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Financial Markets Inflation

Selfishness and heteronomy in financial markets politicians complain about their own helplessness against the financial markets. Behind this symptom of the disintegration of the bourgeois world with its classic subject increasingly experiencing its acceleration in postmodernism. The old, traditional structures and consequently experienced a functions of many institutions are no longer effective. It would be a much-needed task of science to develop for the future neuburgerliche world new structures”with the living subject would be appropriate (see: PAL Dragos: capital in the case of State – deflation and inflation). Sexuality and selfishness in the world of finance governing structure replacement currently.

Many investors try to hedge their savings with real estate and property against rising inflation. It is overlooked that we are in a phase of increasing deflationary development. The egoism of the most investors seeking speculation opportunities with promises of high interest. In the real economy that leaves this less and less capital. The ECB tries to control with cheap money against it. This compensatory measure is still no turnaround to the inflation. On the contrary, it will increase significantly the tendency of deflation in the next few years until the collapse of the euro zone. Martina money more wrote: the best investment of the world the cost of average strategy “, Norderstedt, 2008.” More info under: PAL Dragos wrote to the structural problems of the financial markets: capital in the case of State – deflation and inflation Norderstedt, 2009 free excerpts at:

Disability Insurance

The winner of the occupational disability insurance 2012 are expected. Test winner Berusfunfahigkeitsversicherung Foundation were test 2011 last year were in the summer again by the tester by Stiftung Warentest examines disability insurance. Stiftung Warentest belongs to the most prestigious rating agencies in Germany and enjoys a very high level of confidence among consumers. In the last disability insurance several tariffs of different insurance companies were distinguished test with very good test results. BU test winner of 2011 was a collective of the AachenMunchener (SBU BU F/M), which achieved a total score of 0.7 and total could received the rating “very good”.

BU test 2011: 10 tariffs with “very good” award in addition to the BU test winner SBU BU were nine more disability insurance that convince Tester by Stiftung Warentest F/M of the AachenMunchener and received the best grade “very good”. Overall, this BU reached provider but “only” an overall rating of 0.9, which they beat not the test winner could. Were the runners up in the test: disability insurance the HanseMerkur disability insurance the HUK24 professional impotence insurance the HUK-Coburg professional impotence insurance the generali professional impotence insurance of the public Oldenburg disability insurance the provincial Rhineland disability insurance of Hannover life disability insurance the VHV professional impotence insurance of the VGH total the above BU could test winner convince the editors by Finanztest especially by a good price-performance ratio. A man thirty years was chosen as sample customers for the BU fares. Disability insurance test: eco 2012 even the renowned rating agency oko-Test has already 2012 the occupational disability insurance test and test winner could determine any real BU. Although the price performance ratios of surveyed BU tariffs agreed mostly, however, there were many complications in the admission criteria and tested customers had to spite small pre-existing conditions which is not negatively impacted by increased likelihood of disability, to be classified in a worse rate. Disability insurance test for students and trainees this year were already the disability insurance named test winner Stiftung Warentest for students and trainees.

A total of 25 policies for young adults were tested this. The consumer magazine pointed out the importance of a BU-insurance and the fact that this as early as possible should be completed, to insure their own labor power. This is important, especially for young workers as they have no legal right to a disability pension in the first years. They would pay 1/3 of the old Nettolohns monthly in the event of occupational disability. Whether that’s enough to life, every man for himself must determine. A private pension is very important so the professionals by Stiftung Warentest. In Germany, every fourth gainfully employed before the age of retirement is berufsunfahig.

Payday Loans

the payable funding to their bank address directly. The loan amount is secured by the borrowers within 24 hours after the loan is sanctioned by the finance providers. No. credit check laptop financing come as to amount as decided by the lenders. The amount is fixed on the basis of the financial status of the loan seekers. The lenders try to assess what amount of loan the applicant is in a state to pay back. No. credit check laptop financing is advanced in two standard: secured and unsecured.

The finance seekers who apply for no credit check laptop financing in secured form are to produce some property of worth which the lenders would use as a guarantee. The lenders have the right to grab the said property if they do not get back, for whatever is the reason(s), their investment within the stipulated time. It is a fact that terms and condition for this child of finance are reasonable and lenient. On the other hand, no credit check laptop finance in unsecured form is free from collateral. This child of loan is available to good and homeowners. It should be borne in mind that the calendar charge the interest at comparatively high Council. Simon Ray is financial advisor of cash Advance loans Canada.

German Financial Resources

DFK German financial resources AG since 2005 made dividend by 7 per cent for profit participation certificates each year Kaltenkirchen June 2013. The DFK German financial resources AG concluded the year 2012 to the repeated time with a payout of 7% for profit participation certificates. Thus, Kaltenkirchener financial services continues his successful series begun in 2005. And that shows during the curve of interest rates for day – and fixed-term deposit accounts since last year continuously down. The DFK profits for profit participation certificates were from 2005 to 2012 each year continuously at 7%.

In addition to the beneficiary with an attractive interest rate, the DFK German financial resources AG markets self-developed supply concepts like income properties to the pension. The recipe for success of the Kaltenkirchener financial lies in the broad-based financial concept consisting of from investments, real estate and insurance, and its consistent implementation. Also the DFK German financial resources AG offers its customers guarantees such as a provision of the profit of over 700,000 euros, one of the main risks of participatory rights the insolvency of the issuer is covered by that. The DFK provides further information under. Beneficiary of DFK German financial resources AG: an example of calculation especially given weak interest income on bank accounts worth an investment in certificates.

Following example invoice illustrates this: who invested 10,000 euros in profit participation certificates of the DFK, has achieved a profit of 700 euros in the first year and would accumulate after 25 years so the end of the term 54.274 euro. Would the money on a day money account has been created, the amount to 150 euros would much more modest in the first year (at the current rate of 1.5%). Investors can already draw beneficiary of DFK German financial resources AG from a monthly rates deposit of 100 euro. The DFK is well equipped with a wide portfolio and profit provision is the 7 percent dividend to our investors for me personally not only a Promise, but above all a duty.