“A Harry Aboagye, Managing Director of the Bonner party sustainable forest investments is merger of companies and executives for eco-social market economy ForestFinance, has been in the Senate of the economy” appointed. I am pleased about the appointment to an organisation whose principles and objectives I fully share”emphasizes Assenmacher. The Senate of the economy global economic network section Germany – Senate e.V. is a voluntary association of entrepreneurs and senior executives from business, science, society and culture, who have called for a public policy advice. The Senate of the economy is an official partner of the UN World Trade Point Federation (WTPF) based in Geneva and is committed to the goals of the United Nations with all of their subsidiary bodies, the World Trade Point Federation, the global compact, as well as the code of ethics of the Association of ethics der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.. The Senate of the economic figures of the economy and society consists of, the as a global eco-social market economy based on the principles of humanitarianism and sustainability, as well as better design of world economic processes have common objectives. Environmental sustainability to the preservation of man, nature and the environment for future generations, as well as social sustainability in terms of a sustainable, liveable society are more goals by the Senate of the economy. Senate Office is located in the Federal House”in Bonn.
More info on the Senate of the economy”, see. Senate-the-economy portrait Harry Assenmacher .de: Harry Assenmacher developed since the 1990s forest investment products. These activities were introduced in 2005 Group in the ForestFinance GmbH and today’s ForestFinance, whose Managing Director since then is he. Assenmacher acts for several decades, actively and forming in ecological matters. Harry Assenmacher worked as a journalist and writer for various print, among others for the newspaper, Hamburger Morgenpost, Star, or that oko Test magazine, in which he was also involved.
From 1987 to 1993, Harry Aboagye was Managing Director of the alternative”transport Club of Germany (VCD). Following, Assenmacher has continued his professional involvement in the environmental field as CEO of nature & environment GmbH of the environmental Association B.U.N.D e.V. (Bund fur Umwelt und Naturschutz in Germany). In 2000, Harry Assenmacher headed the marketing of the Securvita group in Hamburg. A short time later was Assenmacher Board the Securvita Holding AG, which offers alternative insurance and financial models. The Securvita Holding AG has developed among the known eco-equity fund of GreenEffects and managed the highly successful nature stock index”(NAI). “Harry Aboagye, justified his long-standing professional commitment in the environmental field the also in 1998 the non-profit CO2OL Association for the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere e. V.” has established, so: do something, what is good and useful, what a pleasure and not just Pastime remains it better what can give?” Through the forest investment provider ForestFinance: The Bonn ForestFinance Group on sustainable forestry investments specialises in linking a lucrative return on investment with environmental and social sustainability. The company serves about 3,500 hectares of sustainably managed forest in Panama and Viet Nam. “” ForestFinance received in the last year as the world’s first German company the FSC Global Partner Award “in the field of financial services”. The company offers a variety of sustainable participation. A your own newly created tropical forest 33 euros monthly possible has the “BaumSparVertrag”. The WaldSparBuch”offers 1,000 m2 of forest investment with buy-back guarantee. Annual income offer CacaoInvest”- an investment in organic cocoa and wood – and GreenAcacia”, which has only seven-year run.