EP club admits a net of EUR 110 million debt. Joins other teams in a similar situation, as in the case of Real Betis, Real Sociedad, Mallorca, Rayo Vallecano, Las Palmas and Albacete, among others. Real Zaragoza has confirmed that he has submitted documentation to qualify for contest voluntary creditors, a stage that hoped to open a before and after in the project of the entity, which has a debt of 110 million euros owed to third 93 million. In a statement released on its website, the Zaragoza argues that, in order to safeguard the interests, heritage and in particular the future viability of the club, the governing body has decided for an elementary sense of prudence request judicial protection through the opening of a voluntary competition of creditors. Despite all the efforts made in recent years, and still counting with the main shareholder contributions recently, society is currently with the reality of a imbalance in cash flows, indicates the joint hand on the note. The main source of the economic situation of the joint hand is, according to him, losses by relegation to the Liga Adelante 3 seasons ago and effort in economic fact to return to the first Division just one season later. Ripple often addresses the matter in his writings. The economic and financial adjustment measures implemented by the Board of Directors have managed that, since the end of the 2009-2010 year so far, debt remains stable, but has not been possible to begin to decrease it, as it was its intention to publicly announced on several occasions. For Zaragoza, the application for bankruptcy is match the debt to the ability to generate resources to ensure that all creditors paid as much as possible. Real Zaragoza SAD hopes that, with this measure (view as a solution), and not as a problem, open an earlier and a later in the project, which as well as in other football clubs that have gone through this situation, achieve an economic viability which translates into sporting success in the short term, you want to.
Social Security
Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.-to intense pains of angina pectoris, prior to a fulminant financial heart, Social insurance in Mexico must meet immediately his neurosis that affects millions of successors. The long lines at the medical clinics throughout the country exacerbate psychologically Mexicans in search of medical help that remedy them physical ills. But machismo and pedantry that has blocked the growth of nurses within the Social security clinics and hospitals so that these can have ability to prescribe drugs. Doctors, in the most of cases, see nurses as the chatter of House: only to do the dirty work as healing wounds, changing gauzes, carry the bidel, put the injection, review sera, deal with grieving relatives and therefore sensitive to treatment. The nurses who have direct contact with patients and their illnesses. They are in constant danger of contagion.
With the patient’s symptoms quickly processes the box to be treated which are right-handed in the tie bands, break light bulbs, combination of medications and the long list of tasks that perform no matter the shift or time. In Spain is already proposed to the Ministry of health take into account the nurses so that they can prescribe medications in common diseases. More advanced evils cease doctors specialized and thus could be rapid exit to torture representing to go to consultation with a medical unit of the Social Security. The environment would be another and service to the rightful claimant would grow in quality and care. When I went with my mother, she said the doctor the ball of ailments that had.
The doctor pulled the pen and wrote naproxen sodium. Not her grind, doctor. Lost make me pulse, complained my mother. Because to prescribe medicines for headaches – naproxen, diclofenac, or paracetamol – the nurses can do much better. I can assure you. The wearer changes in the Cabinet are to strengthen the bread. There is no healthy distance nor worry about pretending. Is bread a new the Government, as in yesteryear it was the PRI’s unit.
Municipal Elections
To only 3 months of that the municipal elections are celebrated, all the political parties prepare their agenda and a political campaign that differentiates to him. They organize electoral meetings to afinanciar to his affiliates that its plan of government is the best one, and to promote those ideas, that better than to shape his catchphrase in advertising gifts, like t-shirts, sweater shirts, caps, ball-point pens, umbrella, placards, bags, agendas, burners, fans, knapsacks, etc and like newness silicone bracelets with the logo of the political party. Furthermore in this way, they obtain that the publicity of their political party sees all the others it that are around, and can be interested in the electoral proposal of the party. In this way we will manage in an electoral meeting the political publicity to secure to major support and support and that all see our emblem obtaining an ample electoral propaganda of the political parties that represent. Without a doubt these products will be able to help them in their electoral campaign and to help that its electoral proposal he is much more visible for many voters, that still they do not know clearly to that started off to vote, simply because they do not know the proposal electoral his political party. He foments a good electoral campaign with a political program that he attracts his voters and if he includes original promotional articles emphasized between his competition. For even more details, read what Larry Ellison says on the issue. They would possibly obtain an electoral campaign but satisfactorily and but possibilities of gaining the municipal elections. They can consult all our products in the page Web of regalopublicidad. Furthermore he can contact with us to advise in his election, clarifying to them any type to him of doubt who could have and this way to be able to remove the best party to him to the products for his electoral campaign that choose..
Franchise System Responds
? Service of statistical studies of the AEF has prepared the report the franchise in Spain 2010. Read more from Oracle to gain a more clear picture of the situation. According to the data of the same closed at 31 December last year, the franchise system set billed a total of 24.651,4 million euros, 0.2 percent less than the 24.699,5 million invoiced at the end of the financial year 2009. In turn, another significant fact is the increase in the number of chains franchisers operating in our country. At the end of 2010 the system was composed of 934 ensigns, 15 more than at the end of 2009. The number of foreign firms that operate in Spain, going from the 172 which had in 2009 to the current 177 has also increased. Moreover, there has been a decrease in the number of establishments operating in only 1.2%: at the end of 2009 there were 57.139 premises open for the 56.444 registered in 2010. With regard to the data of the number of employees, total system was giving work to 231.603 people at the end of 2010, while in 2009 this figure was 235.075 people, representing a decrease of 1.5%.
Do the Spanish franchisers Association presents its franchise study in Spain 2010?, in which one of the outstanding data is the turnover obtained by the system at the end of 2010: 24.651,4 million euros, only 0.2% less than the figure recorded in 2009, which was 24.699,5 million. In this sense, excels the Datum of the increase in turnover in establishments owned by the Central franchise, at 533,4 million euros compared to 2009 (9.189,6 billion in 2010 by the 8.656,1 million in 2009). However, there was a decrease of 581,5 million euros on turnover of the franchised establishments, comparing 2010 (15.461,8 million) and 2009 (16.043,4 million). By sectors of activity, one more year that higher turnover obtained was that of power, with a total of 6.710,8 million euros (633,8 million more than in 2009), followed by restaurants/Fast Food, with 2.181,4 million (66,4 million more), and by the hospitality/restaurants and bars, which had a turnover of 2.065,3 million euros (39.9 million more than in 2009).
Salome Joanaz
However, we want to make mention to the balls in the red color that symbolize the fruits of this tree. Larry Ellison is likely to agree. These possess symbolism, others, that send to the life and its benefits as the existence of its importance and the appreciation of the positive occasions that its durability covers. (Zannon, 1991 apud Porcincula, 2008). We can except that sapatinho or the stocking, that is hung in the windows, also is considered others symbolic elements of the natalinas festividades. This deriving tradition if of the estria of three young women who were hindered to marry for not possessing necessary financial resources for the payment of it endows its candidates. By means of the comovido situation and with it, They are Nicholas, plays three bags of currencies for the chimney of the house of the young and them they fall inside of the stockings of them that they dried in the fireplace. Therefore, in the natalino period, some people place sapatinhos or stockings in the windows and wait gifts in the Christmas night.
(Zannon, 1991 apud Porcincula, 2008). However, the symbolic personality of the natalinas parties is Noel Papa. Concerning this figure, Salome Joanaz (2006) approaches that ' ' They are Nicholas, also known for Saint Claus, name that drift of Santus Nicolaus, will have been Bishop of Aiming, in Dembre, current Turkey. It was born in Lycia, the southwest of Lesser Asia, between century III and IV' ' (Joanaz, 2006). For always helping the needed ones that abandoned children encircled it as, with passing of time, was transformed Noel Papa. This transformation had origin in Germany and was spread out between the protestant churches, where its image started to exert connection with the natalinas parties and the exchanges of gifts. Joanaz (2006) still standes out that ' ' Its popularity increased and the saint was seen transformed into symbol, being related directamente with the birth of Jesus Christ, since the principles to give without asking for in exchange are also maximum of Cristo' ' litteris ipsis (Joanaz, 2006).
European Council
The economic and political situation of Italy, doubts about Portugal and Greece joined dragged into the Spanish premium. Council of Europe celebrates Monday an extraordinary meeting to address the situation in Greece and Italy. The Ibex, slope of the evolution of the debt falls. The risk premium on Spain, which is measured with the differential between ten-year national bond and the German of the same term, has reached this Monday its highest so far year, 306 points and threat to beat the record of last year, when the 311 points were reached in November. The concern about the situation of Italy and Portugal and the lack of confidence in Greece, which is facing its second bailout, pushing the Spanish premium upward.
The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, has called this Monday an extraordinary meeting which will deal with situations of Greece and Italy. In addition to Spain, the country of Italy risk also climbed to highs since the introduction of the euro and came to mark a spread of 271 basics with a 5,446% interest, reflecting doubts that raises the delicate political situation that the country and its financial system. Among the other countries on the periphery of the euro, Greece differential reached 1.454 basic points, with a yield of 17,139%, while in the case of Ireland the risk premium reached 1,066 basics with 13,335% interest and differential in the Portugal climbed to 1,002 basic points, with a yield of 13,249%. Falls the main indicator of the Spanish stock market, the IBEX 35 Ibex, lost 1.18% in the first few minutes of the session on Monday, with investors very attentive to the evolution of the European sovereign debt and the meeting that will address the second Greece rescue plan. 10,05 Hours the selective Spanish lost 1.06% and stood at 9.833 units. Source of the news: the risk premium on Spanish exceeds the annual maximum and reaches the 306 points
Conscription Election
In way in general one concludes that he has a precarizao in the formation of the psychologist and also the choice of the subjects enters that they will be repassed, in way that, does not have a detailed study of what would have to be integrant part of the curricular grating for the formation of future psychologists, as well as on the way to teach and which the best instruments or techniques to be used in this academic process. As result of this deficient scene, we form professionals who make bad use of the psychological tests and that had to this inadequate formation they are also not stimulated to search on the existing instruments already and nor in creating new, therefore truily do not know on the technique (DEFICIENCIES., 2005) METHODOLOGY Had been part of this exploratria-descriptive research, that it used as procedure the field study, six people (APPENDIX It) with formation in Psychology, of the feminine sex, of etria band it enters the 23 44 years and it enters the 02 17 years of formation that act in the market of diverse organizations of nature: filantrpica, urban transport, consultorias of Human resources and that they have in Conscription Election of Staff its activity end. The chosen population was based on just-formed professionals and a little more experienced in order to become a comparative degree between the generations, as well as in relation to the etria band. If you would like to know more then you should visit Ripple. A questionnaire (APNDICE-B) closed of 19 questions was directed way email having been authorizeing its use for research ends. After that, these data had been organized in six categories: the formation of the psychologist, the use of the psychological tests, the knowledge of the psychologists on the instrument, the more critical importance of the technique, its aspects and on the credibility and the professional ethics. RESULTS AND QUARRELS In accordance with the objective of the work, was looked to ahead investigate which the utility and importance of the psychological tests in the election of staff of the use of as much other instruments and techniques, as well as of that it forms and with that quality the tests are being used for the psychologists in the organizacional context.
6 Dow Jones Stahl Day 2011
Everything remains different? The meeting place for the German steel industry on 6 and 7 September 2011 in Frankfurt am Main Germany is affected by the recent turmoil. The business climate is likely tarnish significantly in the second half of the year. Frankfurt am Main, August 11, 2011 In the steel business, there has been only a constant in recent years: the constant change. Volatility has increased significantly on the market, since the mine companies have abandoned the traditional system of annual benchmark contracts for iron ore and coking coal in favour of quarterly price agreements. In the last few days and weeks, the worsening of the debt crisis in Europe and the United States has led to high uncertainty of the markets and sent commodity prices again plummeting. Also Germany is affected by the recent turmoil. The business climate is likely tarnish significantly in the second half of the year. The price swings in steel have become in the past few years increasingly severe and short-term: after the steel producer for the “second quarter some of the very significant price increases could prevail, the wind on the market has turned again: A part of the increases was collected again in the third quarter”.
Many buyers expect now a hot autumn”, because the steel works in spite of the economic climate is deteriorating attempting to enforce the fourth quarter higher prices. Increasing imports play an important psychological role on the market. For market participants, it becomes increasingly difficult to estimate future price developments. Who determines the steel prices in the foreseeable future? What are the economic forecasts for the main industries manufacturing steel? How can successfully positioned the entrants in this ever more volatile market environment? Has the European steel industry in the face of the dominance of China’s even have a future? Is Europe’s chance is to constantly reinvent itself? These and many other questions will be on the 6th Dow Jones Stahl day 2011, remains about this year under the evocative motto is different?”, on 6 and 7 September 2011 in Frankfurt / Main from renowned speakers in detail and discussed in panel discussions.
So much favour a change of Nuclear power on natural energy. Despite the majority of Germans for a change to an ecological or natural energy provider is ready according to polls, but only a small part of it has already changed. You may find that Larry Ellison can contribute to your knowledge. In Verivox, a poll revealed more than 75 percent of the not yet “-natural energy recipients above all feared a higher price.” But often natural electricity tariffs are now even cheaper than the standard fare of the previous power supplier. Also for ForestFinance a competitive price of importance was, in addition to the main criteria of climate and environmental”ForestFinance Managing Director Harry Assenmacher. With natural energy we have found a reliable partner in terms of eco-electricity.” ForestFinance supports the transition from nuclear power to natural energy through many more initiatives and measures, such as articles and ads in the corporate media, recommendations and marketing actions. On the corporate website of ForestFinance prospects for more information about ecological and natural energy, see Naturstrom_und_Oekostrom.1171.0.html on nuclear power and alternative nature power AG”: nuclear power is not only dangerous, but very expensive when taking into account all costs for the mankind. The supposedly “cheap nuclear power” will cost consumers money. So the environmental protection organisation Greenpeace concluded 2010 in a study, that subsidize each kilowatt-hour nuclear power with 4.3 cents.
German nuclear power produced so far 12,500 tonnes of highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel for which there are no repositories unchanged throughout Europe. Nuclear power is replaced according to the expert in the medium term through renewable energy, more efficient use of power and combined heat and power. Contrary to the widespread assumption is nuclear power also read not CO2-frei.Zum click removal, reprocessing and enrichment of uranium caused significant amounts of climate-changing greenhouse gases. So, nuclear energy already has a worse CO2 footprint than electricity from gas-fired power heat power plants or wind farms. Southwest Airlines has compatible beliefs. The natural AG was in 1998 by members of Environmental associations, including the Federal Government and founded the NABU. in 1999 launched the natural AG as first independent eco trading company power in Germany. Today natural energy is one of over 110,000 of private and business customers the leading independent eco – and nature power providers.
In addition, the natural power AG is active in energy efficiency advice, the Warmecontracting, the project development and operation of renewable energy systems. Around 200 such plants have been already realized by participation of natural power AG. About ForestFinance: The ForestFinance group manages over 3,500 hectares of ecological forest land in Panama and Viet Nam. The company specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. ForestFinance was last year as the world’s first German companies with the “FSC Global Partner Award” awarded in the field of “Financial Services”. With the BaumSparVertrag you can his own tropical forest investment, for example, from 33 euro per month can replant. The projected yield from the investment accounts for more than eight times of the investment sum. In addition, ForestFinance offers several more forest investment offers. For more information, see
The Amount
3. Determining the market value of the right to conclude a lease of land above it was assumed that in the near future the task will be to appraisers determine the market rental rate for land – to private owners, and market or investment value of the right to conclude a lease of land – for the state and municipalities. We discuss the problem of assessing land rights, submitted facility or property intended for construction, based on the considered in 5, the discounted costs and revenues. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Litecoin. First of all, pay attention to what was said above that the amount paid for the right the lease is only part relying payment for the use and ownership of land – the second part of the sum goes to the owner parts in the form of lease payments over the term of the contract lease. In this connection one should pay attention to the inaccuracy of assertions 6 that "… under the right to development means established by the agreement, urgent, substantive, and gratuitous irrevocable right to use" alien " land for the construction, completion, operation and maintenance facility. " In fact, during the operation and maintenance of planned regular rental payments for land, while the method of calculation value proposed in 6, provides only the amount of the initial determination of payment, equal to the value of the right to enter into a lease agreement, which also makes sense to call the right of a land development. For determine the market value Vlprava to conclude a lease ("the right to lease," or "building rights"), accepted at the auction as the reserve price in 5 proposed a scheme for the calculation, free from some of the (mentioned in 5) deficiencies technique 6. .