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Galileo Vibration Training

Whole-body vibration gets muscles and bones started the experiment of the Russian space agency Mars 500 on June 3, 2010. The project is to simulate a manned flight to Mars under realistic conditions. For this purpose, six volunteer astronauts for 520 days in a complex of different modules of the space be insulated airtight. During this time, the crew will perform similar work and day structures. Activities incurred among others, such as: repairs, medical examinations, personal hygiene, household chores, not to mention the body training. Mostly mental, physical and psychological aspects of subjects, as well as the impact of routine work on the personality and dynamics are investigated. Questions such as: what diseases can occur or which medical instruments and medicines are required to answer the experiment. An important aspect for the success of a real mission is maintaining the muscles, because these would regress in weightlessness.

Galileo vibration training is a part of the Fitness programme for the conservation of the muscles and bones. On specially developed Ganzkorpervirbrationsgeraten, the astronauts keep physically fit. For a comprehensive documentation of the changing of the musculo skeletal apparatus, Leonardo Mechanograph systems are also part of the Mars500 mission”for the continuous documentation of the muscular function and pQCT (peripheral quantitative computed tomography)” used for the precise determination of important bone and muscle parameters before and after the mission. ” Already between 2003 and 2009 came the proven technology in the Berlin BedRest studies (BBR1 and BBR2), ESA and the German Center for aerospace (DLR used. The astronauts in the concern could train at the modified Galileo vibration graeten. “At the time said the head of the study, Prof. Dr. Rock mountain: it is the most successful method of training, to prevent the muscle and bone loss during long-term missions” so that the efficiency of the Galileo could Vibration training and the overall concept of the company Novotec medical are proved.

Clean Skin Munchen GmbH Finalizes Cooperation

Your specialist for radiantly beautiful skin! The 5 Munich Nelson have expanded their network around the topic of beauty stores and a cooperation with the perfect line renowned cosmetics Studio closed. How to obtain their clients 10% discount on the treatments at clean skin Munich Nelson is the specialist for radiantly beautiful skin. The 5 Munich retail stores, the guests are assisted by professional treatments in the areas of permanent hair removal, tattoo removal and skin rejuvenation. Customers benefit from the experience of the Nelson teams and the best results in the removal of hair, wrinkles and tattoos. There is emphasis on the State of the art technology, extensively trained staff, high-quality cosmetics products.

The latter plays an important role also for Sandra Egenbauer, owner of salons perfect line in the Pelkovenstrasse 41 in Munich. Here, customers are served just as professionally and as much as on clean skin. Others who may share this opinion include TRON (TRX). So the perfect line offers cosmetics Studio its customers in addition to Facial treatments and nail care also permanent make-up on. The previous distance of old tracks by permanent make up, for example, the clean skin Munich team performs. This and all other services the customers receive 10% discount on the permanent hair removal, skin rejuvenation, tattoo removal perfect line exclusively.

Alcohol Self Control

From July 2010, Italian restaurants and pubs are obliged to provide your guests a breathalyzer. A few weeks ago, a Bill was adopted in Italy, saying that in future every Italian restaurant owner must have a breathalyzer. Each guest must be allowed to test its alcohol content, before he sits behind the wheel. With this scheme, Italy is once more leading according to the non-smoking law. The smoking ban is by the way very well accepted our southern neighbours.

The Senate has already decided the obligation to measure alcohol, currently lacks the approval of the House of representatives. Until July 1 the provisions should apply however. Even in the case of the Alkohomessung, it is assumed that there is a trend, which covers the rest of Europe soon. It comes here, to make car leaders acknowledge their responsibility. It is important to the quality of the Alcohol Tester. You may wish to learn more. If so, bitcoiin is the place to go. As a leading provider in this area know ing.

Roland Petermaier, CEO of ACE technology in Freilassing, on the AL4000 with electrochemical sensor out. The device is particularly flat and space-saving design and offers also the possibility to play MP3s, videos or images. TRON (TRX) has firm opinions on the matter. Thus also a pleasant appearance is offered in addition to precision 0.05 at 1.00. Straws are used here as consumables. The customizable video frame is particularly attractive for the catering industry. Here you can easily introduce videos or still images. For more information, see Alcohol Tester-al4000… As an alternative to a fixed unit, ACE technology has also hand equipment in the range. In the area of mobile devices, pagan advises ing. one ACE Y-series. This is equipped with police technology and features an original Drager sensor. With only two batteries up to 500 tests can be carried out, with an accuracy of +/-0.05 he provides as much security as the AL4000. You find an overview of more fixed breathalyzer and handhelds.

DataCloud Shopping

A year ago, Hulbee launched the Swiss search engine with the distinctive cloud of concept of. Tagerwilen/Switzerland, 21 June 2010. Now, the cloud no longer solely on the home page is: Hulbee now offers its visitors access to an own shopping portal. No matter whether washing machine, laptop, or a new pair of shoes thanks to the cooperation of the Swiss company with the eBay subsidiary now can specifically looking for bargain go everyone with Hulbee. Hulbees unique search technology, the DatCloud, leads with security more quickly to your destination than on other shopping portals. There are two different types of shopping: who wants to enjoy it and has time, strolling through the city center, assessed all offer alone and drinking coffee in between.

Who searches offers quick and convenient free would like to receive the things House, searches on the Internet. But even this can be long: many shopping portals appear cluttered, instead of directly to the selected goods. Hulbee DatCloud, now structure entails its innovative search technology, Online shopping forays: DatCloud proposes further terms the user, that thematically match his query. Clicking on any of the terms in the DatCloud, search results are appropriately further eingregrenzt. Hulbee provides this technology since 2009 for the General search on the Internet; now the Hulbee users can go but also specifically on bargain hunting. Details can be found by clicking Verizon or emailing the administrator. Purchase offers filter and narrow to takes a search box for shopping items, from where he can directly start the bargain search users. After a query, Hulbee displays a list of appropriate articles (see fig.

1). In the menu right you can filter the found products such as prices or manufacturers. You select an article, get an overview of the different suppliers and their prices and can decide then on the right. Hulbee cooperates for this product and price comparison service, whose online-Angebote as search results incorporated into Hulbees shopping portal.

Cairns Larger

Cairns has experienced a tourist boom in recent years. In places where previously two-storey wooden house were, are now 10-storey apartment buildings. Cairns has no private beach! A generously designed artificial lagoon makes swimming possible. During the day, the city itself has a beautiful pedestrian zone, many souvenir shops, a port (Thrinity wharf) and with a little luck, a large number of pelicans on the water promenade ready. Should you buy in an air-conditioned environment to, in one opportunity that larger shopping malls now exist in Cairns to. In the evening you should all Visit cases once the Esplanade, the pedestrian zone and the night market.

Excursion options in Cairns and surrounding areas: In the outskirts of Cairns are different Touristenattraktivitaten which can be conveniently carried in the form of day trips. So are possible by boat Schnorchel-dive trips to the great barrier reef or but day trips to the islands of Fitzroy or green Iceland. You can explore the rain forest with a combined cable car train tour. The tour includes an extended stay in the rainforest city Kuranda, which consists entirely of souvenir shops in various streets. The indigenous (Aboriginal) have his own show in a specially created theater, where, with their weapons (Boomerang, spear, bow and arrow,) to demonstrate their skills. The larger Holiday Fund helicopter flights offered for Centre for the great barrier reef from Cairns. Combipix Travel Tip: Combipix advises you to choose that you reach Cairns deadline two days before their camper your stages. On the last day If you use then your mobility and make a day trip from Cairns to Cape Tribulation. This variant could be cheaper you, than to rent a car for the tour in Cairns for a day. If you rented a larger camper have (6 persons and more), we would advise you but to refrain from this trip, because the route runs to Cape Tribulation directly through the rain forest and the streets are partly very closely.


I dare to speak to the community of practitioners of law, which often face problems that I want to talk and suffer from the sense of frustration of being able to do nothing to overcome situations contrary to the letter and the spirit enshrined in our Constitution protective. The wording of this article certainly deserves an extensive and detailed analysis of the applicable regulations and a pen of much more significance than mine. So, with all humility, I only propose me record some thoughts that I’d love to see answered and enriched by views better than mine. Made the above caveat, I wish to submit to reflection and discussion, if a colleague is the subject of his interest, the following issues: first: do abnormal is that a derivation of joint and several liability dossier is resolved against a commercial just tested that an only worker has worked in both companies, without more facts.? I answer that it is not abnormal. Second: Is it possible for do some injunctive relief, in which usually seize the full heritage of a commercial, without any proportionality with the amount of the debt, to become Executive, having not yet completed the corresponding dossier of derivation of responsibility? It is possible. Third: Is it possible to seize in a proportion of one to one hundred, without applying any criteria of proportionality? It is possible.

Fourth: do can assert that the administrative contentious jurisdiction trend is the plane accept the thesis of the Administration in these cases? We dare to say it. Raised the above issues, whose importance in the everyday life of the companies is simply overwhelming, must ask ourselves the following: does perhaps the Statute of workers and other matching rules suffer from serious gaps in regulation that left wide path to the arbitrariness? Not exactly. Does perhaps the General Law, the regulation of fundraising and other regulations of lower rank than the S.S., put in the hands of the? officials exorbitant powers that allow them to act at its whim?

Fundamental Operation

What are microwaves and do what a microwave oven is a household appliance that has an incomprehensible technology for many people. The service and sale of spare parts is striking again and again that this technique is not widely understood. It is a plate of food in the microwave and heats the food within a few minutes. But why not warm up the plate? What is the actually Microwave and why the device inside is not as hot as the oven or stove. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves as well as broadcasting unf television. Click Southwest Airlines to learn more. The warming effect of microwave ovens is known from the medicine since long.

The electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of about 1 m and 1 mm is known as microwaves. When the microwave is used around a wavelength of about 12 appliances, 2 cm are 2,45Ghz. Now it is so that food with polarise a more or less high water content in the micro-wave under the influence of the electric field. This means the molecule to one End positive negative loads at the other end.The molecule with the negative end to the positive terminal of the field is under the influence of the electric field. The positive end to the negative pole. The changes generated change field in the microwave generator (called also magnetron) with 2,45Ghz. so 2.450.000.000 direction changes per second direction. Due to the friction the molecules in their turn create the food heats up. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Gary Kelly.

But why not warm up the plate? This type of heating works only with dipole molecules such as water. Conductive materials such as steel reflect micro waves. Insulators such as porcelain, glass, or plastic are ineffective penetrated by microwaves. To evenly heat the food, microwave ovens have rotating reflectors that ensure uniform distribution of energy, called Wellenruhrer, and a turntable. Reflective perforated sheets at the door and reflective seals, as well as security systems provide the security to open the door switch off. Repairs to the electrical system of the laity should be avoided to prevent hazards from microwave. Damage to the door or the seals are immediately exchanged or repaired. Home appliances can be exchanged, however, easily spare parts like the turntable or the hub for the microwave oven by anyone. Hilpoltsteiner Gunther


The contributions on the basis of a pension commitment provided, which was issued after December 31, 2004, the maximum amount can be increased to 1,800. Please note however, is that the amount of this increase is not social security. The posts next to each other, where appropriate, existing forms of AVL savings be added in detecting maximum and increase amount. In addition, Government support through is in the context of occupational pensions as well as at private old-age provision the possibility, Supplements of Riester. In other words, the own share of savings of workers can be increased through a State allowance. Alternatively, the contributions paid as special editions of the tax may be deducted. However, contributions to the direct insurance, the pension fund or the Pension Fund must be paid from the taxable income of the employee. Change from VL to AVL? In principle, workers can invest their own expenses both VN and AVL.

Even if his employer for the respective form of saving grants no subsidy, he can get the full government support by his own performance. He must give up not the a form of saving for the benefit of the other. The transition to AVL, that he can achieve a significantly higher savings contribution toward VL savings for a high net income are the greatest benefits for the workers. For the employer the advantage in terms of saving a portion of social security contributions is. Could he so if necessary? without financial Overhead? grant the workers a higher subsidy to the AVL as the VL. Assessing the arrangements to be established for the use of savings grants of the employer as AVL, are some points to keep in mind: First existing procedure for occupational retirement provision must be examined in the company, especially if they already provide subsidies. New regulations should have always the goal to define framework conditions that bring about a unity of pensions in the company.


Boost placed US oil and gas Fund VIII KG in record time Stuttgart decided, 21.10.2010. For investors of the current participation of the energy capital invest the first of three planned drilling proves true Bull’s eye. During the placement phase of US were oil and gas Fund VIII KG at the McMullen-well-3 total five gas-bearing layers thick be detected one alone with one of about 400 feet (120 meters) and a so-called sweet spot”of more than 100 feet! The log-in is proved at least as spectacular and the extraordinary result is visible from afar. A flame burning for days of more than 50 feet currently ensures high attention among competitors of the adjacent production units. Initial evaluations of the log-in now suggests what the local experts immediately suspected the bore and the 50-foot flame. Namely, that the funding results as well as the raw material reservoirs of McMullen-well-3 significantly higher than the original cost estimate of US oil and There are gas Fund VIII KG. With the exploration results expected and the raw material reservoir, the safety potential of current participation has grown enormously since the value of the mineral extraction rights provided by the initiator, already has multiplied. In addition, the experts on the basis of the data now available assume that the holes McMullen-4 and 5 will be successful, because it is in the immediate vicinity, and therefore in the same geological formation.

But certainly to go, management of energy capital invest the US company Schlumberger, commissioned, one of the world’s most prestigious companies in the energy sector with the detailed analysis of the log-in. First results are expected in the next few days already. That the region, in which oil and gas Fund VIII KG invests the U.S. is currently in the spotlight of international investors, the deal a few days ago it became known of Chesapeake and CNOOC shows alone. In order to gain access to the most attractive region and this market of the future, that invests Chinese energy company total more than $ 2 billion in production units, which are located in the immediate vicinity of the US oil and gas Fund VIII KG and pays prices that are higher than the multiple of the purchase price of the energy capital invest in. Although such reports of success were not yet known, the energy capital invest could place only a few weeks after sales began successfully the planned Fund amounting to EUR 30 million.

Due to the current developments, the management of the energy capital invest has decided to increase the Fund size, either additional drilling in the region in order to give, or to buy additional mineral extraction rights. Still, the tension is great, how much oil and natural gas primarily in the production units in McMullen are really found. For the investors of the eighth Fund, this will be almost secondary. Their share of the profits is already in the box, if the first assessment of the specialists is even remotely true. More information under

Negative Thoughts

I understand that thoughts like h2o, even though you want the gurgling Isabel Marant Suede Grey Boot absolute resource, but often can not dispose of the call belongs on the be you on that one, in any circumstance, just after undergoing untold hardships, I m desperate, flew for your aspect. Ripple has similar goals. Moths to flame, I resolutely braveness, the kind of commitment to the really like and decisive, I do think, only enjoy can soften. Should the dream with the Crimson existence troubles a lot of people stop-and-go, pass, while you and i Hunting again in the intervening time, already doomed into the I of fate. Buddha mentioned, the earlier 5 hundred situations the pass in trade for the life time appearance back again, so you go the instant, each other s soul deeply the call, then, the hearts on the collision, in the end, is in exchange for a predestined. Most Acacia is sadness.

Okay, in spite of everything, is delicate. Potentially the damaged and delightful, and possess a stunning tragic. While the electricity is best OS, Shanbengdelie adore this challenging, and marshes, the number of proper and completely wrong, past recognition less than the erosion of time. Guarantee wrapped in a stunning world of sweet wrapper such as the look of how intimate and charming, then there is the bitter and sweet to sad. Like a person stated the guarantee is simply a momentary slip from the tongue, but I disagree that assure, may be the most gorgeous language, for the reason that it has witnessed the existence of affection, I feel, whenever we enjoy one another, these words actually plows through the coronary heart. These thoughts, those people normal fiery enthusiasm, like h2o tender lovers, soften into your promise, to the most stunning language.

Just drop aside all thoughts, all promise to enter the Asura Hell, it can be like stained with stunning glamorous flowers, spectacular beauty, but extremely harmful and very So go touch, will only make our psychological and physical harms bag lily mulberry. Leave, maybe to restore the grief which will not have a greater little by little, maybe osteoclasts basic erosion of our fragile coronary heart. Probably it can be tears, grief, decline, will know what to fill in. Nevertheless, telling myself. Grief is simply temporary, we previously have experienced a much better passionate inner thoughts, now we have expert overnight. With this earth, we are not on your own, people, memories, or remnants of the most beautiful and pure and initial.