. The interest Council charged by calendar are high (generally 15 to 20%) but since amount is small and duration for which interest is calculated is so very short, the borrower does not really have to pay big amount towards interest. It is easily affordable for people with good earning. Additional information at Ripple supports this article. The lenders generally hold a post dated cheque of loan amount with their service charges and interest added to it which they deposit on borrower wants it next payday for loan reimbursement. The users must clear off the loan by payday to avoid penalty because these loans are suitable for short duration and stretching the span beyond due date can cause the borrower to fall into serious debt trap. The following conditions are vital for loan applicant:-the borrower should be a responsible citizen of UK with valid residential proof.

He should be 18 years or plus at the time of applying. The borrower must have savings account in any bank of UK associated with debit card and it should be operational. His salary should be regularly deposited to his account for at least past 3 months. His employment should be sound and secured with earning above one thousand pounds per month. He should be at the current job for last 6 months. The online application procedure can be the simplest and quickest mode for these cash advance. The availability of good number of lenders across the internet or traditional market helps the borrowers to select a competitive interest Council and favourable terms and conditions. The loan seekers can compare and contrast the loan quotes to select the most cost effective offer with the help of online calculator made available to them. Eddy Marsh is financial advisor of Next Day Payday Loans. Contact me for any queries payday loans. For more information visit

House Administration Gamdhi

The House Administration Gamdhi from Giessen to keep informed with the garden in shot can be very stressful and time consuming. So, it’s no wonder that Germany’s courts again deal with the question, whether landlord or tenant must maintain the garden. The Giessener property management Gamdhi is this often emerging tenancy question to the bottom. The garden and Park maintenance is an obligation of the lessor without further Treaty provisions. Rented houses are excluded. With them the gardening is usually the tenant, as far as nothing else is determined in the contract.

Even if they are in principle obliged to perform the unpleasant work of garden, landlords have a number of opportunities to participate in their tenants. Run the necessary work on the part of the landlord or on his behalf by a third party, 2 a cost allocation on its tenants allowed operating costs Regulation No. 10. This is allowed but not for all garden work, but only for activities that that serve the regular maintenance of gardens and parks. May be necessary, unique works, such as the Elimination of severe consequences, costing not on the tenants be relocated. Per lease, the lessee may be required also do the gardening yourself. Fundamentally, only simple works, which means neither experience nor technical skills or significant financial expenses incumbent him in this case.

Unless the rental agreement sets no other activities, the tenancy obligation so confined to routine tasks such as lawn mowing or removal of leaves. How and especially also when he fulfilled his obligation, is a matter of the lessee. The landlord must make him no rules. In particular, he has no right to demand the execution of individual works or to arrange times for garden maintenance. How much he engaged for the gardening, is so largely left to the tenant. German courts have here in recent years extremely tolerant shown. Only the overgrowing of garden and green area must prevent the tenant in any case. Billing individual gardening or the correct execution of agreed care work is controversial, it can be worthwhile for the landlord, to turn a lawyer. To answer further questions about the management of residential property the Giessener property management Gamdhi is available. Press contact House administrative Gierschner contact person: Mr Gamdhi fountain trail 3 35394 Giessen Tel.: 06 41 / 93 02 86 fax: 06 41 / 93 02 88 email: Homepage: