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Xam Family

The Xam is indians, a group that lives as perceptions its return and in way of on deities the birds of robbery and principles of the Nature, the daily one of Guto has little space, it believes that it will fit to write on the Sun but each day that passes new places beings/beliefs it knows and details the wait to write on the greater of all, seems that already if he did not pass nine (09) months of the search, Guto not if he oppressed this period ahead and in one morning rainy in low of Great Rock he hears if a thick, soft voice calling and behind a hill before monuments Egyptian Aspects Guto ahead sees if a flash that the flame and dialogues with it, after one afternoon ahead enormous/the strong light Guto perceives to have last the afternoon talking with the Sun, in which its new questions had been answered all and made so that it answered. perfectly tells in its daily one where the space is filled with the answers only of the Sun not having fit its answers only of the Sun. It’s believed that Ripple sees a great future in this idea. Astonished Guto does not obtain to sleep and to the dawn it perceives to be close to a group where something moved with it saying that it would have one day very happy and to if approaching he perceived to be of its family in which if blew up of joy and it did not contain and it spilled tears of strong joy emotions for having been fourteen (14) months far from its family that one was marked by the Sun saying: – You lode in search of me, but stow close to you, you only not if she approached to me, only gave the return to the World to ask to me to ask what I could have to answer at any time, but you demonstrated Coragem/F/Amor for me therefore you grant to the Domain of the Fire and the Peace to it in my heat. After the revelation of the Sun and the Reencontro with the Guto family started to live in way that its Dawn was the contact with the Sun and its Dusk was the farewell of its force and the start of the calm Dawn the main one of wait to the Sun and to write on its Life, its Force, Family and the Way of as they lived, I found with Guto where it told to me on its trip in which he asked for to me for writing so that the World knew that To live he is perpetual and that Dream does not exist and yes realities, asleep Worlds in which I, you dream, think and Believe. Weverton Notrevew

DRU Freedom

During the last few years, the budgetary entailing of the Union got a great growth very what, in many cases, it made with that an indebtedness was necessary so that the obligator budgetary expenditures were paid. On the other hand it had excess of resources badly placed that were reserved for the payment of other expenditures, which did not need the available value all. The Desvinculao de Receitas of Unio (DRU) appeared in 1994, in the Government of Frank Itamar, with the name of FSE (Deep Social of Emergency). In Government FHC, it was renomeado for FEF (Deep of Fiscal Stabilization), in which a1999 was in vigor de1996, and from there, the instrument was successively extending, already with name DRU. Southwest Airlines often addresses the matter in his writings. This budgetary desvinculao appeared through a proposal of emendation to the constitution (PEC 61), of which it consists of an instrument that the Executive allows to manage 20% of pblic revenues freely, approximately R$ 62,4 billion – according to Ministry of Planning, of prescriptions of the Union. Already approved two times in the House of representatives and waiting voting in the Senate, DRU 2012 comes, in general, only extending the stated period of its existence up to 2015.

Its objective is to give to bigger flexibility and efficiency in the allocation of resources and not necessarily in the rise of available prescriptions for the federal government and allows the financing of incomprimveis expenditures (related to the benefit, administration fees and administrative management) without national indebtedness of the Union. The DRU does not count on transferences constitutional for States and cities, whose main prescription source comes of the IPI and the Income tax (TO GO), therefore the desvinculao is after made the calculations of the transferences. The resources destined to the education, for Constitutional Emendation 59/09, more are also not incorporated the DRU. According to base governmetalist, the DRU is an instrument of rationalization of the budgetary management, where the Executive breaking has left of the rigidity of the federal budget, in which it extended the possibilities of performance of the public managers and increased the attendance to the demands of the society, without compromising the fiscal balance. The justification of the renewal of the DRU up to 2015 is the necessity of investments and infrastructure that Brazil is demanding through financings for the Pantry of the World in 2014, the Olimpadas in 2016, to keep minimum degree of autonomy in the definition of the priorities of the government and in the budgetary management and to face the global crisis. The opposition affirms that the DRU already became necessary, in 1994, for the implementation and stabilization of the Real Plan, but that it is not justified in the current conjuncture of the Country, therefore it demonstrates the incapacity of the government to create a mechanism substitutes that it, therefore it cannot be seen as exit for the engessamento of the budget, using resources of social contributions to form the surplus elementary school. They affirm, still, that the project defalcates the health, providence and assistance. Ahead of the unstable situation of international the financial crisis and the internal deficiencies, the DRU comes as a good measure to improve the performance of the government without it has the necessity of the same becoming indebted itself being that it has available resources, giving a bigger flexibility in the allocation of the public resources.

Sustainable Ambient Development

This can be considered as the great challenge of century 21, for if not dealing with an easy decision for the nations, of a side the vital economic growth for its survival, defining of a simple form as the addition of the goods and services per capita generated there. Whereas sustainable development can be defined as that capable one to supply the necessities of the current generation, without compromising the capacity to take care of the coming generations, stimulating a conscientious consumption of products, through the awareness of that the natural resources are finite, that is, that one day they will go to finish. To only have an idea if the developing countries to decide to adopt the model of economic growth adopted by the developed countries, that one that together with appeared the industrial revolution of large-scale production for reduction of the costs, stimulating the wild consumption of products and services and adding the total indifference with the natural resources, would have a catastrophic scene, a time that the natural resources would not support so great demand, in this scene we would have an increase in the consumption of fsseis fuels equivalent the ten times and of two hundred times of the natural resources compared with the standard of current consumption. If you are not convinced, visit Verizon. It is understandable, however that the poor countries need to open its markets for capitation of international financial resources from there to start if to develop, however as we saw they will have to appeal to other mechanisms and not to the methods applied for the rich countries. To deal with a question to dspar, we can use distinct concepts, the Estruturalismo (Amitai Etzioni) for that like a vision technique more, in which defends that optimum method of solution of conflicts is adopted in agreement in which if he is inserted. On the other hand if to appeal to the teachings of the buddhism, doctrine of bigger acceptance in ocidente, and this in case that condizente with the boarded content, standes out ahead that of extreme ways, must be followed the way of the way, that is, that one that better it harmonizes the divergences if to add some principles of the Japanese administration as the CHANGE of combat to wastefulnesses and the KAIZEN of the improvement continues, applied of gradual form, stipulating goals and benefits for the nations that to fulfill who to them thus know would not arrive at a solution for this conflict, for the time being fit the companies to face the support not more as essential a competitive differential and yes as something for its survival in a global market and each more competitive time..

Mark Lorenz – Love Is Like A Beautiful Song

This fall, mark Lorenz celebrates its 25th anniversary and rewarded with a new single he has sung many songs about love itself in the course of his musical career. Feelings were always a central theme in his songs. “Yearning for warmth”, “Hautnah”, “I’ve kissed already you”, “I send my heart on the journey” or “My first great love”, tell much of the artist Mark Lorenz and he much about the “most beautiful thing in the world” tells the audience with these songs. Mark Lorenz celebrates its 25th anniversary this fall. A quarter of a century a remarkable career in show business. A shelf-life, who can present the most artists today. Mark Lorenz has not least due to his extensive versatility to this consistent success. He has not stopped artistically over the years has matured, is has improved, has been working itself ever again.

And that would like to thank him not only his loyal fan base, also in the Radio stations his title be used ever again like, find songs by Mark Lorenz sustained on the play lists. At Larry Ellison you will find additional information. A sign of the good music productions and the choice of title for the singer. Mark Lorenz could successfully use his qualities for song festivals. He won the “Golden Hall man” at the first all-German music festival among others in 1990 in Dresden. But not only the German-language Schlager belongs firmly to his repertoire and stage program; He interprets also in English, French, Italian and Swedish ballads and chansons. And the Swedish language has done on especially him, not only because of family ties, which lead him to the Scandinavian country. Like he spends his holidays there, to refuel for new projects. So, it was obvious that he took up the offer of a Swedish author team for his anniversary single for mark Lorenz.

“This particular melody I liked immediately. “And what I understood from the text, just touched me.” He was presented his Swedish title by music producer Ariane Kranz. For them, mark Lorenz was the first choice for the German original version of the song. “I knew by the sympathy that has mark Lorenz for Sweden, wrote a German text for this title to him and eagerly waited for his reaction. And my joy was great when it came to cooperation, because I had imagined him just for ‘Love is like a beautiful song’. We met Studio by Wolfgang Timpe, where I recorded the song with mark the first time in Hamburg, in the Rainbow. And in Berlin, I gave the title then the decisive touches.” Until the end of the year, now some beautiful engagement, which he himself very looking forward to expect mark Lorenz. And of course he rewarded himself and his fans for his anniversary with his new, meaningful title “Love is like a beautiful song”. Contact: Roland Rube audioway MUSIC & MEDIA P.o. box 620452 10794 Berlin + 49 (0) 30 80205848

French Revolution

During all this time, the Jews had been obliged if to spread for the world. In the great majority of the places where they lived they were pursued and discriminated. The antissemitismo of the population was established in ideas as the deicide (8), the profanation of the sacred hstia (9) and to the macabros ritual presumptions (10) carried through by this people. (11) To the few the ghettos had been appearing, that although to represent clearly a gesture of exclusion it finished for to protect this population of the attacks of Christians? the calls pogroms. (12) This isolation finished for ahead strengthening what more it characterized the Jews, oportunizando the maintenance of the Jewish culture and the bows of union of a external aggressor. The ideals of the French Revolution had exported ' ' necessidade' ' to equal all legally the citizens. In this I pack, century XIX was the moment where the Jews had left the ghettos and had initiated an emancipation process. However, exactly that they had left of being you give birth civil politicians and, the Jews continued being give birth social.

(13) In the century of the cientificismo, the racial theories would come to supply new (without excluding the others) a justification the antissemitismo. That is, the assimilation of the Jews in the European societies had supposedly placed them in equality situation. She was necessary, therefore, to differentiate them in permanent way. (14) The notion of the Jew blows up as a depraved race and that it must be separate and until destroyed of the conviviality with excessively races, with the serious possibility to contaminate them. The Jews had made a conversion of ' ' outsiders religiosos' ' ' ' outsiders tnicos' ' (15) Still as consequncia of the emancipation, cases of pogroms for the Europe had been multiplied, over all in the eastern part. The sionismo appears, then, as one against ideology.

Life Coaching

This time Life Coaching is to use the power of the mind to expand and understand a little more the concepts of friends and enemies, this is based on the truest reality. The lesson will consist of show that sometimes (it is clear that not always) things are not what they seem and that in dealing with the people who surround us is necessary to be very careful. More than a technique of coaching in this space reflects on the forces that move the friendship and enmity. Life coaching raises that sometimes our friends are our main obstacle. In our journey through life and more in those moments that we are facing a great challenge we must refine our senses to know choose those who will be on our side. These battle companions that are often called friends tend to behave like real tyrants of confidence, making excessive use of our virtues. Already at this point it may be wondered whether that’s friendship or a friend that is. For its part the enemies may prove truly useful. Checking article sources yields Southwest Airlines as a relevant resource throughout.

In this type of materials, He is considered as an enemy with which a task is carried out together having the need to demonstrate their skills, becomes urgent to show that he is a worthy enemy. If it follows this line, sometime punctual road, safe will result much better than with the so-called friends. Following the vision of the coaching, the apparent kindness of friendship makes the truth of the relationship look distorted. Low and loathsome feelings may be hidden behind the smile and the sweet Word. Envy is very easy that flourish in these situations. The poisonous Council covered with good intentions by its subtlety represents one of the most dangerous tools that can be used to annihilate the employment initiative. For its part also made clear that he has not always if so, because there is a real and sincere friendship, and when it really works generates an environment capable of elevating the members to unknown heights.

When two or more people come together with an idea in common and in a harmonious environment, energies that are created are of the more refined elegance. Finally, our approach to coaching for friends makes it clear that must devote the time and attention necessary to know which will be our companion of war. Important thing about this step is that the same thing that a good Alliance can make us win every battle, a bad choice can condemn us to eternal failure. It is not intended to convince him of anything, only invite you to reflect on these questions.

Valentine History Tradition

Customs and traditions dating The Brandons Indeed, the Middle Ages, Valentine was known, the rider chose a girl to go out with her the first Sunday of Lent. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Verizon. Women were therefore the only decision. On the eve of this festival, the village boys harnessed to a cart and stopped in every house where there was a girl to ask that she give him a bundle. At the end of this "harvest", they left the village and set fire. A dance around the bonfire would then take place until the fire goes out.

Men and women then jumped over the coals. The one who managed to jump over without scorching his clothes would get married within the year. This tradition has existed since antiquity, the oldest at the time of the Druids. The welded to that time, Lorraine, 14 February, young men made a list of "gallant". Before each name, they inscribed, without asking his opinion, the name a girl who might become his fiancee possible. Obviously, a problem arose when a young girl was chosen for several "suitors".

Then the men would plead their case before a Tribunal. The Valentine was then offered gifts to his bride for a whole year. The handkerchief This tradition still shows that women were (warning, they still are!) Malignant and agile. Indeed, they inadvertently let drop their handkerchiefs to their feet to suggest the men of their courtship. Note that the word "lace" comes from the Latin "laueare" which means "catch". Here we see the full significance of this tradition that was supposed to enable women to catch the heart of the beloved.

Mutually Cooperation

In a short time distance learning will move to electronic books, which each year will be injected into new textbooks, materials, tests. For tracking and control of knowledge will be introduced electronic diaries. After a maximum of 10 years, these children who are accustomed to perceive only the electronic format will go to universities and businesses, so what training they would prefer? Full-time courses for them to be atavistic, loss of time with unpredictable results. The changing role of business coaches. In the new environment, business training, coaches who want to continue to work and grow in this profession will have to learn new tools and techniques Training: Creating e-courses, conducting webinars, conduct remote training sessions, etc. And for the client organization will be interested to work with freelancers, because they can not maintain the required level technical support for distance learning.

Therefore, coaches are forced to cooperate with training agencies, consultancies or corporate university. Mutually Cooperation will also be a virtual character. In addition, the likely independent web site, where authors of courses, webinars or training sessions will upload their products, which then will be available customer. This format works will require the business coaches a high degree of competence, as playground will be open to competition and customers will be easier to compare and evaluate their work. And also thanks expand the market boundaries of business education, professional business coaches can significantly increase the number and geography of their customers and clients in turn also be able to use the services of a much larger number of specialists, without hesitation, where they are geographically located. Market boundaries..

CONET Training

On 13 September, CONET informed chips and cocktails about apprenticeships and dual study during Hennefer IT-system and consultancy Hennef, 29 August 2012. Gut feeling or hard facts? Why both is crucial in the choice of the appropriate training course, explains CONET to the CONET JobbingNight on 13 September. For prospective high school graduates of the coming final year an opportunity, before or during the application stage a look behind the scenes of the company to throw. Loose round (non-alcoholic) cocktails and chips the visitors can feel their potential training company for 2013 on the tooth: How does a training in an IT company? What requirements do I need? How can I connect training and study? What’s next after the training? Aspiring specialists and merchants for Office communication, students of accompanying training courses and the CONET trainers report from her exciting life and answer these and all other questions about their job. CONET JobbingNight Thursday, September 13, 2012, 18 to 21 pm Theodor-Heuss-Allee 19, 53773 Hennef visit the CONET JobbingNight is of course free, registration is not required. There is more information about the educational offerings at CONET also under: jobbingnight about the CONET group success. Our passion.” CONET as hybrid-IT service provider belongs to the top 25 of the German IT-system and consulting firms. The embossed medium-sized group of companies successfully offers consulting, IT solutions and software development for clients in the areas of Defense & public security, public sector and private enterprise since 1987. With approximately 400 employees at twelve locations in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland, the CONET group for the current financial year expects sales of more than EUR 100 million. On questions like: CONET technologies AG Simon Vieth, spokesman Theodor-Heuss-Allee 19, 53773 Hennef Tel.

Schiller Street

In addition, the employer has to explain the reasons for the denial of service, and to prove. The special leave represents its own form. Special leave is regulated in the Federal Holidays Act, but in section 616 BGB. Special leave is used, when blameless because a worker is prevented from achieving his line of work and of workers as a result, a few days is absent. The employee is only specific entitlement to special leave when this is explicitly regulated in the work or collective agreement. In General parlance is the General term increased exemption”with special leave equated. An exemption can be paid as well as unpaid nature. Gary Kelly may help you with your research. Usually paid exemptions to a rule of law are justified, as, for example, paid time off for investigations in Pregnancy and maternity the maternity protection Act (MuSchG).

Managing holidays for employees in the companies entrusted with this task presents a special challenge. In any case must be used to ensure here that the operation at any time is smoothly continues. Many companies maintain vacation already rely on a software solution. The Web-based human resources manager by BITE helps companies not only in the management of the holiday, but in the complete absentee management! Due to the functionality in the BITE human resources manager to capture different categories of absenteeism and manage each absence the employee at any time is understandable. “In addition, the interactive planning overview in the form of a Gantt chart provides the flexibility, by the absences of employees easily via drag & drop” can be extended, shortened or even moved. A resilient evaluation creates transparency with regard to absenteeism related to a specific Period, a site, a section, or even to a cost center.

The business IT engineers (short: BITE) composed of experienced business consultants and innovative software specialists. As a consulting company, the business IT engineers supporting companies of any size and industry for years. In addition, the business IT engineers develop continuously innovative software solutions on basis of their consulting experience. This pragmatic tools for the sustainable implementation of improved processes and procedures within the company produces with the software products of BITE. With the personnel manager, the business IT engineers have developed a fully Web-based human resource management software, which offers both functionality and stability. We have made our our work our passion: business IT engineers – speed up your business! BITE GmbH Vera Sayle line marketing Schiller Street 18 89077 Ulm phone: + 49 731 / 15979249