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Metal – a policeman, judge, counsel, and any profession where there is direct contact with metal, such as an auto mechanic. Water – actor, singer, dancer, television or radio host, a sailor. Your child's hobbies. So, on the basis described above, you can determine the useful element for your child. This will help you understand which section is it to send than to take it free from school (or kindergarten) time. Below is a list of occupations and their corresponding elements: Here short list of professions that can select the children and the elements to which these professions are: Wood – drawing, design, modeling, gymnastics, as well as all the classes, where there is direct contact with the tree. Fire – martial arts (especially eastern), amateur radio, computers. All that is directly connected with the work of thought, generate ideas and humor.

Soil – collecting, working with clay, ceramics, stone. Metal – figure skating, auto and motorcycles, military and historical circles, as well as all the classes, which require discipline and coherence, organizational skills. Water – a dance studio, choir, music school, drama studio. Vocational guidance for your child. When it comes time to choose a college, determined their future profession, there are two versions of events. The first situation: Your child at this age is very decided on how he sees the future, what he wants to be. And even if you think he chose the 'wrong' career, the most valuable thing you can give your child at this point – it's free choice and self-determination.

Perhaps then he will decide what to do with something else, but he was no one to blame for irregularities of their choice. This will give your mind greater autonomy and respect for their parents. The second situation: many 16-17 year to be very difficult to understand what exactly is your vocation, which wants to devote his life. Therefore, your child may be at a loss and do not know what profession to choose. In this case, you'd better refer to his observations about what elements are useful to him and on this basis to help him. Here is a list of occupations and their corresponding elements: Wood – an artist, writer, director, poet, designer, designer, photographer, sculptor woodwork, designer, chef, teacher, junior doctor, a restaurateur, a veterinarian. Fire – programmer, engineer, scientist, researcher, analyst, pilot, a chemist, and as a profession directly related to the fire. Soil – Agriculture agriculture, insurance, activities related to storage, warehousing anything. Metal – law and advocacy, all power, power and administrative structures, financier, bank clerk, cashier, mechanic. Water – a specialist in advertising, communications, public relations, tourism, television and radio presenter, actor, musician, translator, tour guide, a stockbroker. I sincerely wish you to you and your child lived not only in harmony with the environment, but also with each other! Anna Novinskaya, a leading expert Feng Shui Centre 'New Wind'


You deserve to feel great – and a reward system. And some people are feeling the pain – it is a punishment system. We do not follow our rules, we do not follow our own values, not living according to our standards of living. And we are also giving yourself the pain, bury themselves in a trap, because we want to avoid pain. But I believe that strong negative emotions, positive meaning. Negative emotions – it signals that the change was necessary. Let's think about such emotions as fear, that people are trying to avoid hard, because it is very painful.

Or other emotions such as anxiety or excitement. When you feel these emotions – they give you a signal instead of using a signal you should hear his signal and ispolzovat.Naprimer fear means that you should be prepared and be ready. This is a very valuable signal to your body – that is the reason she tells you that something new will come in the future and must be prepared to deal with it. This is a very important information, do not deny it or ignore it – we may find ourselves in a difficult situation – emotionally, physically, financially, in relationships, they do not want to feel the fear that the relationship can fall apart – they want everything to be perfect. That you once did not come to that point and only then realized that the relationship has zakonchilis.Tebe signal is given. I want you to be sure that emotions serve you. I think you have to realize – any emotion is a message to you.

And what you need to do – is not to ignore or avoid her, do not give yourself to fall into this state. Rasspoznat need this message, this call to action. And begin to act. And change lives for the better. So I want you now thinking, what they tell you your past negative emotions. Remember, they have important meaning. And an important message. Rasspoznay it and begin to change lives for the better. And live in pleasure. Yours sincerely Sergei aka Avening-angel. Training on seduction


Rebates of certain kinds are offered by the income tax department. People who earn through business or services should have clear idea about this. Income tax return for every fiscal year is to be submitted in every year, and that too within a date pre-scheduled by the government. Income tax of an individual is assessed on the basis of her / his total income of the previous year. Income tax refers to on the amount collected by the government of all countries from the earning people. It is mandatory for the citizens to submit the income tax return within the stipulated date of every year, and non – submission of it is tantamount to violation of the law of the land which is a punishable offence. Income tax paid by the citizens is a source of earning for the government which it needs for running the administration and for continuing the welfare activities in the country.

Why then income tax rebate tips are important? Citizens should know that there are available options which help them saving a part of their annual earning. Everyone cannot always manage his/her finance properly, but the basic part about income tax rebate tips has relation with one’s ability to maintain pertinent documents which reflect his/her annual earning and spending. The earning individual must keep these documents unless which it is difficult or it is not possible to assess what extent of income tax return may be available to him / her. He / she should contact on expert income tax consultant of his/her region keeping in mind that the consultant has basic and latest information about income tax rebate tips. The consultant will study his/her documents of receipts and payments of the previous year and will assess the maximum available rebates. The earning individual should have primary knowledge in mathematics. He / she must check the return statement twice before submission.

He / she must put his/her signature on all the documents. Another point in the income tax rebate tips is for the husband and wife earn both of who do. When husband and wife in a family are to submit the income tax return, they should work jointly and should jointly submit the income tax return. It help want them saving a few cents or earning good rebate. People should bear in mind that there are provisions for income tax rebates for the following cases: some percentage of the educational expenditure (especially for the people who have school/college/varsity going children) is exempted from the income tax. Some part of medical spending (especially for healthcare/dental insurance) is so exempted. Some kinds of charitable donations are so set aside when income tax is assessed. Jackson mark is financial expert of income tax return rebate tips. For more information about income tax tips, tax return tips visit

POS Eagle

The ships of owned and operated by Eagle ships are a POS system for restaurants, shops, and tickets on Sylt, the Kiel Canal, in Wismar, on North Beach and Usedom after Poland on the road. So that the guests experience a good ride, the excursion boats offer comfortable surroundings and friendly in-flight service with restaurant and shopping options. Since March, 2011 it is full speed Eagle ships ahead for the POS software The solution is used in the catering industry as well as in the onboard shops and ticket sales. The POS terminal is with peripherals such as customer display, receipt printer, bar code scanner and partial waiter lock. As some ships go to Poland, Polish fiscal printers are also used. All funds are online connected to a central server via UMTS. So, the ships at the pier, as well as at sea can transfer their data in the network of Eagle ships.

The Central Server passes the data to the merchandise management and ensuring that goods at the right time be refilled if the ship at the pier. For a connection failure, continue the coffers in the offline mode and are thus readily available. The table is operated with handhelds running the TCPOS functionalities. Orders are sent quickly from the table in the kitchen and speed up the settlement. The handhelds are connected to the POS terminal via Wi-Fi. They have easy to use surfaces that have been preconfigured in the headquarters.

The ticket sale is on the same wavelength. So the passengers can buy their tickets from an employee with handheld. Via a Bluetooth printer that is attached to the belt of the employee, is printed the ticket immediately. On board our ships are planned down to the last detail”the processes, explains Tobias Lagmoller, sales manager at Eagle ships. A central system that is reliable and is working properly in heavy seas and large guest attendance is very important for us”, so Lagmoller next. The functionality of TCPOS in implementation of the requirements of our various applications supports our processes shop, catering and ticketing in an ideal way.”

BBs Credit

The free credit monitoring is based on certain mathematical parameter, called the credit scores. If your score is really poor of credit, the more difficult it would be to obtain the credited sum back. Credit monitoring is the statement declared by the of the region regulatory officials, to explain credit trustworthiness of on organization or individual. This statement concerns the previous credit status and the current monetary status, to rank the credit trustworthiness. This is performed to control the likely fraud as well as the transformation in the fiscal status. The free credit monitoring is based on certain mathematical parameter, called the credit scores. If your score is really poor of credit, the more difficult it would be to obtain the credited sum back.

The process is performed by three major credit bureaus. Nevertheless, internet facilities are out there to obtain out of batch ratings from any of these monitoring services. free credit monitoring agencies let you to check your financial statement by simply putting your login ID or email address from any of the 3 monitoring agencies. The reason why you should check your statements is difficult due to that it will assist you in maintaining track of your credit status. If anything strange is noticed, it is reported quickly to the customer to make the preventive measures. Since, it is not always attainable to keep the credit monitoring and credit status on a day to day basis by physical verification, so one can depend on online service.

The credit scores are vital for both long term and short term credit. One can search for a big sum to fulfill the urgency. A poor score can destroy the chance to get future loan approved. In this scenario, the assistance from the free credit monitoring services serves the purpose. They, with a deep monitoring on the customer BBs monetary standard, produce the financial statement. The make worthy advices as well as to fix the score. The online free credit monitoring services in some situation work on behalf of their customers as well. As we all know, the credit monitoring needs the secret of monetary information of the customer like the account identity. Once they are provided through the internet, there is even chance to get the information by illegally hacked users. The credit monitoring service, in this regard work as a safeguard for the customer to keep the secrecy of the information, as a part of the service. On improved credit can score be attained only be efficiently crafting the credit accounts. Alice Marlen is author of free credit report No. Fee.

Professional Association

The gds AG, full service provider and software developer for the technical documentation with its headquarters in the Westphalian Sassenberg, looks back with satisfaction on the past financial year. Sassenberg, March 13, 2012. Attracting new customers and partners in the area of translations and editorial services was very successful. At the same time existing business relations could be further strengthened and expanded, so that the gds AG in fiscal year 2011 surpassed the already very successful fiscal year 2010 with sales growth of over 20%. In the central area of software and software-related services, the developer of the editing environment has docuglobe his goals here and even significantly exceeded sales growth of nearly 50% can post. As many interested parties as never had of gds AG placed its trust in the year 2011 and opted for the editorial environment docuglobe.

With the ever growing customer base, the gds AG expanded at the same time their international contacts. In addition to the Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium made the service provider-new connections to Portugal, France, Great Britain and Poland. But in this country among the visitors at the trade fairs and the successful expansion of the gds contacts to high and colleges, clubs and associations provoked great satisfaction”, says Ulrich Pelster, CEO of gds AG. Another highlight was for us in October 2011 the same triple Award with the by the Professional Association for technical communication tekom e. dokupreis V. “, so Pelster. The success of the last year can be measured also in the significant growth of the workforce. The service providers with new jobs and additional locations clearly opts for further growth.

Global document solutions: clients of gds AG use a variety of solutions for technical documentation. As a software developer the environment sells gds docuglobe, who works with MS Word as editor. Based on the principle of the modularization docuglobe demonstrably lowers the cost of product-related documents by 30-70%. With the terminology tool docuterm gds offers a solution to ensure consistent naming. In the service sector documate customers take advantage of complex services: translation, technical writing and graphics. By the outsourcing of small documentation projects to full outsourcing of technical documentation. Last but not least, customers reduce their liability risk in this sensitive area by documate. The offer is rounded off by docuconsult, the Department of analysis, advice, training, workshops and seminars, each with a focus on current developments and trends in the technical documentation.


A delivery service for drinks can ensure that the Office staff is not hot. To deliver drinks directly to the Office itself, this is a wonderful opportunity to save time and nerves. Often, we get excellent service and that without a special delivery charge or huge surcharges? There are such deals mainly in big cities, so that you can browse Hamburg for example looking for a beverage delivery service and encounters numerous good deals. In principle, the delivery to the Office as well as a delivery free works House in own home. It is important, among other things, how many boxes you ordered. Often, it must be at least three boxes for the delivery can be made without any special additional costs so cheap. In this case delivery can be very quickly and easily either immediately or else equal as a rush order on the next working day directly to the Office.

If one puts it in the company even on five cases, the delivery even on company invoice can be what may prove as fiscally very beneficial. A particularly practical and in addition free of charge offered services may be the return of empties, which is immediately picked up and disposed of. So you must contend in the company not with annoying empties, which stands in the way around by itself but not disposed. Sometimes this offer that the supplier also takes the empties, applies even if you’re still old empties of an other, previous supplier in the Office had. Exciting the way can still be for interested companies, that there are also rental glasses and provide for larger parties or other occasions with increased drink consumption of liquid goods on Commission can be. So, the Office facilitated as well as larger conferences and ceremonies. Under these circumstances, have no one to forgo actually more the beverage supply in the Office, but can enjoy this service for its drinks.


Apprenticeships by almost 25 percent boosted the importance for the company of the education and training proves ebm-papst with the increase in the offer of study and training courses by almost 25 percent. So, 84 young people at the German sites in Mulfingen (48 trainees), Landshut (16) and St. Georgen and Herbolzheim (20) began their training on September 1. Last year, there were 68. Overall, the fan specialist educates in 17 industrial and commercial professions.

The takeover in a solid working relationship after completion of training is a stated goal since training at ebm-papst. In many cases it is accompanied by a subsequent continued employment. Applications for an education in the years 2012 continues to accept the training departments. Bernd Ludwig, head of training at the site in Mulfingen, advises interested young people to not hold the high number of applicants. The inner drive of the applicant interested in more than the grade point average. Social skills and a practical Understanding are very important to us.” Headquartered in Mulfingen even 60 studies and training courses are offered for the start of training 2012 due to the double Abitur year. About the training at ebm-papst at the main plant in Mulfingen, ebm-papst educates 17 commercial technical and commercial occupations and dual degree programs with 6 trainers.

Among other things, the practical training in a modern-equipped training workshop for the mechanics and electrical engineering sectors is realized. The takeover in a solid working relationship after completion of training is since the training goal of ebm-papst. Press contact Hauke Hannig spokesman ebm – papst group of companies phone +49(0) 7938 / 81-7105 fax +49(0) 7938 / 81 97105 mobile +49(0) 171 / 36 24 067 about ebm-papst the ebm-papst group is the world’s leading manufacturer of fans and motors and is pacing the high efficiency EC technology. That scored in the last fiscal year 10/11 Companies with a turnover of over 1.3 billion. ebm-papst has 17 production sites (e.g. in Germany, China, United States) and 57 sales locations worldwide more than 11,000 employees. Fans and motors of the world leader can be found, e.g. in ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment, household appliances, heating technology, IT and telecommunications, for applications in the passenger car and commercial vehicle engineering in many industries.

Credit Rating

Hennefer group of IT companies in the ‘top-rated 2011 Hoppenstedt CreditCheck’ Hennef awarded for excellent creditworthiness, October 7, 2011. Further details can be found at Southwest Airlines, an internet resource. A top rating in the credit rating independent rating agency Hoppenstedt kreditinformationen GmbH has awarded the CONET technologies AG for excellent creditworthiness. Credit index 1.7, Hennefer IT group segments among the top rated companies of in Germany. For more information see this site: cloud computing. Only 3.3 per cent received by over 4.5 million German enterprises Hoppenstedt CreditCheck listed the top-rating certificate for 2011 we are proud of this award, because it shows once again that we have embarked on the right track over the past years and put on the development of the Group on a solid operational and financial base. CONET thus implements the requirements of the market, its customers, employees and shareholders on a safe and high quality level and is a trusted and long term. reliable partner”, stresses Wilfried Putz, Chief Financial Officer of the CONET technologies AG.

Hoppenstedt kreditinformationen GmbH has evaluated the companies on a scale of 1 to 6 in the area of credit. The CreditCheck credit index annually created by Hoppenstedt credit information is as one of the most important and most reliable indicator for the solidity and economic power by German companies. Into the risk assessment not only all important demographic and financial data of the company with a, but also total about 650 million payment history data. Currently, the index recorded 4.5 million companies nationwide. The CONET group the CONET group is the reliable companion for their customers in an economically successful future for IT. The CONET technologies AG is the holding company of the embossed medium-sized company group and coordinates the central tasks of the group in the areas of human resources, communications, procurement, infrastructure and finance. The operational business of the group is in the Subsidiaries located: Hennefer CONET Solutions GmbH offers its clients since 1987 and with approximately 200 employees solutions in the fields of software engineering, communications and IT infrastructure.

The CONET business consultants GmbH focuses on SAP consulting and process management system and bundles the expertise of some 130 SAP consultants. ACCELSIS technologies GmbH from Munich strengthens the CONET competence particularly in the field of portal, Web and SOA solutions. The Frankfurter CONET Services AG is specialized on consulting, installation and operation of IT solutions that are tailored to the needs of financial service providers. With approximately 400 employees at eleven locations in Germany, CONET expects sales of approximately EUR 60 million for the current fiscal year.

Federal District

Moreover, it is important to point out that the expenses tributaries of the government are related to the specific action (excepting the cases of the Union, States and Cities) and not ace entities. Difference between Immunity and Exemption Tax ' ' expenses tributrios' ' , treated in previous topic, they will appear in the legislation Brazilian tax as ' ' immunities or isenes' '. Many are the maken a mistake consideraes that define the two situations as equal, however, a good definition of the subjects in prominence is of basic importance to know which the duties and obligations of each institution. Then the immunity definition is determined by the Federal Constitution, through article 150, interpolated proposition VI, alneas ' ' b and c' ' , I contend the following writing: : ' ' Without damage of other guarantees assured to the contributor, it is forbidden To the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Cities, (…), to institute taxes on: ) Patrimony, income or services ones of the others; b) temples of any cult; c) patrimony, income or services of the political parties, also its foundations, of the syndical entities of the workers, the institutions of education and social assistance, without lucrative ends, taken care of the requirements of lei.' ' In other words, immunity tax is the fiscal resignation or prohibition of collection of tribute established in constitutional headquarters. Of one it forms generic, it occurs when the constitutional rule hinders the incidence of the rule of law of taxation, creating a public law to demand that the State if abstains to charge tributes. Soon, what it is immune cannot be taxed for ability absence tax for in such a way. On the other hand, the Exemption is determined by Law. Conceptually it is determined for the legal dismissal of the payment of tributes. One notices that, as is determined by Law, it can be revoked by another complementary law.