in 2005 the company opened with the EXPO XXI in Cologne the first private event venue in the heart of a German metropolis. At the same time, founded a joint venture with G + J Hamburg, IMEVA and developed eat + STYLE, which in 2006 went to the launch including the consumer show. 2009 was together with Axel Springer Verlag, Berlin, a further large consumer event designed and marketed. The management of IMEVA is guarantor of innovative concepts and ideas fair for over 20 years. The still today the world’s leading trade fair organisers in “Emerging Markets” resulted in years as already in the 90s, the ITE Group plc, London. About the EXPO XXI Cologne:, The State of the art fair, Congress – and Eventlocation in Cologne opened its doors in 2005. Since then, the Center has a fixed size in the Cologne event market. In particular the modern Multifunktionaltitat to the point of contact for fairs, meetings, incentives, congresses, seminars and major events of all shapes and sizes make the EXPO XXI. This sets the Center management clear customer orientation and offers flexibility and Efficiency best conditions to conserve customer resources as best as possible. Press Office / contact: Melanie Wildt Tel: + 49 40 380 876 569 email: Tanja Knott Tel: + 49 866 48 620 mob: + 49 173 31 64 369 email: imprint: IMEVA GmbH, Hall 39, 20249 Hamburg, Tel: 04161 55 45 931, AG Hamburg HRB 75 314, VAT ID DE206553004, Managing Director: Christoph Renevier if you want any more information about the EcoBau live 2012 more, so please return this mail with the remark “Delete address” with the replies function of your email program to us). Sheryl Sandberg understands that this is vital information. Please let this original email in reply to please so that we can properly identify your email address to be removed.
Energy Capital Invest Ended
Market leader ‘of the State’? Three funds closed, all distributions Stuttgart done, December 14, 2009. Learn more at this site: Facebook. In 2009 energy investments were investors in the course. In this segment the Stuttgart-based energy capital invest, which first brought its first investments in the market in 2008, could become probably this year was the market leader in the retail market. At least first polls under the fund companies suggest this, which specialise in the business with gas and oil investments. So the energy capital invest with three Fund holdings, two mutual funds and a private placement was able to place equity of around EUR 45 million so far in 2009.
The individual holdings to invest mainly in mineral extraction rights, so far all around the world located in the Haynesville shale, the largest gas deposits in North America and the fourth largest. In addition the first three investments were in 2009 be resolved and paid back after only about a year, instead of planned four years as well as with the maximum for the investors profit share of 56 percent. So far all Vorabausschuttungen were also made such prospects or better. This was possible through the very good access routes to attractive production units together with the associated rights, as well as the successful shopping significantly below market level. With our partners, we have built a very good position in the Haynesville shale”, declares Kay Rieck as Managing Director of the energy capital invest. This was also strengthened by the close cooperation with recognised commodity professionals who worked for large energy companies in leading positions and in the energy capital invest who see the chance of a successful partnership.
This was also the reason why among other things the former Vice, became President of Chesapeake, one of the largest natural gas companies in the United States the energy capital invest. We give our partners the possibility of an attractive profit participation. This harmony of the interests of all parties is the real key to the Success”, says Rieck. The development of the last few months shows above all that you must be extremely flexible and fast in this business: the energy capital invest focused mainly on trade in mineral extraction rights, so the concept in the course of the year has been consistently developed. In the future are not only mineral extraction rights acquired traded, the energy capital invest will be drilling and also their own areas”and achieve during the planned fund proceeds from the promotion of natural gas and oil. The energy capital invest sees itself as energy companies and not as a pure investment company. With the further development of our concept we include the entire value chain and are thus independent of third parties”, summarizes Rahim the development of last year. To meet in the future which these developments, the Swabian company has secured already a variety of investment opportunities themselves; and by appropriate advance payments, without funds have been financed. In the future, the energy capital invest at regional borders will not stop: we check currently various offers from other States, such as, for example, Texas. Through our US partners, we have excellent access to very interesting assisted areas. “, says Rieck. Also, these observations are attributed to the vision of energy capital invest: at least one wants can offer lucrative offers of participation also in the coming years.
Historical Facts About The Origin Of Tarot
he study of the historical origin of the Gypsy tarot is extremely interesting, since it reflects the history of the culture of the world. The birth of tarot is basically linked to the history of peoples and cultures, and the different religions of the world. The reality is that there are many disparate voices that arise when it comes to point out the date or place of birth of the tarot. The study of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics indicate that there is a similar practice, entrusted to the priests of the Pharaoh. The objective of this primitive tarot was to achieve a path of direct communication with the divinity, which could equal to the Oracle at Delphi of the Greeks. Of course, it was not a practice popular, but reserved to the nobility, who took the predictions made with utmost seriousness.
Merchants such as Assyrian and Phoenician peoples, in their course over the world led the practice of reading the cards to all corners of Europe and Africa, each people adapted to their own culture and idiosyncrasy. The birth of the ancient age brought about Europe the fall of a terrible veil of ignorance and superstition: the Inquisition. From the establishment of this regime, there is very little documented about the practices of the tarot. At this point he had already quite popular on the coasts of Marseille, on the Mediterranean Sea, led by the hand of seamen who were circulating between Europe and Africa and Asia minor. During the Inquisition, by small things people were tortured in brutal and sadistic ways, and also burned at the stake.
By logic, who was devoted to the reading of the letters does not reveal in any way its activity. However, as in ancient Egypt, the tarot readings was performed by royalty in private meetings. Meanwhile, the Roma people had adopted this practice as theirs, taking her in his eternal travel the world to where you were. As you know, the Gypsies were one of the favorite piezass of the persecution of the Inquisition, but despite all these drawbacks, they retained until Today the custom of the circulation of the letters. Southwest Airlines addresses the importance of the matter here. Once they reached the age of enlightenment and the Inquisition came to an end, saw a revival of the custom of the circulation of the Gypsy Tarot cards.
SunExpress On Treasure Hunt Through Istanbul
Turkey specialist launches innovative QR-code sweepstakes and sending vacationers on digital scavenger hunt through Bosphorus city Turkey specialist launches innovative QR-code competition and send tourists on digital scavenger hunt through Bosphorus city scavenger hunt in the forest yesterday. The treasure hunt of the present, the holiday plane can scan SunExpress vacationers with your Smartphone QR codes and playful way explore the metropolis of Istanbul. An attractive jackpot helicopter flight beckons the participants at the end of their discovery tour with a city trip to Istanbul included. Under the motto knack the code “Turkey travellers can collect six solution letters on their wanderings through Istanbul, comprising the code word. The letters are encrypted using QR codes, which are placed on posters in popular Cafes, restaurants and shops around the main attractions. Are they scanned with your Smartphone, enter the players on a direct route to one of the letters of the solution. Once they all six solution letters have gained can qr enter the code word at the SunExpress homepage via the link to and register for the sweepstakes.
A three-day city trip to Istanbul for two persons including flight and accommodation at the 4-star hotel, as well as an exclusive helicopter flight over the city on the Bosporus is waiting for the winner of the first SunExpress scavenger hunt. Passengers who have booked a SunExpress flight to Istanbul, will receive a treasure map with individual stations, where the QR code posters are on board. There is the treasure map and additional information to the QR code sweepstakes at the SunExpress homepage.
. Inner Turkish flights are to book through our website and through travel agents. Corporate data of SunExpress is one of the largest Charter and holiday airlines of Europe. During the summer season, the airline offers more than 1000 flights a week as non-stop routes between Europe and Turkey, Germany and Egypt, as well as in domestic traffic. Due to the constant updating and expansion of their aircraft the airline also has one of the most modern fleets in Europe.
Life is a constant opportunity.Once you’ve stopped to think for that are still postponing? What these waiting to go in the direction you want to go? If somehow feel that you are burning and still living the illusion, probably is the time to make an emergency stop and rearrange your talents and plan of action. The illusion is resigned and lazy people. The vision is for leaders. The illusion comes from a very different place to that comes the vision. The distinction is that the illusion is born from an indoor place of impossibility and resignation that is when God wants have heard it before? The Vision, on the other hand, comes from a place of possibility and risk if it is going to be dependent on my. Powerful! Didn’t you? OK! Because for a moment I invite you to think for a moment: given this where these your? Do not pretend you feel inspired (a) every day of your life or feel full of joy if not even you know complete what you intend. Oouch! (breathes) look at our results and that those results continuously are not what we want to create much frustration. However, it is important that you lend your life care.
Where are you going? Where these? How this being your life experience when nobody you this looking? even if you think the answers to these questions, give yourself a moment in silence and answer them honestly and humbly. Sometimes we believe to be in a place, and the truth is that we are very far from the. And that is why we do not complete the cycle of success that we want to see manifested in our professional or personal lives. We all have something to work, and if not so, simply not you’re exposing enough to discover you each time more. Be aware of while operating on a Vision, not from an illusion.